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I was a big fan of the A/Fx cars and early Funny Cars of the mid/late 60's  There has been lot of negative written about the Bonner/WARBUCKS Mustang kit , and after building it I think a lot if it is deserved.  However, if you just take it for what it is, a poorly designed and historically inaccurate model, it can be built in to a decent version of a mid 60's era A/Fx car.  The one major issue I did run in to was the decals, especially the pinstripes, which shattered upon introducing them to water.  Some of the larger deals broke in to big pieces, but I was able to salvage them.  The pinstripes never had a chance.  I built it mostly box stock, just to see how it would look, and I'm not dissatisfied with the results.  I don't build models to compete, I do it just for fun.  Paint is Tamiya Italian Red accompanied by Testors Metallizer Aluminum and Gunmetal for the undercarriage and suspension parts.  Hope y'all like it.






Edited by sflam123
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Nice appearance; truly illustrates the value of attention to the basics of model building. This looks way better than one would expect upon opening the box, and its thanks yo your clean building style and thoughtful use of color.

Edited by bisc63
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