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Foul language

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Ok, I think I got this right now. Anyways, I replied to Harry's RoM, an used the word D as in Dan A as in Adam M as in Man and N as in No, and it came back deleted with a bunch of little # marks. Is that a bad word now?Is it AUTOMATICALLY deleted? I've been seein guys using those little asterisks to say some pretty rough language that, since there's no words, I can think up some really Doozies to use in their place! But I thought we weren't supposed to use them either.I don't really care if their replaced by apples, caz I got my idea across, but isn't this a little much? I didn't realy think D as in Dan, A as in Adam, M as in Man, and N as in No, was a bad word. Isn't this a BIT much? I can agree that we should watch our language, but what about just every day talk? I think those @#%^*~! are worse than my little word, cause it seems to let the imagination go wild with improper diction. Just what are they TRYING to say? Me thinks it's ALOT worse than my little word.Even Krappin Blaque had to re do his name. I'm ok with it, I'm just askin. :D:angry:

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The word you refer to puts the user on a plain of authority with Almighty God. It gets bantered about quite a bit these days, but that has not changed it's meaning. Yes, it is a banned word. No that is not out of line with why there are banned words in the first place.

Chear up, you can still use that language in the local bar. :angry:

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James, Thank God, that I DON'T drink do drugs OR Blasphemy My Lord almighty! You think that word puts ME on a plain even with the ALMIGHTY? You my freind are VERY confused on Who the Almighty is, and What HE expects from us! I Didn't think a simple question would bring my faith an convictions to God into play. NEVER talk relgious beliefs OR politics to an individual who has a personal relationship with either one. We are VERY touchy on said subjects! All I did was ask a question.All you had to do was say yes or no. NOT question my beliefs, or try to define them.This is NOT the place for such antics, or discussions.

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Sorry to stir a hornets nest, I just thought the definition of the word would be helpful to show why it should not be used casually. Especially since you have a relationship with God, if I read your post correctly, you should see that deciding who and what should be blocked from eternal fellowship with God is a serious subject.

I apologize if I came across harsh or sarcastic. I try to put a little english on the keys as I type, but it dose not always work.

In a word, yes there are words that automatically get deleted. :angry:

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That word your throwing around and have your pantys in a knot about, cant be automaticly deleated. If you look thru all the post on here, as I know you do, you will notice that the word is used in some of the bigger avatars at the bottom of some of the posts. So you would guess that if it is ok to be used there it should be able to be used in the post itself. Ya think.


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Jeff, yeah, that's what I thought too, but sure as heck, when I used it in reference to my answer to Harry's RoM , it came back all in little # thingies.So I edited my post and used darn, a Viola!, it printed it. All I can say is try it an see if it happens to you? I din't THINK it was a prohibited word, but, then it's NOT my forum. I can live with it, I was just curious. :lol:

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:lol: Jumpin' Jehosophat!!! :lol: Holy Guacamole!!! :oDagnabbit!!!

I didn't know that there are words that get automatically deleted here. Must be something new, 'cause it wasn't like that before.

I love the word Dagnabbit lol I'm always yelling it. Should see the looks I get too lol sometimes you'd think I just yelled every swear word in the books when I yell dagnabbit

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That word your throwing around and have your pantys in a knot about, cant be automaticly deleated. If you look thru all the post on here, as I know you do, you will notice that the word is used in some of the bigger avatars at the bottom of some of the posts. So you would guess that if it is ok to be used there it should be able to be used in the post itself. Ya think.


My guess is that word in an avatar is invisible to the filter because it is part of a photo, not seen as written text.

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Hi All :)

I've seen this sort of topic come up several times on other thread's, and didn't get involved, but I decided to say something because I'm confused why this is still a topic being "Challanged" by some members here, almost like it's some kind of a God given right NOT to show "RESTRAINT" and "RESPECT" for other's here on this public forum.

You understand this is my opinion, and may offend some of you, just like the language here at times does to other's.

I have a feeling that most here who are guilty of foul language wouldn't talk like this in public, or in front of your kids or grand-kids, or your mother, at least I'd hope not, but because this is a faceless forum, and your family doesn't read this (Most of you don't post pics in your profile, and maybe now we all know why), maybe this is a way of being who you really are, instead of who you pretend to be.

What a shame and disappointment that would be if it's true :( .

Honestly guy's, is it really that hard to have clean thoughts and language when there's such a huge vocabulary?

Not an insult, but honestly, why is it we think foul language, or something close to it, is necessary, anywhere, especially for those of us who are older and should be thinking about the the example we set.

To me, it should be the same standard that we set for the "Sport World and their Athletes". Why any less for ourselves?? :huh:

I'm not pointing fingers here and not judging anyone, and am speaking respectibly to you all, because I feel like we're all friends here, and we're all adult's ( Maybe that's part of the problem - we're really not acting like it??).

There are always going to be children, friends and visitor's here, and how do I or anyone else approve of and recommend this site to others and their children, when some of you betray our trust "FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR OWN RIGHT'S", and for what some of you obviously think is funny and acceptable at the expense of other's.

Why is it some here don't want to respect Gregg's wishe's, and appreciate what he want's to accomplish, that's clean, professional, and fun???

I don't think it's funny to hear people here push the limits of their language, to see how far they can go before they get their "HANDS SLAPPED" SO TO SPEAK, LIKE LITTLE KIDS TRYING TO FIND THEIR BOUNDRIES WITH THEIR FOLKS OR TEACHER'S.

To me, it's great to have fun, just like a lot of us do here most of the time, but I don't think it should be done at the expense of other's.

Really, I think all of us, including me, owe Gregg, this hobby, the children and the visitor's who come here more.

The word "EUPHEMISM" means a word being used that is offensive or harsh, being substituted by the same kind of offensive or harsh word that is considered by some more "ACCEPTABLE", but means identically the same kind of trash.

The intent and purpose to swear and be disrespectful is still as bad, and the lack of consideration for other's just as BLATANT.

I think we can all do much better, and I think now is the time to put this behind us and encourage everyone here to make a better effort

For me personally, I want this forum and this hobby to stay and grow in a positive direction, and I want to feel like I'm a healthy part of it's future, and purpose.

I'm not perfect or even close to that myself, just like all the rest of us here, but I think together we could do a much better job "Cleaning up our act".


I hope no one takes this as an attack, but as a personal challange for all of us, including myself, to do our part here together, and quite "Bickkering" over this amongst each other, and be more respectful to each other and to Gregg - dave :)

Edited by Treehugger Dave
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This comes up once in awhile on my forum. In fact I wonder if it came up today because of this thread? :(

My forum however is different from others, it's not public....you can't read it unless you join it and agree to the terms. You have to be at least 13 to join and according to some kind of "invisible law" or whatever....that's the age you are old enough to join a forum without parental permission? Not sure about that really....but it's the age that it's "okay" to read a swear word? Still no idea and I don't care to be honest....I am 34 so I have nothing to worry about :) In any event, my forum is private to members only and I don't represent any organization or business...it's a place for guys with the same interests in modeling to be themselves and be free of censorship and all that other mumbo jumbo....just have fun, be yourself and it's that simple.

This being a public forum and that it also "sort of" represents the magazine by it's readers, it should have the same respect shown here as the magazines does in it's pages. You won't see any articles by Gregg titled "the dam* way to take photos"....for example. It's about being professional when working with the public. Any one can come to this site and read what is said here without joining first.

I personally don't have a problem with swear words as long as they are not used in an offensive, defamatory or anger monger manner. If it's to the positive, it's fine by me.

I have to admit though, if it came to using all the hard words here on this forum....that would not be good. I find that if I can't be completely honest when I type something , then I just don't say anything. I respect the rules here and will follow them. :)

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As a public service to our more vulgar members :huh: ...

I've taken it upon myself to supply you with a list of acceptable alternatives to the F-bomb and other favorites. Feel free to use these terms as you wish:


Cheese and crackers








Doggone it

Doo doo






Great Caesar's Ghost!

Horse hockey

H-E-double hockey sticks


Judas Priest



Son of a gun

and of course, the classic "egad, man!"


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Ok guys, this time I'll not dispense the comedy relief but will actually be serious.

I, for one, actually find this site refreshing due to the LACK of cursing. I do agree that there are acceptable substitutions for certain phrases, but I'm sure that we can come up with better descriptions if we think about it long enough.

I also am immune to the foul language so prevalent in today's speech, but then again I'm a military brat AND a biker (like my picture didn't give THAT away... :( ). Trust me when I say between the Military Hangouts and Biker Bars, I more than likely have heard every word in the book and more than likely several that were left out!

At one time I was severely lacking in my self restraint in the use of "colorful language", but as I get older I have decided to stop using it in normal every day speech. I figured out that if I make a conscious effort to continually keep from using that style of language, it will become a subconscious effort and I will not have to watch my language when I'm in a situation where it would not be appropriate. So far it has worked for the most part.

Besides, when you tell someone off and they thank you for it (until 10-15 minutes after you have left and they figure out what you actually said to them) it is MUCH more enjoyable!!! :):)

One of the side effects of my controlling my language is now the people that know me can tell when I'm severely upset and need to be left alone. I had a niece actually tell me that when she hears me start cussing, it's time to be somewhere else for a while.

In summary, I agree with Gregg's stance on this subject as having children exposed to it prematurely (lets face it, they'll learn it soon enough on the streets along with in the school system) and those that will find offense to the use of it would drive away potential new members and supporters for our hobby.

The children that might be driven away today are the ones that help determine if our hobby is alive and kicking tomorrow!

Not to mention, maybe, just maybe, one of those people that would be driven away by the use of offensive language could be the next shining star in our hobby and we would loose out on their helpful hints, tips, and tricks.

Just voicing my thoughts on the subject...

-Scott H.

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James, Thank God, that I DON'T drink do drugs OR Blasphemy My Lord almighty! You think that word puts ME on a plain even with the ALMIGHTY? You my freind are VERY confused on Who the Almighty is, and What HE expects from us! I Didn't think a simple question would bring my faith an convictions to God into play. NEVER talk relgious beliefs OR politics to an individual who has a personal relationship with either one. We are VERY touchy on said subjects! All I did was ask a question.All you had to do was say yes or no. NOT question my beliefs, or try to define them.This is NOT the place for such antics, or discussions.

I just spoke with the almighty and he told me as long as I dont add my 2 cents, ill be okay ....but for the rest of you that has put thiers in....youre #$%^&* (as the movie of William wallace and the IRISH) :(

Mercury Man,WHY are those guys beatin that poor horse? THAT just ain't right! :)

the horse is fine....hes just ducking out of the way so that the rest of the stoogies get hit. :)

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