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Gregg in SoCal this morning

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Oh Man,that waz cold!!! I waz gonna say it was Daddy Warbucks, but then I recognized our Beloved Kahuna! Glad yer back onna mainland, ya know, ya REALLY spend ALOTTA time over here, why dontcha jus move back? And YES, I HAVE been called CRAZY before!!! ;):D:lol:;)

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Hey Jimmy, Missing you! ;)

Heh, no fair!

I'm at LA airport getting drunk.

I can't defund myself.

No, wait, I am defunded!

Or is that dumbfounded?

Or unfounded

Or just plain dumb?

What a pic!

I need new teet (yes, I say teet, no H after the T's)

I had a blast this weekend

Even though some F Head stole my brand new airbrush and kits I bought at GSL.

Kurt and Janet were perfect hosts.

We went out for sushi and sake last night, to try and drown my sorrows and tone down my attitude towards the tiefs

I left Kurt's house about 11:00 a.m. this morning, drove up PCH on the coast to LAX.

Was pretty neat.

Wish I had gotten up earlier and spent some more time sightseeing.

Nothing beats the trip Jairus and I took up and down the coast.

That was such a blast.

I think we did the drive more than once.

Makes one want to move to the mainland

Just jump in a car and drive.

Just don't leave anything laying around on tables.

I am seriously considering cancelling all shows for the rest of the year,

This ###### happens and it don't make it worth it anymore.

Okay, I pau.

Great Pic Dave.

I may get that camera too

Have to do more research on the one I want versus you and Mark Taylor's one.

I like the video HD option

Is this one live also?

Live view, can link to puter with live through the lens ?

Was a good show/weekend

even with the teft

The car show was unreal!

Talking with Dave, Mark, Mark, and Jim was great

So much info from these guys

Both brain cells are on overload.

Okay, I pau for sure now

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