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Land Rover Series III LWB

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The Story

McNally returns to the farm to continue working the fields until mid afternoon and he decides to have a lunch break.  He returns to the diner in town and orders his lunch and he overhears 2 other men talking about Albert McCann and he was stabbed a dozen times in the front and the back and he had no money, but he did have a large gold coin that he always carried with him as he thought it brought him good luck.  It was mentioned that the Police didn't know about the coin.

The Build

I sprayed the entire Land Rover body and hood today with Model Master Wimbledon White Lacquer in preparation for the Model Master Acryl Pale Green that I will paint later.

McNally will return...




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17 minutes ago, mrmike said:

I do have to admit that this kit is an excellent kit!  So far, everything goes where it should except for the issue that I had with the engine and the drive shafts.  

Very strange with those parts, as I didn't find any issues with them when I built mine, I'm finding the parts fit on the later Revell kits perfect. 

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Geoff, the issue I had could have been of my own doing.  I had painted the drives shafts and the 4WD housing by hand and maybe paint thickness might be the cause.  I don't know.  At any rate, I corrected the issue and now it's on to other aspects of the build. 

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  • 3 months later...

The Story

McNally stops at the Police Station to talk with PC Dunbarton and he sees Agent Barchans talking to him.  Barchans sees McNally walk into the Station and immediately questions why he is there and accuses him of interference in his case.  McNally claims that he is only there to say hi and chat with the PC, but Barchans says no and for him to leave.  McNally stands his ground and Barchans gets pissed at him while PC Dunbarton says that McNally will stay.  Barchans is told to leave so Dunbarton can get some work done.

The Build

The Land Rover got a coat of Model Master Acryl Pale Green this morning.  The first coat was mixed with some Acryl Thinner.  The second coat was mixed with a little cheap Lacquer Thinner since I thought I was done with the color and I was going to clean the airbrush.

More Land Rover to come...




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The Story

The following day finds McNally checking the fields to make sure that the harvest has been picked and he sees a man walking through the eastern field.  He calls out to the man and the man takes off running and McNally follows him in the Land Rover Series III LWB to the end of the road and the edge of the property.  The man jumps the fence and he runs away into the forest.  McNally tried to follow him and he lost the man in the forest.  He returns to the SUV and he turns the Land Rover around and he starts to drive back to the main road of the fields and a glint caught his eye and he stops and backs up to the glint.

The glint turns out to be a knife with a nearby scabbard and the knife has blood around the hilt of the handle and it was in the area of where the man was walking.  He pulls out his cellphone and he calls PC Dunbarton to come out and look at his discovery.  The PC picks up the knife and scabbard with gloved hands and he carefully places them in evidence bags and he will get them dusted for fingerprints and blood type. 

The Build

I cleacoated the Land Rover with two coats of Testors Semi Gloss Clear.  I wanted a Semi Gloss instead of a full gloss on the body.  I have spent part of the morning masking the various parts of the Land Rover for Tamiya TS-29 Semi Gloss Black.  I still have other parts to paint which is a little frustating to me since I like to paint all of my parts with one color and move on to the next color.  Many of these parts have multiple colors on them.

McNally will return...




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The Story 

The knife found by McNally was tested and found to be the McCann murder weapon.  It is late at night and McNally goes up to bed and he hears the sound of breaking glass downstairs.  He pulls out of the closet a Remington double barrel shotgun, loads it and he goes downstairs very quietly and at the bottom of the stairs he flicks on the living room lights.  A man rushes over to him and he attacks McNally and he runs off through the kitchen and out the back door.  McNally gets up from the floor and he rushes outside and he fires both barrels of the shotgun at the attacker and he runs out towards the barn and it is dark out beyond the barn itself and he couldn't see the attacker.

He calls PC Dunbarton who drives out to the Burrows Farm and he looks around with a flashlight and he finds blood on the ground.  McNally had hit his target, but how bad was the hit?  He tells McNally to stop at the Station in the morning and he will issue him a Glock G19 9mm pistol and he will deputize him to help find the killer and attacker.  McNally is perfectly fine with that.

The Build    

I have been painting and assembling the Landy.  I assembled the interior floor, seats and shift levers.  I painted and decaled the grille and mirrors and I assembled the front panel with the brake booster and air intake hose.

McNally will return...




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The Story

McNally stops at the Police Station and PC Dunbarton issues him a Glock G19 9mm handgun with two clips, a box of bullets and a right hand draw holster.  He checks out the pistol, loads a magazine and and he loads the gun.  After informing him that the results of the blood samples haven't come back yet McNally thanks the Constable for the gun and he returns to the farm to continue working.  Around 1:30 in the afternoon, he takes a break and drives into town to the diner for lunch.  Agent Barchans walks in and he goes to the Boston PI and demands the gun. 

McNally refuses to turn the gun over to Barchans citing why he needs the gun and he asks why Barchans is not investigating the murder of McCann.  Barchans again demands the gun and McNally tells him that the only way he'll get the gun is to pry it from his cold, dead fingers.  Barchans snorts at McNally and he leaves the diner in a rage.  An old patron of the diner goes over to McNally and tells him about Barchans visiting the township every year and throwing his weight around.  He also tells McNally about a gold coin that McCann carried around with him and how it was supposed to bring him good luck.

The Build

I started detailing the Landy today by adding the grille and windows, painting the trim on the body sides and the rear.  The interior is almost complete except for the dash which is still in the paintbooth.

McNally will return...




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The Story

McNally drives down to the Petro Station to fill up the Land Rover.  He talks to the Station owner about anyone who he may have seen in the area that he doesn't know.  The Station owner tells McNally of a man who has a camp up in the woods about 1/2 kilometer up from the Station.  McNally wants to leave the Landy at the Station and the owner says he can.  He walks up to the camp and he finds that no one is there.

He looks around the empty camp and he finds a bag with bloody bandages and this must be the man he shot at the farm when he was attacked.  McNally would like to have stayed at the camp and wait for the man to return, but he had to get back to the farm to help with the harvest.  He will stop by early tomorrow and and wait for the camper to come out.

The Build

I had blacked out the edges of the windows with a black Sharpie and I let this dry for a bit and when I added my Mod Podge to hold the windows in place, the black ink ran.  I removed the windows and the dried Mod Podge and will consider my options of adding the black trim around the windows.

McNally will return...




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Thanks Anton and Tom!  

5 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

Per the windows.. we found that black Sharpie would show purple on clear plastic.

I tape off mine and give them a shot of Testors Flat Black on the inside.

I have found that many Sharpies come with different strength black ink.  Some may be purple on clear plastic and some are darker.  I really haven't decided what to do yet as I am weighing my options.  I don't want to tape and mask, but I may have to.

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Thanks Bill!  Over the years, I have tried several different brands of markers for window masking.  Sharpies are the only ones I have currently in the desk drawer and I use some for touchups.  Not all colors match my paints!  I should go out and search for some really black markers.

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The Tamiya Paint marker might be an option if you havent tried it, its Enamel paint XF-1. Its not super sharp but wil get the job done. Mine has dried out and last time i did lights i used a brush, tamiya paint and a light hand to put on the edges, worked ok as long as you have the thiner to clean up.




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The Story

In the morning, McNally drives down to the Petro Station and he waits for the man to come down from his camp.  After waiting several minutes, he sees the man stumble out of the brush and he has a slight limp and he walks along the road.  McNally stays well behind him as the man limps along and he stops at the General Store and goes inside.  He walks inside and goes to the counter and he asks about the man who had walked in and he is told that the limping man works in the store.  He asks if he could talk to him for a moment and the store owner calls the man up front.

The man comes up front and he sees McNally and he takes off running out to the back of the store and out the back door.  McNally runs outside and he tackles the man and he cuffs him.  He yells for the store owner to call the Police and the Police arrive a moment later and the man is taken into custody.

The Build

I used the black Sharpie on the outside edge of the windows and Mod Podge as my adhesive on the inside and I like the effect.  It took one or two trips on the edges with the Sharpie and it got nice and black like a rubber seal.  Now to try this on the front and rear windows.

McNally will return...




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The Story

Agent Barchans of the NCA arrives at the Police Station and he is surprised to see Senior Headquarters Supervisor Peter Duncledge standing at the counter.  Barchans demands to know what is going on and who and why was this person arrested for the murder of Alfred McCann.  Duncledge explains the gold coin that was stolen from McCann, the found murder weapon with traces of McCann's blood on it, the attack on McNally at the Burrows Farm, finding Declan Thomas limping with some of the buckshot still in him and finding his camp.  Declan Thomas had copped to the murder since he owed money to a loan shark and the loan shark had threatened his life and he was desperate for cash.  He knew McCann had the coin and it would be good for some quick cash.

Duncledge also cites that Barchans has had a bad record of pissing off County and Town Police officers and anyone else.  Barchans is to return to headquarters for disciplinary actions.  McNally turns in the Glock he was loaned with the box of shells that he never used.

The Build

The Land Rover is almost done!  The engine is finished.  The hood didn't fit flush until I lower the distributor.  The vents for the secondary roof was fitted.

McNally will return...




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