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3d printing is entering a new phase. Fast print speeds.

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3d printing suppliers are offering a new transparent film for resin vats. It's called ACF film and is stronger and more transparent than FEP and NFEP. As most know, the build platform has to rise and retract into the resin vat for each layer to be cured. This can't be done fast with FEP or NEFP film as the cured resin adheres to to the film and has to be pulled off. This takes time to do, thus creating long print cycles which lead to long print times. The resin doesn't appear to stick to the ACF film. This allows for speed of the build plate to increase up to 60% percent faster. A resin with a thin viscosity is also needed. I ordered a sheet of ACF film and a bottle of fast resin from Amazon today. I also have a spare vat for my Phrozen Mighty 8k. All this is what I'll use to test this out. The effect should greatly improve the quality of 3d prints as lower print heights can be used in the same time as it takes for higher ones. Simply put, a print that is created at 50 um can be created at 20 um in approximately the same time.This means that those ridges people see will be eliminated. Here's a little blip on what I'm talking about.



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Like all new tech it gets better all the time. 

I was watching a 50's era film where they bragged about being able to send a mug shot photo from NYC to LA in only 2 hours with the new drum scanner!!! Imagine that only 2 hours to see a grainy b&w photo. 

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10 hours ago, Dave Van said:

Imagine that only 2 hours to see a grainy b&w photo. 

Sounds like Verizon where we live 🤪

This is an exciting development though - and like the others above have said, it’ll only get better and better.  It’s so exciting!  

I’ve been predicting (to myself) for a while that 3D scanners packaged to look like the current printers / wash stations would be the next logical add-on to go along with 3D printers…just as a regular scanner is often a useful accessory to have with a regular printer.   Like a photocopier - but for physical objects!

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On 7/20/2023 at 7:18 AM, my66s55 said:

It does't leave any strange texture in my prints. They look exactly like the slow prints.

So you have ACF film and didn't notice a texture on the prints? The texture I noticed is very obvious with rubber resin and mildly noticable with abs like resin. I am not the only one who has mentioned this either. I got my ACF from chitusystems where did you get yours?

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On 7/22/2023 at 7:24 AM, my66s55 said:

I got my ACF film directly from Phrozen. I have used Siraya fast and Phrozen TR300 resin. You need a very thin resin to print fast. The film needs to be very tight.


Well I am not going for speed, in my mind if what they say is true then on my Mega 8K it should help with suction forces regardless of what resin you are using, now I will say it may or may not help with that, its quieter and seems to release easier, but there definitely is a texture that wasn't there before. Now I did an identical print on two Elegoo Saturns using rubber resin. I printed the hardest tire I have that shows layer lines, the release did appear to be better but not as good as they say. There definitely is a difference in visual appearance though and its very obvious. On the rubber tires its not necessarily a bad thing but its there. I also am not the only one who has noticed check this youtube video

Edited by Texas_3D_Customs
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I'd say ACF films are not a good answer by the research I have done, leaving marks that shouldn't be there. I was highly considering buying a Saturn 3 Ultra, but have totally changed my mind. I may just get the Saturn 3 instead.. I wonder if you can demod the latest 3d printers to use FEP instead of ACF? 

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As usual, this tread has been taken off topic. It's about printing much faster. ACF film has a 93-94% transparency. That's quite a bit better than nfep film. It's not for everyone.

It shows the printed file and it's flaws more accuracy. If that bothers people, than they shouldn't use it. There are many people that have been and are using it that like it. You never hear positive, only negative. 

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  • 1 month later...

I am intrigued, it looks like some research is needed, but sounds good. One thing I don't like is the price, they are proud of that ACF film. I still have several FEP sheets left, maybe when those are gone the price will have come b=down and I will be more willing to try it out.  

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