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Introducing: Subaru BRAT WRX STi

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Subaru WRX STi Bi-Drive Recreational All-Terrain vehicle, AKA Subaru BRAT. Subaru’s first cute-ute from the ‘70’s.

Kits used:


Revell Suburu WRX

Fujimi Subaru WRX STi

My desire in the beginning was to use the new Revell engine/drivetrain in the BRAT kit. However none of the modern Subaru or aftermarket wheels would fit the model with it’s dinky wheel openings. I needed to flare the fenders to accommodate the new wheels so they wouldn’t stick out and look so huge on the model. I then looked at my crappy Fujimi STi and realized it did have a purpose in life, that would be to donate it’s fenders and wheels and emblems to the cause.

I carefully lined the bodies up, measured, and hacked away. In no time I had grafted the STi fenders to the BRAT body. I had some issues w/bodywork when the body flexed, worked out over time and helped w/the addition of epoxy putty under the fenders to prevent flex…it’s almost as stiff as a diecast now.

Most underhood items are from the Revell WRX, suspension/chassis/driveshaft and rear differential is from AMT, interior is AMT bucket/dash combined w/Fujimi steering column/wheel and Revell seats and console.

I struck out finding Tamiya Mica Blue the other day @ the LHS, so I bought metallic blue and it looks close enough to WRC blue. I did use a very thin mid-coat of transparent blue because some of the metallic chips were too close to the surface. Wheels were repainted in Alclad pale burnt metal, I wanted them gold but toned down slightly. I drilled out the chrome headlights and used some craft store lenses that are similar to MV’s. Time to build: about 1 month. I still need to clean up and tweak a few items like the intake and wheels before taking it to the NNL East next weekend.







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Very cool project, Bob. It all works so well together - old and new. Looks like something Subaru should consider rolling off the assembly line today!

I had a friend "back inna day" that had a Brat that he used to beat the "bejeebus" out of.......yet it was just like the Energizer bunny.

I wonder what ever happened to that car...?

Anyway, nice job, as usual. I love the creativity in salvaging the Fujimi body parts and mating them with the original Brat. Good luck at NNL East.

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Thanks for the comments! This was a fun build. I'm lucky that the Impreza and BRAT body creases lined up so well so that the fender blisters and wheel openings were in just the right place after they were grafted. Sometimes you just get lucky :P

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Thanks again for the comments. John, I may try to get the hood scoop lowered a bit-especially the leading edge, it's a bit tricky how it fits into the BRAT hood. I could have used the smaller WRX scoop from the Revell WRX but I was lazy and used the larger Fujimi part that didn't need a lot of trimming as the Revell version would have. I'll spend an evening this week correcting a few issues w/it prior to the trip to the NNL.

Found my link (sent by fellow builder to inspire me when I bought the BRAT kit) to a later-model 1:1 BRAT overseas (RHD) that had a similar transformation, though they didn't get into modifying the bodywork. Sure wish AMT had modeled the later version but that's how it goes :roll: :)


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Did a few necessary tweaks to the BRAT; a friend noticed the headlights looked too big and after checking my pics again realized I needed to paint the bezels black. I dropped the scoop slightly, revised the turbo inlet under the hood so it makes sense, and realigned the driver's side rear wheel. The little tweaks certainly help it.



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Don't see many Brats built. Neato Bob! I have one of them in the stash but can't decide what to do with it. Thinking of a few diffrent colors or giving it to a fellow TNMCC member who wants it.

So far building it dark red is the leading choice.

Good thing is I got lots of other things in the stash that means I won't have to worry about it for years if I don't want!

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  • 3 years later...

man i was looking around the site and man what a find i love it dude


talk about draggin up an Old Thread..

Thanks.. :D

There went another Idea of building something Different.

Waay Better than anything I could have done

That is an Awesome Brat.

I Love it..

I'd buy one of those in a Heart beat...

4 Thumbs up.... ;)

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Hey, Who couldn't say anything?? ;)

Nothing wrong in Givin Credit where Credit is due..

This is No half bake build of a Brat.

Thanks for Bumpin it back up top..

Probably the Best built Brat anybody will ever see too. :D

no kidding man i love it i just wish i can do one like it man i love the style of it i mean just think if u could have a 1:1 man that would be killer
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Probably the Best built Brat anybody will ever see too. B)

And it looks even better in person. If I hadn't seen it online before the event that year, I might have passed it by on the table.....it looks so 'right' built that way, I'm sure many folks didn't even notice it.

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