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Who would you like to meet?

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Here's a question for you guys, and gals:

Who would you like to meet in the Model Car hobby, who is still around today?

This question is geared to the "old timers" of the hobby, those who were around when the hobby was in it's youth, and the youth is what the hobby was all about.

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The list can be extensive but mostly of current builders.

Is Gerald Wingrove still around? I have his book (Complete Car Modeller) and it is inspiring.


You've had the pleasure of meeting one of the two people I wanna meet besides Peterson.

The other is George Bojackiuk and I just know I've assinated the spelling of your family name George. Please excuse me. I'm not fully caffeinated yet. :D

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Well, since they were mentioned, I've met George several times, and he's as nice a guy as you'd ever hope to meet. I've also met Jungle Pam who, for a woman of maturity well beyond the 70's magazine photos you've all got engrained in your minds, still has something about her, and is a very energetic and positive personality. Both of them are the kinds of folks you wouldn't mind hanging out with socially.

I've also met Bill Geary, Lyle Willits, Larry Booth and a ton of other great personalities in the hobby, just by joining a model club or two. Good guys all, and many of them have tried my (in)famous chili and lived to regret it...

I see hardly anybody (your check is in the mail, John) mentioned me, :shock: and I guess I can come to terms with my feelings of rejection, even if just by weeping uncontrollably, curled up in a corner in a fetal position. Maybe if I'd finish a T-Bolt, things would be different.

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yeah i would like to meet juha airo. he creates some very nice stuff seemingly out of thin air.

one guy i really wished i had met was augie hiscano or even seen some of his cars in person.

i met mark gustavenson (sp) at the slc museum once. nice guy but im not showing him any of *my* builds!

ed roth was one guy i met when i was a kid and sort of stayed in touch with over the years, on and off anyway, but esp once he moved to utah.

i would like to meet gregg and jairus one of these days! i saw gregg at a NNL west one time but he didnt look like he wanted to talk so i didnt intro myself.

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I WANT TO MEET EVERYONE!!!!! But if I only had a choice of a few it would have to be Mark Gustavson and Ken Hamilton. Mark (he gets mad when you call him Mr.Gustavson!! :D ) has been with me from the begining of my building on the pages of varius magazines. You could say I kinda "grew" up with him. I would love to spend some time with Ken Hamilton and see his builds live and in person. His work always leaves me speachless and is a huge inspiration!!! KT

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Wow! I'm touched. My wife says that a lot, too. Hey, anytime you are in the PA area, call and stop by. Unless you prove to be a whacko, the door is always open. Peterson has had an open invite for over a year now....I guess he's afraid he'll never leave my shop. That or my talk about Ben Hur on DVD has him scared.

I've met some petty cool people thru this hobby and thru my work. The best story I have is when I just went to Barrett-Jackson. Tom Long, owner of GMP was talking to an older guy and he interrupted his conversation to greet me. I had just arrived and his wife picked me up at the airport. He gave me a big "man-hug" and then introduced me to the older guy.....I ###### near died...his name was Parnelli Jones.

PS...when I talk to Gregg he doesn't know who I am until two weeks later. As for Jarius...I think the thought process stopped after the word "built"!

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George B. must have recently changed his rules regarding visiting. It has been confirmed by several people that I am, indeed, a whacko, yet I have been in George's house several times. Well,,,,,,,,,uh,,,,,,,,,no one was home during those times, but I did take the time to shuffle the model kits around so he wouldn't know that some were missing.

HEY JAIRUS,,,,,,,,,,neener, neener, neener. :D

(Contrary to popular rumors, her other hand is ABOVE my belt!)


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If there was such a thing as a plastic modelling god, his name would be Juha Airio. I would be thrilled to meet him some day. I also want to meet one of my all-time artistic heros - JAIRUS WATSON, which i hope to do this coming October in Maumee.

Dan Peterson - I couldn't imagine for one moment, that my name would be mentioned in the same sentence with Bill Geary and Larry Boothe. It would take me 5 years to build a model car that would even be close to what they build. Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,it takes THEM 5 years to build a model. Hey, maybe I'm on to something here. (Thanks, Dan)

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Like Dan, I'm lucky enough to be in the same clubs as Bill Geary, Lyle Willits, Irv Arter...don't know about historical relevance...but there are quite a few builders whose work I admire who I have yet to meet. Steve Boutte, Christopher Roldan, BlueMoose, JayVee, my ol' cyber-buddies Brian Fowler, Pat Redmond, Mark Hadley...hopefully by getting to shows like NNL EAst again and Toledo (not happening this year but maybe next) I'll get to meet some if not all of them.

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Jungle Pam thats my Mom :shock: Seriously I want to meet George B. we have had many nice emails and converstations on the phone. I have met most of the people in the hobby that I have wanted to meet Bill Geary, Irv Arter, Billy K. and even Lyle just ask him about our phone call he tells it best. I am a fan of all you guys and the help and advise that has been given to me over the years is much appreciated. The other person that I want to meet the most is John Force. He just seems so cool

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I see hardly anybody (your check is in the mail, John) mentioned me, :shock: and I guess I can come to terms with my feelings of rejection, even if just by weeping uncontrollably, curled up in a corner in a fetal position. Maybe if I'd finish a T-Bolt, things would be different.

Will I be able to cash that cheque anytime in my lifetime Dan? ;)

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I've been blessed and lucky to meet some good ones......

I get to spend time on a semi-regular basis with great builder and author Bill Coulter, national award winner Randy Derr, Tom Dill who has beautiful darkside NASCAR builds in most stock car museums, Mike Madlinger a wizard with a spray can, and Wayne Moyer the most published model car author in history!

I've been able to meet and get to know a bit about Lyle Willits, Bill Geary, Norm Veber and Jim Drew at the NNL (and the COMA dinner).

I got a chance to talk to Gregg Hutchings, Bob Downie, Art Anderson and Dean Milano in Chicago.

There are more to list and I consider myself fortunate to have met them all.

That being said, they are some I haven't met that I would really like to someday;

Jackie Cheyenne, Dan Peterson, Tim Ahlborn, Darin Bastedo, and Brian Fowler....I'd like to buy you all a beer!

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There are a bunch of you folks I'd like to meet, not because of your talent at the modeling bench but rather because of the decent people you are. Some I've met, some I'll get around to. Too many to list here though.

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I've been INCREDIBLY lucky in my short time in the hobby, I've met so many people.

Rick Hanmore is one of the best friends I've ever had in my life.

I've been in Larry Greenberg's car.

I would say that Bill Geary is a good friend.

I finally got to meet Bill Coulter and Tim Boyd recently. Two people I wanted to meet for a while.

I guess who I most want to meet is Jerry Sims. Known to most as Luke57, I have learned more about vintage NASCAR from him then any other source in the world, and he's been a good freind since I got into the hobby.

Other people I want to meet: Hugh Boulden, Bill Little III, Terry Anderson, Tom Mooty, Mike Clements (The "Darkside Cabal" with others, whose full names I do not know, on Randy's NASCAR board) Dean Milano, Mark S. Gustavson, Jairus Watson (October, right Jairus?) Hollywood Jim Fernandez, Terry Jessee, Danny Tarpley, Tom Daniel, Juha Airo, John Dezan, Jeff Corey, and the list goes on.

I've been so lucky to meet so many people. The NNL Easts and Nationals bring out so many of the legends of the hobby, I've had the opportunity to meet so many people.

And of cource, the first person I ever actually MET in person in the hobby was Almonte, at the 2001 NNL East. Nothing more needs to be said about Al ;)

The second person I ever met in the hobby was Gregg. He had no clue who I was, I am sure, but that didn't stop me from introducing myself and shaking his hand.

One of the greatest things about this hobby, more then any others, really, is that the Living Legends are more then willing to talk and even befriend a nobody like me.

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One of the greatest things about this hobby, more then any others, really, is that the Living Legends are more then willing to talk and even befriend a nobody like me.

Billy, I oughta smack ya! :evil: What's this "nobody" ######?!

One of the biggest reasons you and I (and a lot of others) really dig this hobby is the people, and it's those same people who don't think of others in terms of "somebody" and "nobody".

Go to your room! You can come back out after you've built something.

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