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Why do you guys model cars?

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For me, I think it's become a compulsion, no, an outright obsession! Even if I don't WANT to work on a model on a particular day, I feel like I NEED to!

I build them because I can't afford the 1:1 stuff. Some of them are detailed, some are not, some look great and others look like polished turds, but I enjoyed every one of 'em!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Very very curious question here..

Do you guys model because ->

1) You enjoy modeling

2) Want to make realistic models

3) others, please state

As for me, I enjoy modeling, as a whole. Not like some other people (not from this board), that actually treats modeling as making ultra ultra realistic models. Yeah, I know that once one's skill is good enough, the models will look realistic naturally.

i keep buying them an buying them an buying them. then i get confused bout 300 or so start one an stop then start another and so on. then i turn on computer to look at all you guys stuff i never get to work on my stuff. shame on you guys---------unfinished dreams------tom

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I guess I build model cars because I never really outgrew being a professional bodyman and a custom car builder, even though I retired from the trades over 20 years ago. But, now I do it in the house, I don't get anywhere near as dirty and it doesn't cost anywhere near as much as it does in 1:1!! :lol:


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What kinda polish do you use ??? :(:rolleyes::lol:

I bet he uses "Turdle Wax!"

I build cars of cars I dream of owning. Or if I had a model of my real 1:1 scale car, I'd build the model to either replicate it, or build the model as how I'd build the real thing.

Models are a cheap way of having my dream car!

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E-Man, I don't KNOW why I do it. Habit maybe? I don't even finish them anymore.Just build till I lose interest in THAT particular model, then I put it up, an start or mess with one I've already started. Don't really know when this happened, it just did. I'm fortunate in that I've been doin it for a long time, an I have a LARGE stock to pull from. My wife tells me to take them to the shows to sell, but I've had some kits for so long,they're like old freinds. Got a 69 RoadRunner with a 1.79 price tag still in plastic,from 1970, jus wish I still had the cartoon box the original issue came with!

Now,I just sit an putz, not really gettin anything finished, but gettin little things done. One of these days, I'll get enuff "little things" done, that I'll actually finish one! :(

I'm gonna hafta Ditto what George 53 said.

Except for the 69 RoadRunner Box, I still have mine :rolleyes:

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I always considered it therapy. A chance to turn out the world and concentrate on something right in front of me. I build a little of everything (Armor, planes, figures, cars), but cars are what I build the most. My father introduced me to this addiction when I was a kid with a Hubley 32 Chevy Roadster (I think) and I haven't looked back. I enjoy taking the blank canvas of a kit, and letting my imagination run wild. I especially like to build stuff that upsets a few replica stock builders that I consider good friends. I guess what started out as "alone-me" time has evolved into spending quality time with a close group of friends that I have made over the years.

... Oh yea, and the glue still smells great after all this time!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!

You know what...now that I think about it...its probably all just about sniffing the glue.

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For me, I am a huge collector of a lot of stuff. 1:400 scale airliners, NASCAR diecast are my prized collections. But I found that once I paid a wad of cash and put the diecast in a cabinate, or left it in the box to preserve its collectible value, the thrill was over.

But with model cars, getting back into the hobby since I was a teen, not only do I get the thrill of the hunt looking for the kits I want in my collection, but I keep it going with the build. Then the satisfaction of knowing I built the model makes it worth more to me than the diecast I have hidden away and forgotten about.

Still love collecting diecast though. Had to streamline my airliner collection to make room for more. But it still is not nearly as rewarding as building a model car myself!

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I bet he uses "Turdle Wax!"

I build cars of cars I dream of owning. Or if I had a model of my real 1:1 scale car, I'd build the model to either replicate it, or build the model as how I'd build the real thing.

Models are a cheap way of having my dream car!

Very true, but I guess that there in the States, Revell kits are cheap, ranging from US$10-US$20 or so. But how can it be acceptable when a Tamiya GT-R costs a whopping US$66? ;)

Even here, Revell kits are hard to come by. And if I do find one, they cost MYR 130, which translates to roughly US$37. This is crazy. But the funny things is that the GT-R's price is a tad bit more consistent. It is MYR220 or so here, and that translate to around US$63. But for that kind of money, there are plenty of things that can be bought. But then again, it depends on which one has a higher priority. I guess it might be due to taxes imposed on such hobbies here. But if the exchange rate was 1-to-1, I can barely imagine my stash if kits costs MYR12 ! ;)

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Escape from reality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I built as a kid then life got in the way.

Built real cars & Harleys till about five years ago then got back into building models as therapy after my cancer.

Edited by old-hermit
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I collect die-cast in 1/43 scale, and build 1/24. I used to collect 1/18's, but too big and not enough room for'em. With 1/43, you have lot's of room and as I said in another thread, NEARLY EVERY car that I know of has been made in 1/43 scale. There are some 1/24 scale plastic kit cars I wish were in 1/43, 1/18 scale die-cast.

I enjoy seeing each one turn out better than the last one.

Is it therapy? Probably not since I dont' have a job and dont' have the stresses that require therapy. Especially when there are frusteration's within each build! LOL! Sometimes you FEEL like you want to toss the model across the room! Coarse, where would that get you?

Edited by FujimiLover
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I aplogize for the long reply, but I wrote it about two weeks ago after I read this thread. Why waste it. Here goes......


Why I do it.

No one told me about it. I found one in the bottom of a wooden toy box at my great grandma’s house. The box seemed to be endlessly deep as one day I dug through generations of left behind toys and found the parts of a Monogram Black Widow. I played with the parts all day until I figured out how they went back together. My parents came to pick me up and my father recognized what I had found so we got a tube of glue on the way home. The real stuff, this was 1966 so Notox was not available. By myself, over a covering of newspaper, I put the plastic, black truck back together using most of the glue in the tube. I was 4.

The next model may have been a T’rantula or a Beer Wagon. I barely remember most of them now. By the time I was ten, I had built over one hundred. Every penny of allowance, and every Christmas, and every birthday brought more. I built them all as fast as I could.

I only tried to stop once - while I was in college. I ended up making a chassis from straws and modeling a body from clay purchased at the book store.

The passion could not die. The only thing that has changed is the amount of work into each one. They went from glue direct from tube to parts and entire decal sheets in water, to brush painted parts, to spray painted bodies. Then came the kit bashing. My OWN creations. I was a designer.

A tiny stash of kits began its rapid expansion as soon as I had a real job and contact with other modelers. E-bay only added to the hoards. Every one is still meant to be built.

Kit bashing gave away to scratchbuilding as my imagination required new parts to feed and perfect my dreams. This in turn pushed my materials, parts resources, tool accumulation, and eventually fabrication skills. My small work area became a time machine lit by a magnifying lamp. Hours slipped away without the slightest pause or notice.

Like a manic Richard Dryfus making an alien inspired mountain from mashed potatoes, I had a vision that needed to get out. Set aside finish quality and piece count, the end result has is the same as with that sticky, black truck resurrected from the toy box – It has always been fun.

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Why? There is a lot of reason's why I build but most part is the people that you meet in this hobbie, I have met a lot of great friends from the east coast to the west coast and every place in the middle and people from two different country's, Also add Gregg to the list as he is on a little Island in the west hehe!

But most part is its cheaper to try new things on model cars then it is on a real car to see if it looks right. Also love building replica style cars of some of the best real car builders around. Where can you take a 37 Ford and change a few things to make it a 36, or 41 Linclon to a 39? and have it less then $20 in to it.

The one thing I can see most is that I spend a lot of time doing this then being at a bar or spending money on lot less stuff then if I was not into it so much.

Thank you to every one here in the Modeling world as this is home.

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Why I do it

First for me it is escapism - new word

I can escape to my world. No phone, computer, job, kids. Although my wife, Cheryl asks Why is the TV on?

It starts with buying the kit and seeing it finished in your head.

I am the designer, bodyman, mechanic, and I do the upholstery.

Next I think after the work-a-day world you should do something with your hands

Modelling also opens up new worlds for me - research, photograhy, attention to detail.

This carrys forward to my other worlds.

It is social - like this web forum, communicating world wide.

Also with my modelling friends, we get together the third Monday of the month

There are about eleven of us, who just sit around and talk about models

This month the meeting is Mon. May 18 and the theme is "drag racing"

I love cars

And it is fun, just do it.

Thanks for reading

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Reason #3 "other" mostly.

I've built several 1:1 cars over the years, but I can't afford to build, say, 200 or so a year!!!! (Would if I could though!) So, I guess the models are a more "cost-effective" way of keeping myself from going totally flippin' nutso. Everybody needs a creative outlet- mine happens to be model cars.

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