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Getting this message frequently when trying to get a copy of a photo previously posted on MCM to show up in a new thread on MCM:


The request could not be satisfied.

CloudFront wasn't able to resolve the origin domain name. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.

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There are several ways to copy photos. Are you selecting the photo, pressing cntrl-C, then pasting? You could also copy the image URL. This is probably the best way. Alternatively, you could save the image locally and reload it to your posting. 

Also, which topics are you trying to reference? 

Feel free to PM me if you prefer. 

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24 minutes ago, Dave Ambrose said:

 Are you selecting the photo, pressing cntrl-C...

Yup. And they often fail to display...so I try to

24 minutes ago, Dave Ambrose said:

...copy the image URL....

which is when I get the error message.

EDIT: I can generally get it to work one way or another, at least to display on MY computer.

But in a thread recently I got a message from 89AKurt saying HE couldn't see an image that displays fine on MY machine.

This thread:


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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5 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Yup. And they often fail to display...so I try to

which is when I get the error message.

EDIT: I can generally get it to work one way or another, at least to display on MY computer.

But in a thread recently I got a message from 89AKurt saying HE couldn't see an image that displays fine on MY machine.

This thread:


I could see both your pics, the hot rod and the concept car.

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This is strange. I can see those just fine. We did just renew some of the server credentials, so that might be a problem until they propagate. But at this point, I don't have any good ideas. Will check with the server people this week. I have a growing number of questions and issues for them. 

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I often reuse photos I  previously uploaded to the MCM forum.  I use a browser on a Windows PC.

I have 2 tabs (or 2 browser windows if you don't like tabs).  In one I'm composing the new post which will include a previously uploaded photo.

In the other tab, I'm in "My attachments" section of the forum. To get there, left click on your user name in the upper right corner, then in the pull down menu select "My Attachments".   That will show you a photo browser screen. Scroll through your photos until you find the one you want to use in your new post.

Left click on that photo and that brings up a photo viewer.  If you place the cursor over the photo, it will turn into a magnifying glass.
Left click on the photo. It will bring a full size version of the photo (either in new tab, or new browser window).  The URL field will show a link ending with something like .jog or .png.  It will look like http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2021_11/FujimiPorsches.JPG.b18002eac83e2d169dff13e6da9f46b8.JPG

Copy that link and past it in the compose window of your new post. The link will automatically expand and show the photo.

You're done.  To reuse more photos, just follow the same procedure of finding the photo in your attachments as mentioned above.

Edited by peteski
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15 hours ago, peteski said:

I have 2 tabs (or 2 browser windows if you don't like tabs).  In one I'm composing the new post which will include a previously uploaded photo.

In the other tab, I'm in "My attachments" section of the forum. To get there, left click on your user name in the upper right corner, then in the pull down menu select "My Attachments".   That will show you a photo browser screen. Scroll through your photos until you find the one you want to use in your new post.

Left click on that photo and that brings up a photo viewer.  If you place the cursor over the photo, it will turn into a magnifying glass.
Left click on the photo. It will bring a full size version of the photo (either in new tab, or new browser window).  The URL field will show a link ending with something like .jog or .png.  It will look like http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2021_11/FujimiPorsches.JPG.b18002eac83e2d169dff13e6da9f46b8.JPG

Copy that link and past it in the compose window of your new post. The link will automatically expand and show the photo.

You're done.  

Thanks, but whew. Sounds like somebody missed the KISS class.  :D

All I've usually had to do (until recently) is right-click any image and select "copy" from the drop-down, then Ctrl V to paste it into the body of whatever I'm writing...anywhere.

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3 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Thanks, but whew. Sounds like somebody missed the KISS class. 

Well, maybe not the simplest process, but I *NEVER* had any problems with it.

Actually, looking at the technical side, my procedure is much simpler than yours.  Since I copy/paste the URL to the image, all I'm doing is simple ASCII text operation.  Plain ASCII text has been around since the teletype days.

Your copy/paste involves all sorts of "black magic" inside the operating system.  Yes, it looks really easy and simple from the end user's perspective, but there is quite a bit happening behind the scenes.

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1 hour ago, peteski said:

Well, maybe not the simplest process, but I *NEVER* had any problems with it.


And I *NEVER* had any problems relying on the ol' "black magic" until it got "fixed' and "made better". I didn't need to know how to take it apart and put it back together just to use it...kinda like most people who use cars, ya know?

Not for a few decades, anyway.

(PS: I know enough workarounds to get pix from just about anywhere to post 99.99% of the time; the note from 89AKurt saying he couldn't see photos that I COULD was the FIRST time I've run aground...so I thought the boss here might like to know there was a little glitch)

But hey...if you can't make something that works well, ruin something that works just fine by adding complication until it fails regularly. That's becoming the standard operating model everywhere I turn.

Things are going to get really interesting when 4th-rate emoji-designers-turned-whatever do most of what passes for work...and their bosses all have doctorates in studies-studies.   :D


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5 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

But hey...if you can't make something that works well, ruin something that works just fine by adding complication until it fails regularly. That's becoming the standard operating model everywhere I turn.

Couldn't agree more. 

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20 hours ago, 89AKurt said:

Do you have the photo on your computer (making a huge assumption you are not using a phone)?

I have the photo on another machine I rarely put online, not this one.

Copy/paste of a photo uploaded to the forum in an old thread (or a photo hosted elsewhere) into a new thread on the forum used to be a click-click no-brainer.

Alas, those days seem to be behind us.

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