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Testers Modelmaster Metalizer Paints

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Hey everyone this is probably an old topic no doubt ,,but i was really struggling with finding a alternative replacement i was looking at the vallejo metalic color line ,,but was turned off by price,,,,fast forward to today well i broke down an ordered a set ($ 32.00) they come in 4 pack,, Man these are pretty decent size ,,,and they brush on GREAT,and cover very well ,and already thinned,,was so impressed i ordered the other two sets of the metal sets ,,,,did i mention they BRUSH on so Great,,,i wont be spraying these ,i do all brushing with the Metalizers paints sooooo  i dont see me running out anytime soon,,,wish i would have gotten these paint sooner ,but oh well,,,so if your on the fence about these paints(cause lord knows i was)try them,,,no i dont have any affiliation with them or sell them ,,,,was just looking for an alternative AND i found it ,,at least for ME



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2 hours ago, bauercrew said:

Hey everyone this is probably an old topic no doubt ,,but i was really struggling with finding a alternative replacement i was looking at the vallejo metalic color line ,,but was turned off by price,,,,fast forward to today well i broke down an ordered a set ($ 32.00) they come in 4 pack,, Man these are pretty decent size ,,,and they brush on GREAT,and cover very well ,and already thinned,,was so impressed i ordered the other two sets of the metal sets ,,,,did i mention they BRUSH on so Great,,,i wont be spraying these ,i do all brushing with the Metalizers paints sooooo  i dont see me running out anytime soon,,,wish i would have gotten these paint sooner ,but oh well,,,so if your on the fence about these paints(cause lord knows i was)try them,,,no i dont have any affiliation with them or sell them ,,,,was just looking for an alternative AND i found it ,,at least for ME



I have been considering them myself so thanks for the info. So which set did u get? 

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ACE : sorry no pics ,, i bought a softbox for my nikon flash and havent had a chance to set up yet

Mike : the first kit i bought says engine ,,,,,,then i ordered the other 2 cant remember what they were called ,,,,but those three kits WILL for sure cover all the metals ,,,and last a LONG time since i brush

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Mike :  yes some of the colors look the same UNTIL you actually use them and compare them side by side ,,but to some people that might be close enough for them ,,but as i said i went and bought all three sets ,,,at least i know i wont be running out of metalic colors any time soon😁

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The Metal Color line are really nice paints. The chrome works well for polished aluminum and the other shades are great as well. They like to be sprayed about 20psi, so a little higher pressure than metalizer. Being brushable is a big benefit as well. I'm not as crazy about the Vallejo gloss black primer they recommend as an undercoat... it takes forever to dry and seems to stay a little rubbery for a long time. I'm going to try them with Tamiya gloss black lacquer and see how they do.

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This is great news, especially the brushing-on part, something I've always done with Testors Metalizers. I assume you are referring to the sets like this one:


Scale Hobbyist sells both the sets and the individual colors (see: https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catagories/browse.php?s=3&t=1&micr=3715&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&kw=vallejo )  I assume any Vallejo stockist would do the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/10/2022 at 4:02 PM, bauercrew said:

Mike :  yes some of the colors look the same UNTIL you actually use them and compare them side by side ,,but to some people that might be close enough for them ,,but as i said i went and bought all three sets ,,,at least i know i wont be running out of metalic colors any time soon😁

I bought them the other day and you are right about the colors. The nozzle tip is great I can actually squeeze out 1 drop at a time

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I also replaced my almost used up testers metalizers for Vallejo.   Bought four sets and so far am very impressed.  They go on much like the metalizers and look great.   I will say some colors look pretty close to others but there is some subtle surface effect differences that stand out

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I also have migrated to Vallejo metal color. Considering how little you need to cover they are not really expensive. They also mix well with Model Color, so for example if I want to do a light metals blue I will mix a bit of Model Color blue into the Aluminium Metal Color. Very versatile and they brush well.

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When I started my miniature painting journey I invested in paints once I was commited to the hobby. I had done a lot of research, watched a lot of videos, and it came down to a couple of paint lines. Vallejo was the one I chose and I went full hog. Their metal color line is one I bought and like most of you I was pleasantly surprised at how good they are. They brush on and airbrush equally well and the color range is comprehensive.

I would have recommended them a few years ago but I had all but forgotten this place as my journey had taken me pretty far from here.

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Still sho' would be nize to see what some of the alternatives actually look like on a model.

I've got enough of the vintage Testors stuff to last me years at the rate I use it, but just in case I live long enough to get to all the models in my hoard, it'd be nice to know what's really what.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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