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Pocher Bugatti 1933 50T

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Way back in the 1980’s, my dad purchased a Pocher Bugatti 1933 50 T to assemble.  He promptly took over the dining room table for about a week before he put everything in a box and moved the box into the basement storage storage room.  It sat in basement for until he moved out a couple of years ago when he gave it to me to throw away.  I moved it to my basement and now I’ve come full circle.  I’ve taken over the dining room table and I’m trying to make sense of his organization system and yellowed instructions that are at least 40 years old.  This is the first model I’ve ever assembled and I’m hoping to finish it before Christmas and then giving it to him.

With all of that being said, does anyone have any tips or tricks for assembling this?  I’ve assembled a few of the parts and the screws seem difficult to screw in.  Do I need to thread the holes before putting the screws in?  Anything special I need to do for the brass gears?

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12 hours ago, Aeneiad said:

This is the first model I’ve ever assembled and I’m hoping to finish it before Christmas and then giving it to him.

Hi Terry. I have no experience with this kit but I have to say that assembling it by Christmas would likely be a challenge for a very experienced modeler. I would suggest being very careful and taking your time with it. You can always present it to him later…maybe his birthday or something? It does look like a fantastic kit. Best of luck with it.  Greg.

Edit: On page two of the Harry P thread, he talks about methods of putting the screws in.

Edited by NOBLNG
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Pocher kits are legendary for the sheer amounts of both parts in the kit, and time needed to build them.

And, despite how well detailed they look at first glance, there is a LOT of "Model Building" involved in getting one built.

Give Yourself plenty of time and join an On-Line Pocher Group ti get tips on building your exact kit. There are tricks you need to know to get a smooth build, and talking with someone who has built your Bugatti will wind up being a life saver.

There are tons of Half Built Pocher Kits out there. 6 Months into assembly, you'll know why.

Don't let that upset you. You can build it. But, it is journey to Completion.

Best Of Luck!

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Welcome to the forum Jason!

Many years ago I have built my one and only Pocher kit: 1935 Mercedes 500K sports roadster. I even had my grandfather build a glass display case for it. I Still have it.  It took me much longer than a month to build. I wouldn't expect you to have finish it by Christmas (especially if you are not an experienced kit builder).  As others mentioned, these kits require quite a bit of "massaging" to but them together correctly.
Do you have any model building experience?  This would not be my choice for a first build, but have fun with it, and take your time.  These kits (even partially assembled) fetch amazing prices on eBay.

Also, if you want to see some amazing Pochers and aftermarket accessories, along with amazing prices, check out https://www.modelmotorcars.com/

As for the screws, those are usually brass and while they can form threads in plastic, they can also snap while doing that.  I seem to recall that I might have used one of the screws as a tap by grinding it into a tap-like end.


Edited by peteski
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Check the screw thread sizes and invest in some like sized taps and small tap wrench to suit. It will save a real amount of heartache of you tap all the holes requiring the screws.

Model Motorcars who Pete recommended has them and can advise on what you will need. My own experience of Pocher brass screws is that they can shear off easily so tapping the holes will be the way to go. It may be worth looking to replace them with steel screws instead for more strength.

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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