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AMT Surf Shark (my version): Finished

David G.

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Hello Everybody!

I have finally finished my version of AMT's Surf Shark! 

The Surf Shark is a cool concept which is obviously based on AMT's Ecto-1A kit.  A kit which, due to licensing, will likely never again see the light of day. At least not in that particular configuration.

Most unfortunate.

When I started this conversion back in September of 2023 my plan was to build a traditional style ambulance while at the same time trying to keep with the simplicity of the kit.

Unsurprisingly, the build became more complicated than I wanted it to but not overly so. I attribute most of the extra time and effort to building a resin gurney for the back area. Doing that nearly doubled the time invested. For those who may be interested, here is a link to the WIP.

And right in the middle of  converting the Surf Shark back into an ambulance, AMT released a version of the kit that they reworked into an actual ambulance!  Complete with a gurney! Had I just waited a few months, I could have saved myself all the trouble. :D 

Ah, well. It's like I say: "Each kit I build is really only practice for the next one."

Enough with the ranting, on with the show!


It is done!




This thing is so long that it wouldn't fit in a standard 4X6 format!



Dat's one big booty!




I found the "Please Do Not Slam Door" stickers in the parts box. I have no idea where they came from or what they were for but now their destiny is fulfilled.




I had some trouble getting the fin attachments and bumper risers to mate up well. I have some tactics in mind to address this when I do my hearse build.




There was just so much empty space on the top that I added the red cross just for visual interest.



I do have a few more shots I'd like to get so I'll probably add them when I get them done.

Until then, thanks for taking the time to have a look and please feel free to post any comments, questions or thoughts you wish to share.

David G.

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Great job on the caddy! It is said that it's not the destination but the journey that counts. So in a way, you and AMT arrived at the same destination but using different routes. The more work, the greater the reward. Thanks for sharing.

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I enjoyed watching your scratch building of the Ambulance accessories and details on this. Great looking smooth paint work and the trim and other body details.

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Well this has turned out to be quite some build David . . . I am guessing that you must have mixed feelings about the AMT release, and who could have predicted that AMT would not only produce the ambulance kit, but it even has the gurney as well ! . . . I saw how much work you put into fabricating that gurney . . . just a few months could have made all the difference !

Anyway, your version is fabulous, and you will have the satisfaction of beating AMT to the line, in terms of launch date . . .

David W.

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21 hours ago, happy grumpy said:

Great job on the caddy! It is said that it's not the destination but the journey that counts. So in a way, you and AMT arrived at the same destination but using different routes. The more work, the greater the reward. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Mario! I'm not in the least upset or feeling put out by the timing of the ambulance release as I always intended to get one any way. And as you pointed out, I had the pleasure of doing it my own way.


19 hours ago, espo said:

I enjoyed watching your scratch building of the Ambulance accessories and details on this. Great looking smooth paint work and the trim and other body details.

Thank you very much David.


19 hours ago, Anglia105E said:

Well this has turned out to be quite some build David . . . I am guessing that you must have mixed feelings about the AMT release, and who could have predicted that AMT would not only produce the ambulance kit, but it even has the gurney as well ! . . . I saw how much work you put into fabricating that gurney . . . just a few months could have made all the difference !

Anyway, your version is fabulous, and you will have the satisfaction of beating AMT to the line, in terms of launch date . . .

David W.

Thank you most kindly David.

Honestly, my feelings regarding AMT's timing on the release of the revised ambulance version are entirely positive. Obviously, I'm glad that they made the conversion and gave us an honest-to-goodness ambulance. The timing of that release turned out to be ideal for me personally; in the midst of my converting the Surf Shark back into an ambulance.

Having nearly completed the conversion of the Surf Shark, I was at the point of having to find suitable livery markings for it. The decals provided in the Surf Shark kit were limited in ambulance-appropriate markings. The Ambulance kit had more than enough appropriately styled decals which I immediately appropriated for the Surf Shark build.

This also worked out well for my future plans to build the Ambulance kit as a hearse. First, the hearse I have planned will obviously not need any of the ambulance markings. Second, having already built one version of this kit, I have benefit of the experience of knowing where its potential shortcomings are and how to better address them on the next go around.

It's like I say, "Each kit I build is really only practice for the next one!"

I don't think I could have planned it better myself. 

Thanks again for your kind comment,



17 hours ago, karbuildr said:

Excellent build. All your work resulted in a superior depiction of an Ambulance. Outstanding and very realistic.

Thank you most kindly David.


17 hours ago, KWT said:

very nicely done

Thanks Jeremy.


14 hours ago, Jim B said:

Great looking Caddy.  Well done.

Thank you very much Jim.


14 hours ago, PappyD340 said:

Very nice!

Thanks Larry!


14 hours ago, Supernurd said:

Great job!  👍

Thank you L M!


9 hours ago, Yeah Nah said:

Turned out great David! 

Shame about the Ecto-1 kit. Actually had that kit and it went when I downsized my stash. Regretting selling it now!

Thanks Garry! I did manage to get one good Ecto-1 built with a complete and lighted interior.



I also have a couple other donor kits in my stash left from my first hearse conversion attempt. There may be one complete kit among them.


7 hours ago, ChrisR said:

Very nice!!

Thanks Chris.


4 hours ago, XYHARRY said:

Beautiful rendition of the Cadillac ambulance. Really well done David. 


David M. 😎👍



Thank you David, I appreciate that.


2 hours ago, ncbuckeye67 said:

That is absolutely gorgeous! I love old ambulances.

Thank you Jeff.

I'm quite fond of them myself, beautiful machines they are.


1 hour ago, GLMFAA1 said:

Nice meat wagon. Don't slam is from Revell Impala taxi stickers.


Thanks Greg.

Thanks for filling me in on the origin of the stickers. I remember building that kit with my son... in 1991 or thereabouts. 😮 

Gah, I'm getting old! :D 


Thank you all for your kind comments.


David G.

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20 hours ago, GLMFAA1 said:

Your fortunate to have a built Ecto.  Mine was stolen from the local hobby shop display case.


Aw man, that sucks! I'm sorry to learn that.

Do you have any pictures of it?

David G.

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22 hours ago, Rattlecan Dan said:

Some fine work on display. Great job!

Thank you very much Donato.

21 hours ago, GLMFAA1 said:

Sorry no pictures😂

That's a bummer. :( 

21 hours ago, Slotto said:

Super job! Love what you've done here

Thanks Steve, I appreciate that.

David G.

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21 hours ago, stavanzer said:

You did the build that I had planned when I first saw the Surf Shark.

You did it much better and faster than I did.

Great Job!

Thank you Alan.

The good news is that since AMT has released the updated ambulance version that's actually an ambulance, none of ever have to go through this again!

I almost feel as if I "took one for the team" as the saying goes. :D 

9 hours ago, ea0863 said:

Way cool David! Thank you for posting

Thanks EMRE, I'm glad that enjoyed it.

David G.

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