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Im not happy! I can not reply to my personal messages. Also, where is the view new threads? I do not see it? If I can not reply to personal messages, or view new threads, then what good are the updates? Jody

Jody, I get this after clicking ion your screen name- "Smart-Resins has not set their status"

Maybe you need to edit your profile and change your status? I don't know, just a thought.

It's easy to get used to a forum you frequent, and there will always be people who resist change, but the forum looks good to me, other than the previosuly mentioned options box blocking the view of the reply box. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. :)

Thanks for the time, money and effort you've spent to upgrade/update the forums, Gregg.

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As for it ain't being broke, it was broke, there was a lot of issues and problems that no one sees.

There will be new skins and templates coming soon.


To update my earlier post, I have spent some time on here today and found that it is a pretty nice setup. I had just jumped ahead of myself. The color is my only real issue, but will live with it for the time being. I never thought of seeing it from your POV(behind the scenes). Again, I appreciate the time and effort you and the others put into this site. Thanks!!

A little notice to pass along to others:

I noticed when replying to a post(quote), what can't be deleted from the quote in the reply text box can be tackled by posting your reply followed by editing it(quick edit)afterwards. That is how I deleted irrelevant items in Gregg's post.

Edited by mountaindewd
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To update my earlier post, I have spent some time on here today and found that it is a pretty nice setup. I had just jumped ahead of myself. The color is my only real issue, but will live with it for the time being. Again, I appreciate the time and effort you and the others put into this site. Thanks!!

Not quiet a fan of this new setup, persoanly belive that the old version was better but will a complain on an on about it (NO) will i get used to it maybe but...

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The view new posts is now View New Content.

Is it this hard?

Updates and upgrades are necessary

I do not believe in staying the same.

Adapting to what's new is the only way to survive

This is the base for the changes to everything coming this way.

As for it ain't being broke, it was broke, there was a lot of issues and problems that no one sees.

This will take some more tweaking

There will be new skins and templates coming soon.

They're not cheap, or free (well, some of them are, but you know me, I don't go that route)

So, for now, Just browse the forum, make notes of problems you see, and email them to me.

Check out the new features and see what you feel works best.

Please don't post manini comments on the upgrades here, it will take time to get things perfect. Email me with major problems.

There may be some browser issues, I know Downie said that Firefox works great, and it is a lot safer browser to use.

The links and other changes will be done soon.

Thanks for your patience with all of this

Sent PM on one thing I noticed that I was wondering about... Other than that, it'll be like my new computer... I'll figure it out sooner or later.;)

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Test post to see how different this is from the old one. So far no big diffs.... Except I was able to set my options to display my post in its final form without all the HTML code gobbledygook. This is very nice and should probably be the default for most users.

Here's a test post of a picture:


Hmmm. doesn't display the picture while I'm typing. But If I click "Preview Post" it updates the image into the typing box. Very Cool!!!!

Oops. It continues whatever type font changes you last made on to the next paragraph. Just like MS Word.....

Guess I have to get used to watching out for that...

Spell checker works fine...

No more full edit vs. quick edit. everything's a quick edit now... Oh! The option for the full editor is now on the bottom of the quick edit page. But the "quick edit" is just as powerful as the old Full Edit... That's OK then.

But on the View New Content page it no longer shows who the original poster of the thread was and you no longer have the option of going either to the latest reply or to the beginning of the thread. It defaults to the end. Bring these two features back!!!!

Overall verdict, I like the look, kinda cool and modern, but the default font could be a little heavier. And there's a little bit too much white space in the layout. This is graphically nice but generates more scrolling than 'd like.

So I'd give it a B+ to A- on the way to an A. But I thought the old one was just fine.... rolleyes.giflaugh.gifsmile.gif

Edited by gbk1
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Well this is the third forum I visit that has changed their forum software in the past month. This one was definately a smoother transistion than the other two which both gave me headaches after a few minutes of reading posts.

This one is a bit bright, so some optional skins would be nice down the road but otherwise it looks nice.

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Another brief criticism of the View New Content page. The Forum name is very small and very faint and hard to read. Also, you can't use the Forum name to click on to and navigate directly there anymore. So I guess I'd say that the View New Content page is a general bust (pardon my harshness) since several of it's key features are now gone. Here's a summary of what I think could be improved on it:

1) Less white space so you don't have to scroll so much.

2) Author of Topic displayed.

3) Topic title clickable so you can go to the start of it if you want.

4) Last post clickable so you can go directly to if you want.

5) Darker, larger type for Forum title and clickable access to Forum from any listing in View New Content page.

In other words, the functionality of the old View New Topics page had been sharply reduced and it's less readable than it was, despite the fact that the page is graphically cleaner and brighter.

A simple fix would be to adopt the page layout used when you access a specific Forum from the home page.

Edited by gbk1
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may be a glitch, but, i can't make an album in the Gallery!!! i'll try again in a day or so...

i'm gone for a while, comeback amd the place changed!! for the good[?], probably....change is good, right?? lol

i was tying to make an east meets west gallery...


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There is a bug in the gallery, no idea when exterminator is coming

I notice there are pics being posted in the gallery. How do you do this. I looked through the help section but I am unable to locate the "add pic" buttons it is talking about. Is this the bug you are talking about??

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nope, i still don't get it!!!

errors were found, please correct them:

You must select a category

You must select a category

You are not allowed to post images in this category so there is no reason for you to create an album in it

Create Album

Album Name

Album Description



Members Gallery

Public Album

Checking this box will allow other users to view your album.

it never 'hilites' anything more than 'members gallery, but, it's ghosted in the box...

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Test post to see how different this is from the old one. So far no big diffs.... Except I was able to set my options to display my post in its final form without all the HTML code gobbledygook. This is very nice and should probably be the default for most users.

Here's a test post of a picture:


Hmmm. doesn't display the picture while I'm typing. But If I click "Preview Post" it updates the image into the typing box. Very Cool!!!!

Oops. It continues whatever type font changes you last made on to the next paragraph. Just like MS Word.....

Guess I have to get used to watching out for that...

Spell checker works fine...

No more full edit vs. quick edit. everything's a quick edit now... Oh! The option for the full editor is now on the bottom of the quick edit page. But the "quick edit" is just as powerful as the old Full Edit... That's OK then.

But on the View New Content page it no longer shows who the original poster of the thread was and you no longer have the option of going either to the latest reply or to the beginning of the thread. It defaults to the end. Bring these two features back!!!!

Overall verdict, I like the look, kinda cool and modern, but the default font could be a little heavier. And there's a little bit too much white space in the layout. This is graphically nice but generates more scrolling than 'd like.

So I'd give it a B+ to A- on the way to an A. But I thought the old one was just fine.... rolleyes.giflaugh.gifsmile.gif

Me too, liked the old way better - it was one of the best on the web.

The new interface doesn't seem quite as polished up, and apperently doesn't have the same member flexibility with signatures.

Why go an mess with things that actually worked.

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