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Hi everyone

Time for an update. I have pretty much finished detailing the sidewalls on the starboard side and now just need to do the port side. Once the all of the detailing is done, I'll drill out the windows and then paint them ready for fiber installation.

I am very happy with how its all come out!


















Anyways, that's it for now, but I will update again once the other side is finished

Thanks for looking in




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Jeez Simon, you definitely deserve to be happy with the outcome. For me personally it creates a tension nearly unbearable to wait for the finished SD. I'm really looking forward to it. Please stay focused. Juergen

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  • 2 months later...

Hi again Simon, long time-no see, hope you're still ok, virus-related I mean. And I also hope that you're still motivated to fumble with the tiny parts on your SD. What about the electronics and the fiber routing? Did you find a satisfying solution for the stand in order to display your SD in a proper way?

All the best , stay focused, Juergen

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Hi Juergen

Sorry my friend, I haven't touched it since the last update. I got a bit burned out with it and decided to take an extended break from it. If I didn't, the effort would just be less and it would show.

I'm currently working on some WW2 Battleships as I'm on a bit of a BB kick right now, but I am intending to go back to the SD once I'm done. It sits right next to me so I can't forget it :)

Thank you though for your enthusiasm at this project. I will finish it! 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone

Well, its been a few months since I last updated this thread with some progress. I hope some interest is still there - understandable if its waned significantly though. It has been a while. Juergen, mate, I know you've been waiting super patiently for me for this, so thanks man and sorry for the wait.

However, over the past couple of weeks, I've recommenced work on it and am happy to report that 99% of the detailing is now done. I still need to add a couple of bits here and there to the upper lip of the side trenches and install some flood lights but overall, it's ready to start drilling out the sidewalls for the fibers. I'm going to paint first then add the fibers as I want as close to the surface mating as possible and I won't be able to do that in these fine recessed spaces if I fiber then paint.

I have sighted a couple of spaces that I missed in that rear left wall so I shall remedy that tonight that you probably wouldn't really notice  - but I will







I only took a few pics, so that's it for now. All being well, the next update should be the final floodlights and trench details and I daresay the last time you'll see it with no paint on
As always, thanks for stopping by and having a look and sorry again for the delay in progress



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I had some free time this afternoon so I took a picture of the rook panels under the black base coat. Excuse the dust that seems to have settled on all of the pieces. I have no idea when or how it got there but the damp brush will be coming out after I've finished posting to clean them all up before the first splash of grey goes on










Anyways, that's it for now but thanks for stopping in and having a look
Til next time

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Hi Simon, Yes, I'm still in awe of your work and I'm still sitting guard in front of the screen to see the next update. It's good to see you back at the bench. I hope everything goes well with the paint as I always fear the process of painting because for me it would be the horror to mess up the painting and to be forced to strip it. Painting my model parts is really the pain in the neck for me. Anyway, I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best for your finishing period. Take care, Juergen.

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LOL, thanks Juergen. If it makes you feel any better, I also feel that painting is not my strong suit. I think that's pretty evident in my car models. However, on this occasion, I am actually looking forward to painting and for the first time ever, I have a plan for it (well, sort of). Even just laying down that black felt good (as you rightly surmised there David)

I have the base on my desk right now and I'll be recommencing that as well this weekend. Lots to do!

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Hey everyone

Some people have been wondering what kind of approach I'll be taking to painting, so for those who wanted to know, I took a couple of pics which should help answer it. I'm going to spare everyone the boredom of taking shots at every stage and just show you the first one. You'll get the idea from that. Needless to say, the painting process might take longer than first thought.













As this is as exciting as it gets, the next update should see these panels finished - or very close to it. It's going to be a lot of fine masking which I hope actually works. These photos also help me to remember where I placed all the masks.....

As always, thanks for stopping in and having a look


Edited by Madhatter
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Well, the experimental masking is done and the results are here. There are some panels which require a paint touch up because - as feared - the paint was too thin for the masks and ran under them in places. Lifted the paint off in others.

Over all though, I am pleased with how its turned out. I'm still debating whether or not to run a very thin filter coat over the whole area to tone down the enhanced panels.

I still have small detail painting, washed and dry brushing yet to go, so the look will change even more but what do you guys think? Should I leave them like they are or run a filter over the top?
















Those longer roof panels are on back to front, so ignore those and yes, I did see the  tape I left behind which has since been removed :)

As always, thanks for stopping in and having a look

Till next time



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I vote for a filter mist coat to tone it down. If it's too stark, it looks too much like digital camouflage. The fact that you're going to the effort to have "accent panels" is very cool. I can already tell all the added detail is going to really pay off.

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Jeeez, Simon, this thing looks unbelievably gorgeous. I guess the filter would do good. Man, I can envisage that the finished SD will blast me away. I'm speechless right now, I'm unable to find the right words.

Take care, Juergen 

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