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Here we go again...Updated Dec. 13, 2009

Peter Lombardo

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Peter -

You are raising the bar! And making it seem simple enough for many of us to try what you are doing.

Now where is my noisey whirring suckey thing? HONEY - HEAT UP THE OVEN! - I wanna make models! SWEETHEART, do you mind if I punch holes in our new baking pan? I'll get you a new one for Christamas!

Keep it up Mr. Lombardo - It's looking good. I'm really digging both your builds on the board.

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Well, thanks again for the encouragement, not that I really needed it, because I am really enjoying the challenge of this build.

I drew on the body with a pencil where I wanted the front windshield and the side windows/doors. 4152011618_cd77d70e20.jpg

I say windows/doors because the entire door is made out of a clear Plexiglas which will hinge up at the very front tip of the window. 4151253395_93f04cd375.jpg

The door will be the window too. As a side note, I glued in styrene strips on the inside between the windshield and the side windows to add support to that area because it is rather delicate. 4151254397_0cddc984b6.jpg

I thought that driving the car (if it were real) the driver would have some difficulty seeing to the side if the doors were not clear, 4152018240_e60ae7f5c7.jpg

so I figured the doors would be unique and in keeping with the idea of a concept car looking to showcase technology that is not available on production vehicles yet. 4151259457_516f2181eb.jpg

Remember this car will have “fly by wire†joystick controls and video cameras and monitors for rear view.

I made a template of the first door/window and traced it on the opposite side so the doors would be the same shape. I took care, but still got it wrong so I had to perform a small surgery on the driver’s side to fix the shape of the contour….no big deal. 4151260103_cd7a6c8fed.jpg

Once I got the doors and windshield opened up, I cut the “glass†out of the body that I previously vacuum formed in clear styrene. Later, I cut out the opening on the rear deck over the engine that will show off the engine manifold and then cut a glass filler. 4152018418_e4b25ca8cd.jpg

Once that was done, I cut apart the bottom sections and attached them to the lower portion of the front, rear and sides. 4151347527_6393b1f1af.jpg

I have completed a rough sanding of the lower portions. 4151260949_60fa6c0fcc.jpg

Next I opened up the front wheel well areas and have drawn the line that will guide the cut for the rear deck cover which will tilt up to show off the engine and the rear suspension and transmission.

I think this is coming along very well…I see my early drawings of the car in the 3D model of the body…so it is exactly what I envisioned the look to be.

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Very kool Im looking foward too the one off futuristic interior dezine with camera for rear view and wrap around insterments for dash think fighter jet or space shuttle mabey single center seating for personal transpertation a driver's cocoon so too speak any thing you come up with is sure too be kool keep up the great work!

Bud Ellis kustoms

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Peter, I'm loving this build too. Growing up I was a big fan of Corvettes. I still am but I've spread my infatuations around in other places too. But I love this concept that you have going on. I can't wait to see it finished. Your work and technique are very impressive.

I was looking through photos from the Los Angeles auto show and came across the new BMW concept:


Looks like you are really right in line with futuristic thinking and design and may have a pretty legit concept as far a what other Corvette concepts may end up looking like! Keep up the good work.

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Hey, thanks guys....I really appreciate the kind words.....I am so glad that so many of you guys "Get it"...I mean you understand the excitement I am feeling over the new horizons that this opens up. Now i really wish I had more free time to spend on these projects. Ryan, thanks for your response and the BMW concept. I have never seen that one before, and yeah, I see a lot of similar design features in the two designs. It is good to know I am not crazy in my thinking. My two current long term projects have me all "Jazzed Up" now. This is so much fun!

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This is coming along very well indeed! :) Worthy of the best of the Fisher Body contests updated to the 21st century!

totally fantastic! fabrication like that is talent i bow down to. fantastic.

Yeah...I've got to go along with Bernard and Bill on this one!!

You might consider making copies available...

Thanks for sharing,

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Things have been moving along on the Corvette XP45C Concept. I have the body separated between the front and the rear deck. 4159587235_73249756f6.jpg


I still have to separate the lower rear front the rear deck so that the top can hinge up to reveal the engine bay. I have completed more of the chassis with the front and rear suspensions in place and the brakes and wheels mounted. 4160342282_ca8f114cf9.jpg

The brakes would be carbon fiber on this concept so I did them in a very dark metallic gray metalizer and lifted a set of Camaro wheels and tires from the new Revell engine-less kit.

That reminds me, I was so disappointed to see that Revell choose to go the way of many of the Tamiya kits and go sans engine. I like the under hood detail. Anyway, A few months ago while at Michael’s, I was perusing the clearance shelf and found a few Revell Camaro kits, without engines, in plastic bags, obviously designed for a “group kid build†like a Cub Scout Pac, for $5.00 each….well, I thought the wheels and tires were worth the money so I got a few, and here is a perfect example of what a good deal that was, because I think the wheel and tire combo are perfect for this car.

I made the front wheels steer because I think they look great, turned, inside of the tight front wheel wells. 4159594831_749a55884a.jpg

I have the radiator in place and just have to plumb it to the engine. 4160349112_1c444c35e4.jpg

I like how it is laying down with the electric cooling motors showing through the top hot air vent.

I have begun working on the interior side panels. 4160348048_58bb43519c.jpg

The “basis†for the side panels are in. There are vertical panels that attach to the horizontal panels under the window/door area. Quite frankly, I have no idea of how a driver would enter this cockpit….it would be very difficult. You would have to be a contortionist not over the age of 25 to get in there….but so what! I like the look of the car so getting in and out of it is a worry for another day. 4160348400_0110ee7cc0.jpg

The interior is very tight since I designed the car to have a narrow mid-section. I wanted the driver to have the feeling of flying a fighter jet. With “fly-by-wire†joystick control and the shape of the windows, and a snug fit, I think that would be the case. Maybe this car should have drop down oxygen masks and barf bags.

Next up is the dash board and interior sides and flooring and the rear structural frame bars that will attach to the forward firewall. 4160348496_03f8cf3958.jpg

I am drawing on the look of the old Group C sports cars, which Tamiya did such a great job on in the 1990’s for the look and feel of the rear of the car. 4160348274_c2de5286ce.jpg

Like I have been saying….this sure is a fun build….challenges all over the place.

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Quite frankly, I have no idea of how a driver would enter this cockpit….it would be very difficult. You would have to be a contortionist not over the age of 25 to get in there….but so what! I like the look of the car so getting in and out of it is a worry for another day.

Man, Peter, this is really coming along........uh....... not sure there are words to describe B)

About the getting in & out, maybe if you do another one, what about following that rear 'door' line up and across the roof, cutting the roof/door area free and hinging it forward? The resulting side/roof area behind the seats could then be a structural element/rollbar type thing. Like you say tho, if'n a guy was lucky enuff to have this, he'd sure find a way to get in and get it on! Best of luck with it. ;)

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