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Hurricane Florence


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   To all of you in North Carolina, South Carolina and basically everywhere in the path of Florence, please be safe.  Don't take this lightly.  I'll have all of you in my prayers.   I know first hand what this is and you are in for a rough ride.  Protect LIFE. Everything else can be rebuilt.


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I was sponsoring a class in Charleston, South Carolina  starting on Tuesday next week.   Per our corporate travel department, we cancelled the class.  Better safe than sorry!

Best wishes to everyone in the storm's path. For Hurricane Sandy we evacuated our family from our home at the Jersey shore to our house in Pennsylvania.  There wasn't power in the shore towns for weeks!   Our home there had some damage, but the next town over was destroyed!

Be safe!  Get outta there!

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I was in Knoxville earlier this week and made it home today (back in Charlotte). I saw several caravans of utility repair crews making their way east to the Carolinas to stage and get ready for the aftermath. Also saw several caravans of ambulances and water rescue teams from fire departments making their way as well. Stopped and got gas in Tennessee and was talking with a crew that flies rescue helicopters, they were dispatched from Kentucky! 

You don't realize how much we all pitch in to help one another until you see it for yourself. I am hoping and praying to not need their services as I feel like I have prepared my house and family for this storm. Until it makes landfall and starts on it's path, we don't know for sure how bad it will be. We are 160 miles NW of Wilmington NC, the projected area of landfall, but don't know how much rain and wind and storms we will get.

My son is in the NC National Guard and he has been deployed to the coast to serve in a  rescue and recovery role. He is a heavy equipment operator and is ready to do whatever is asked to help others, but hopes that he doesn't have to witness much destruction of property or human life. 

We will get through this much like those in Florida and Texas did last year. Sucks that Mother Nature has to play these cruel jokes on us.

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Saw a news report earlier. It seems there's something like 200 people that defied all of the mandatory evacuation notices and are now asking for rescue. I don't feel bad for those people. They should be rescued...and then given an invoice to cover the cost of their rescue.


Hope everyone else comes out of this okay, with as little hardship as possible.

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The flooding with this storm is incredible, there are reports of Wilmington getting 15" of rain and it's still raining there. Authorities are talking 1000 year flood levels in an area that gets storms like this every couple of years. These storms usually blow through in half a day but it's been sitting in almost the same spot for a day and half and at the rate it's going may be there for another day. Not heeding the warnings wasn't the best decision but what is happening is very abnormal. 

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15 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

I heard earlier that 5 people were killed,including an infant.I pray for them.The infant being killed,is the most tragic news I've heard.

It was a mother and infant that were killed when a tree fell on their house.

My son is in the National Guard and is somewhere in eastern NC helping. We pray that he doesn't witness any loss of human life, it is bad enough to prepare for it in times of war, much harder when you have had the chance to evacuate.

The heavy rain is moving into the Charlotte area this afternoon thru tomorrow. So far we are hanging in and other than some branches and leaves down, nothing worse than what we get with a bad storm. But like Brian said, this is a bad storm that lasts for days, not hours.

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