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So Who Has The Popcorn Now?

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Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!

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... drama, drama, drama, MODEL CAR drama, drama, ...

Seems to be that way on any model car forum or email list I've been on. I was thinking after hanging out here for a month and a half that this place was different, but I guess I just hadn't been around long enough for it to happen yet.

There are some things I don't quite get... First, why do people have their panties in a knot over a software upgrade on a forum? I'm active on several forums, and they ALL have had substantial software upgrades in the past year, year and a half. EVERY one of them. It's not hard... The keyboard still types letters, the mouse still moves the arrow, and you still have to be connected to the internet to access it. Find where the buttons have moved to, and you've got it. I'm failing to see how it was something cruel/evil/mean 'Gregg did to his loyal members' (paraphrase) that should stir up anger or distress in people. If anything, it should be seen as something he did FOR the members, because it's introducing features like the Chat (soon as the bugs are worked out), more interesting and detailed profiles, and maybe other things I haven't stumbled across yet. On that note, thanks Gregg, for providing us with this forum with its bells and whistles.

So that leads to the comments, which were on another board and should've never made it to this one, regardless of what the person was saying... They were brought over by someone acting immature, who obviously has problems with certain members, but is choosing a childish way to air them. It's obvious that thread starter was just trying to stir up trouble, but he had all of you eating out of his hand and people ran with it... Just remember that the whole world sees this stuff, the good, bad, and foolish. We don't need this kind of stuff on this board, and the cheering it on makes everyone look like a bunch of boneheads. Of course that thread had 20+ people looking at it at once- it was started on that day, and had hit what, 8 pages(?) already when it was locked. It would still be growing if it hadn't been locked. I looked at it too- who wouldn't? But it made me disappointed, to be honest.

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Eric, those comment s I made, were , to ME a vent! Some of us,like myself are NOT computer savvy as others. I didn't even touch a computer till 06 and I HAD to at work, though we've had one in my home since 2001.

I DON'T learn tech stuff real easy, an I WAS upset by the change, especially since it was done WITHOUT warning. A little advance notice would've been appericiated. I think a few others would agree with me. If you noticed the date on that thread, it was right after the changes were made. But I LEARNED to "Adapt, improvise, and overcome" Not as proficiently as I would like, but I'm still here, an even got into the chatroom. Being human, i just did what most of us do when confronted with similar situations, I biched!

Yes I DO think I am a loyal member, I'll have been here for 3 years on the 11th of this month. I've tried to be as helpful as i can, giving advice as i can, and with the help of my freinds here, TRIED to learn how to post pictures. Finally I did post some, but now I need to download my pictures from my personal files to my photobucket account. Just MORE for me to try an get right. I couldn't even post pics till the middle of last year, and with the help of Clay, Kenny,Porky and others, I FINALLY got it. I was UNAWARE that POSTIN PICTURES was a REQUIREMENT! If I had, I might never had joined and met the good freinds I made.

For those who enjoy posting their work, that's good, and when they do, I TRY to be encourageing, no matter the fact that they may be beginners and not quite up to par with the older, more expirienced builders. If you shoot someone down, in public, which I consider this forum to be, it MAY just make that individual give up, and that's NOT what we're here for. This is a place for us to ENJOY, and appericiate the fact that it EXISTS at all. I appologise publicly to Gregg and hope he wasn't too taken back by my remarks, and I DON'T think ,after all he's he's been thru, that it did too much damage. But I still think a little notice would have gone a long way to prepare folks of the coming changes. Now as for the little child that started that particular thread, and those that supported him, well they just aren't worth my time. I'd rather enjoy the company of my freinds,than to hurl negative things back at them publicly. As for what I posted to him on his PM, well THAT I MEANT! I don't have time for children, I prefer to talk with mature individuals who are not so egoed out on themselves that they find fault in others. As I've said before RIGHT HERE, you really SHOULD treat others as you would like to BE treated. The afore mentiond individuals NOT withstanding.

I hope this puts this subject to rest, and if ANYONE DOESN'T like what I say, they can just put me on their ignore list. I PROMISE it WON'T hurt my feelings. Been here from ALMOST the start, and I AIN'T goin anywhere unless Gregg asks me to leave.smile.gifwink.gif

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I don't get this mess. Yea after the change some of us had issues making things work right Which is natural. Your car breaks you hate it you get it working right again all is good. A forum is the same way. I too was mad at first. ( Wanna see where I had a vent elsewhere ?) But It started working right I once again became happy. George is the same. I don't get the whole point of stirring up trouble just cause you can

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I like chocolate milk!!!

all i really got to say is this is crazy. sorta like sturring mud to look at mud. dont know george REAL good, but i dont got a problem with what he posted. i got a problem with somebody jumping high and to the right over something silly.

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Because some guys need to call out others when they want to be an Internet Tough Guy like NoNuts was?

I don't get this mess. Yea after the change some of us had issues making things work right Which is natural. Your car breaks you hate it you get it working right again all is good. A forum is the same way. I too was mad at first. ( Wanna see where I had a vent elsewhere ?) But It started working right I once again became happy. George is the same. I don't get the whole point of stirring up trouble just cause you can

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From my buddy goerge! what class!

george 53 Icon

Today, 04:30 PM

this little bich can KMA

I hope you rot, you don't belong in such a great place as this,

Hey Gregg Ban this guy Permanetly.

Just an FYI-

If you get banned, I'm the one who reported your wildly inappropriate post to the moderators.

I've also Reported Him Lee, for that nasty PM he sent me.

Nice one Pat

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And I'll put on the gloves and jump in the octagon anytime to back him up.

Yeah I would do that for any of yall on here that I like (which is pretty much everyone) :) I just hate how somebody that George doesn't even know, would talk about him, or bring any of that kind of stuff on here. I am actually kind of glad old numbnuts, I mean lugnuts, did that. It has brought all of us closer together on here and stronger as a forum. ;)

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Yeah I would do that for any of yall on here that I like (which is pretty much everyone) :) I just hate how somebody that George doesn't even know, would talk about him, or bring any of that kind of stuff on here. I am actually kind of glad old numbnuts, I mean lugnuts, did that. It has brought all of us closer together on here and stronger as a forum. ;)

Your right Billy, it has brought us stronger and tighter togther, So thanks for that no Nuts

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