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I have always loved this kit back from when I was a kid.  I decided to build this box stock and as box art.  I did not sweat all of the small details, instead, I concentrated on making a presentable shelf model.  The model is actually built but I thought I would share a few pictures, tips and techniques with all of you.

This is the kit I used.  It is 1991 vintage.

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The body is fairly rough in this kit.  Panel lines were very soft, sometimes just a mere depression in the plastic.  The side trim was not even or crisp.  There were "steps" in the mold joins that really could not be sanded out.  I usually rescribe all of my panel lines.  I tried this on the gas filler door but was having absolutely no luck.  Finally, I decided to just fill it, and all of my scratches, in with super glue.

20190407 182728

20190407 191123

20190407 201741

20190407 202444

20190410 200627


I also like to scribe around things that will have BMF applied to them.  This provides a channel for the knife blade to follow to, hopefully, give a nice clean, straight edge.  I did at least three separate coats of primer to work on getting the body ready for paint.  In the end, the extra work pays off.  The body was painted with Tamiya Gloss Black straight from the can.

20190417 210032

20190417 210142

20190418 205831

20190419 204926


As the body paint was drying I worked on other bits.  The glass was pretty scuffed up from getting beat and banged around in the box since 1991.  I test fitted it only to find it did not fit in the body.  It was just a tad too short.  I cut the rear glass from the rest of the molded piece.  I then dipped both pieces in Future.  Although not perfect, it is waaaay better than it was.

20190420 221121

Next, I worked on the interior.  I sprayed everything gloss red and later dull coated it.  I left the dash glossy and freehand brush painted the dash details.  Although they don't really show up in the pictures, the gauges were picked out as well as the name badge on the glove compartment.  This is one of the details I did not worry about because once the body is on, you just can't see the interior details very well.  The rotors were painted red.  The wheel chrome is not good.  I removed the raised letters on the tires and put on decals.  I then dull coated the tires.

20190416 212705

20190420 165812

The engine was finished.  Again, I did not worry about it because, one, it is a box stock build, and two, it will not be seen when the hood is on.

20190420 184558


Looks great ! Man , that kit is older than lava --- dates-back to the late 50's or so , then was modified into the Bad Man or whatever it was called (c.1970) . 

I've taken the same approach to scribing-around trim , side markers , etc. , that will be BMF'ed for the reason you've given .

Keep up the great work !


Yeah this kit has been around for years, and you are giving it respect. Nice work! I'm inspired to go buy / build one again now.


Once the body paint had dried, I sanded it down to a fairly decent finish and applied those big 'ol flame decals.  Remember, this is a box art build.  I have to admit that I kind of like those multi-color flames...lol.  I let the decals dry out and then clear coated the body.  This is the first time I have clear coated a body, let alone a body with decals.  I was a little nervous.  I used Testors Wet Look.  It is a little thick but it worked wonderfully!  The body was set aside to cure.

20190422 204756

20190422 204843

Once cured, I set out to sand and polish the paint.  I use Micro-Mesh cloths and Gravity polish.  I think it came out well.

20190425 223821

IMG 20190424 215921 397

20190425 221203



Once the body was polished out I began the laborious task of applying BMF.  It is a bit nerve racking.  If the blade slips, you have just screwed up all of that beautiful paint.  If you cut into the BMF, you have to reapply it.  Yup, nerve racking.  The pre-scribed lines along the trim paid off.  Even though they kind of filled in with paint they still provided a guide for the hobby knife.  I don't do a lot of BMF work so I know I could have done better but I think it turned of OK.

20190428 192058 

20190427 212320

20190427 212535

20190427 212600


Last WIP post.  I worked on other details but did not take a lot of photos.  I painted up the hood emblem.  Monogram's box art is incorrect.  A quick Google search had plenty of nice detail shots.  For some reason I had trouble getting a good picture of my emblem.

20190423 213244

20190423 213356

Here is a shot of what I call a poor man's wheel alignment jig.  There is some distortion in this picture but I assure you it is pretty dang square.

20190501 205155

The hood pins are just molded in blobs with a little pin that sticks up.  If you try to BMF foil this the way it is, the BMF will not lay down flat.  I punched discs of BMF and then drilled little holes in the middle.  I applied the BMF and then touched up the pin with Molotow.

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20190502 205101

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I also installed the glass.

20190502 212937


Great looking paint work. This kit obviously holds sentimental value for you, but the newer Revell '55 Bel Air Hardtop is a much better kit offering the kit standards of today. Excellent foil job. 


Thanks for the nice comments, guys.  They are much appreciated!  I will post up some pictures of the finished model later in the week or next weekend.

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