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Finally back at the desk!

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Well, I’ve been commenting again for a while now but finally I’ve got my own setup. 

Ive moved into my own place at the weekend, for the first time! A house all to myself. It’s not much but we all start somewhere. But most importantly... last night I finally got my new model setup finished and I’m dead proud of it.

All my paints and tools where I want them, and my 3D printer will be next to it so I can make anything I need. Perfect :D 

Had to break in an hour last night before bed, so I’ve got started on a revell beetle. WIP to follow! 


Feels SO good to be back in the saddle. B) 








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Thanks everyone!! 

18 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

Great start!   That must be every bottle of Tamiya paint in Ireland!  

Hahah, not quite Tom ;) Have to hit the LHS tonight on the way home and stock up, have a few missing or needing replenished. 


15 hours ago, Gramps46 said:

Congratulations on the move.

Cheers Gramps, it was such a big step and earlier than planned but definitely worth it. 

10 hours ago, espo said:

All ways nice to have your own space. Your work desk looks nice and well organized. I don't know what type of overhead lighting you might have, but it looks like you're going to need additional lighting. 

The main light in the room combined with these seems to be just enough to do me for now. I may look into a middle light that springs over the paints though, similar to the yellow one on there now...

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I have a light with an arm that allows it to be moved around as needed. The light it's self is a florescent tube that incircles a magnifying glass for fine detail work. The light can be moved around over the work area as needed for normal assembly work. MOst any office supply store would have it and it and others are easily found on line. Just a thought for the future. 


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