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Project510's WIP Workbench


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Ill save everyone the long story, but I quit the hobby several times. Hopefully back for a while. Longer version can be read here:

Leaving The Hobby

Even though I left the hobby, on the advice of MCM members, I saved most of my tools, and some of my favorite kits. I also never lost interest. Still kept up with favorite builders on Social Media, watched Youtube videos and continued to learn. Now that I am back into this hobby I think I have a better focus and better appreciation for the hobby. 

I used to always rush through things, afraid I was going to have to pack up and move. Also, with SO MANY cool kits being released, I think at some point the hobby became more collecting kits and parts then actually building anything. Maybe its because I am older or whatever but it just seems clearer now. I really missed building models. I've gotten rid of the need to buy a new kit every week or month. I don't need to buy 50 million extra parts to add to the kit. Just want to build fun cars/trucks and get better with each kit.

So anyways, I've spent the last few days digging what I had saved out of boxes and found no less than 3 already started cars, possibly more. So this space will be dedicated to all of those. I like the idea of having one space to record the process, and if I feel so inclined I can post a new thread once complete with just final photos.

Below is a list of partially built cars I will be building:

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I know there is 1 more, possibly two. And plan is to get them finished. But I have a main goal first, which is to build this first... If you read the whole story on the above link you know how my son is the reason for being back into model kits, and he has requested this kit so he can display it in his room. It really is the perfect kit too. It has great wheels, and the actual red top SR20. Wont need to buy anything to make this cool, its great as is.


I have already started, while I wait for paint to arrive I've been sorting out the tools, getting a space set up and diving right in!

Not a bad looking kit, not a whole lot to cleanup before paint so far either which is nice. 


Only thing Im going to change is the seats, and thats because I found some laying around in a box. Just need to decide which one. I have this black one that came in the Tamiya Supra kit, or this random Resin one that was covered in red paint that did not look good so I tried to remove it all. Or the box stock seats.


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Can relate to collecting more than building.  But thats half the fun when passionate about this hobby.

Liking your approach to getting back into building and what you have on the bench. 

Look forward to seeing more of the Supra and Silvia, like what you have going on with them so far.

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3 hours ago, Cool Hand said:

Can relate to collecting more than building.  But thats half the fun when passionate about this hobby.

Liking your approach to getting back into building and what you have on the bench. 

Look forward to seeing more of the Supra and Silvia, like what you have going on with them so far.

Very true! Im sure Ill purchase new kits eventually. Just want to focus on building first haha. Also, I am glad I did. The last few nights working has been very relaxing. Its also nice because if I have nothing to assemble or glue for woodworking, it gives me work to do in quiet because the kid is directly above me sleeping. The loud woodworking power tools keep me from doing a lot of work at night. Its a good balance!

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This thing is already fighting me at every step! It sure doesn't seem to have the same nice fitment as the Tamiya kit. I spent tonight's two hours of available time just gluing the bumpers on. The chassis is a bit twisted, and the front bumper as well. I do believe the front end is my fault. I cut out the sprue piece that at the time I thought was useless but may have been there to keep it straight until the engine was placed inside. I will definitely have some cleanup after the multiple attempts to glue this straight.



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The damage isn't too bad. Should be able to clean it up without a major issue. I was using BSI Supergold+ and it was taking forever to dry. Maybe it was too cold in the garage? Either way I have Tamiya thin cement coming in the mail today. I made the mistake of using an old bottle of thin CA without checking the tip and it poured out all over the bumper leaking through to the exterior of the body. Sanding down with 600/1000 should clean this up enough for primer rigt? Hopefully it doesnt mess up the final paint.


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Spent some tonight organizing all the stuff I could find. Had to purchase paint and glue. What I had when I sold all the kits was already 10 years old so I tossed it a while ago. Wow is it hard to find paint locally now... 

Used this old toolbox I had laying around the garage since I cant keep all the stuff on the workbench. I have actual woodwork to do soon haha. 


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Found the last remaining box of Kits. Technically was looking for more supplies and I found some but not all. Looks like I sold off more than i thought. 

I also swore I saved more kits than this but at least I saved my favorites.


This 1/12 Camaro kit was the very first model I ever tried to build. It got lost as a kid so many years ago I found an original release to replace it, and also bought the re-release Foose version. Very happy that I have kept this Camaro. 


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So good news/bad news

Good news - I found this tip on Youtube to strip the chrome off the plastic. Wasn't sure how well it worked but WOW. Works quick, and you can buy it at the dollar store! 


Bad news - I tried to primer the car today to get a good look at it to see what area need more work, or to start prepping for final paint. It looks terrible. So I am not sure what the problem is. 

Possible issues:

  1. Old paint - The Tamiya surface primer I used is at least 6 years old. Sat in a hot and cold storage unit for almost 2 years then a box in my garage for almost 5. 
  2. I am still waiting for my Mr. Color thinner to come in so in place of it I used regular Lacquer thinner which I assumed would be ok. It is also a few years old but in a sealed container in the garage
  3. Technique - It could just be that my technique sucks. I thinned at a 3 to 1 paint to thinner ratio. at 15 psi. Ill have to research the airbrush I have as I do not know what needle it came with. I'm in Ca so its a pretty steady 60 degrees today and the sun is out but I'm in the garage with the door open. Appreciate any advice!



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Lots of variables to cause the pebbling.

Probably not thinned enough, shot to far away from the surface. Psi bit low around 20 be a good place to start.

1:1 is the go with lacquer paints, primers and surfacers  1:1.5 

Airbrush and needle size would be good to know as well. 

Edited by Cool Hand
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44 minutes ago, Cool Hand said:

Lots of variables to cause the pebbling.

Probably not thinned enough, shot to far away from the surface. Psi bit low around 20 be a good place to start.

1:1 is the go with lacquer paints, primers and surfacers  1:1.5 

Airbrush and needle size would be good to know as well. 

Google says my Iwata Revolution CR is .05mm nozzle. I was pretty close to the car when painting so Ill start with better thinning and higher pressure see where it takes me. Thanks Cool Hand!

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9 hours ago, Project510 said:

Found the last remaining box of Kits. Technically was looking for more supplies and I found some but not all. Looks like I sold off more than i thought. 

I also swore I saved more kits than this but at least I saved my favorites.


Interesting kit on the bottom left, is that a rebox of the Revell kit? I have a couple of versions of the Hasegawa kit, looks good.

I like the projects you have planned and underway.

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12 hours ago, Spottedlaurel said:

Interesting kit on the bottom left, is that a rebox of the Revell kit? I have a couple of versions of the Hasegawa kit, looks good.

I like the projects you have planned and underway.

Officially I do not know, I would have to Google it to research. It does look identical in size and parts trees if I remember correctly. Ill pull it out and take a look when I have less BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH all over the work bench.

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Slow progress but slow is good I think. I learned a LOT this week. After taking a 2nd try at the primer I realized I have been airbrushing wrong the entire time. I always wondered why even with this expensive paint booth, and airbrush and compressor I was still getting clouds of paint, tons of over spray clogging up the filters. After the tips from Coolhand I realized my issues were heavy paint, and not knowing how to properly use the airbrush. 

Now after a bit of practice, I am seeing a much better application of the paint. Not only that but the booth is pulling the paint and fumes out as it should and thats great. Makes sense, I was always in such a rush to build I never stopped to properly learn good technique. I obviously still have so much to learn as far as technique and skill but at least Im pointed in the right direction haha.

Painted the chassis and with this Aoshima kit there is a lot of areas that needed to be hand painted. A steady hand I do not have so its not so bad. Also having to make these window masks is tough!


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I just love the feeling of learning something new in this hobby, and there's always something new to learn. I guess that's why I continue to stick with it.

One tip though... The couple times I've masked windows for the black surround, I've masked and painted from the inside. It seems to me that the paint lays down better and looks more prototypical when sprayed on the inside.

David G.

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8 hours ago, David G. said:

I just love the feeling of learning something new in this hobby, and there's always something new to learn. I guess that's why I continue to stick with it.

One tip though... The couple times I've masked windows for the black surround, I've masked and painted from the inside. It seems to me that the paint lays down better and looks more prototypical when sprayed on the inside.

David G.

Thanks for the tip David, its just my low quality photo. The masking is on the inside, and I do play to spray the inside. I do appreciate the heads up!

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  • 7 months later...

It felt like forever since I worked on this car! ANd I was right, 6 month went by in a snap. My sons current obsession (besides nissans) is now rockets. So I have spent the last 6 months building, coloring, painting and blasting rockets. Which leads to little to no time for my own stuff. I managed to get started on teh S13 again this past weekend and wow. I think this may be the best paint I have ever put down on a kit. Its not even close to perfect, but its easily MY best haha.


Even mixed up my own paint to try to get the right Nissan OEM paint. The wet paint shows a lot of metallic but it softened up a bit once dry. Well see how it goes once clear is on. I still need to do the grey two-tone trim.

I think I mentioned before but I also solved the bad primer issue. Pretty sure it was a mixture of multiple issues. Incorrect pressure, incorreclty thinned primer, and poor care for the airbrush. All of which has been solved and Im laying primer nice and smooth


This is my current distraction from the car projects. A Revell Apollo Saturn V. Im not building the full kit though, im ading LEDs and polyfil for a smokey blast off effect to use it as a night light for my son. He absolutely LOVES the Saturn V rocket haha. The kit is not that great of a fit, and if I were doing it correctly, would take forever there is so much to fix, or fill. What a mess. 


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Clearly I am out of practice. Petty disappointed with my outcome on the paint. Ill remask the grey and and give it another coat of body color to cover it up but otherwise, I don't want to make it worse by trying to make too big of a correction. My son is thrilled the car is painted, and its being displayed in his room so if he likes it, I'm fine. Also, my dry brushing technique could use a little practice haha.



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  • 4 months later...

Man, I am terrible at updates. Despite the lack in updates I have finally found a decent groove of getting time to work on these kits. Not without some extra frustrations, but I am working through it. After having not built anything in SO long, I was disappointed in the results of this S13 kit. But what it did was get me in a rhythm of building every other day. This is probably the first kit in full I have finished in almost 18 or so years.


At some point something was sprayed or spilled on the window plastic so it looks terrible. My hands are not steady at all but all in all, its ok looking. My son loves it and that's all that matters. Also, I didnt clear it because I figured once I get a bit more practice in I can respray the body and make it nicer.


I've also continued work on the rocket. This was taking forever because I was thinking of a way to get LED lights and smoke on it. My boy wants it hanging from the ceiling so I had to figure out how to add a switch and mount the battery etc


It was cold and raining here so instead of painting the Saturn V I also started some details on the CRX. I think I am slowly getting back into it. Skill level very slowly improving. Finding that I am getting better with the airbrush as well.



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Years ago I simulated thick heavy smoke with cotton balls pulled apart and reshaped. I used hairspray to get them to hold the new shape and harden. There may be better ways but that might be a place to start….nice builds btw!!

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15 hours ago, Fantom said:

Years ago I simulated thick heavy smoke with cotton balls pulled apart and reshaped. I used hairspray to get them to hold the new shape and harden. There may be better ways but that might be a place to start….nice builds btw!!

Using the same approach but using polyfil (stuffing) and using spray adhesive to these clear cone shapes I made out of 3 mm thermal laminating pouches.


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Pretty much done with the underside. 


Tail lights came out pretty nice. Had some trouble with the Tamiya Smoke for the glass. Think my regulator might be bad, or at least not accurate. I kept turning it down to reduce psi finally got it to where it sprays nice and its reading 5 psi. 


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