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Building Doldrums.

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I have been having a rough time lately getting inspired to build. I have about 20 started projects and only 6 finished. I'm going to spend tomorrow organizing my room in hopes that will restart me. I want to finish two or three more before NNL West.

I think we all go through this at one time or another. When I get burned out, I trade some things away to build something else that excites me more. Finding that "new" thing can be tough, but it eventually it comes to me, the fire is re-fueled, and I'm building again.

I have no problem trading away or selling kits or projects which once really inspired me, nor do I worry if getting rid of them is a mistake because I might be re-inspired to continue on them in the future. That can be a problem for some, and I think is one reason people tend to get many projects started, but few completed. I'd rather have a single project on my desk which I'm 100% into building than a few which I'm only partially committed to.

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I think we all go through this at one time or another. When I get burned out, I trade some things away to build something else that excites me more. Finding that "new" thing can be tough, but it eventually it comes to me, the fire is re-fueled, and I'm building again.

I have no problem trading away or selling kits or projects which once really inspired me, nor do I worry if getting rid of them is a mistake because I might be re-inspired to continue on them in the future. That can be a problem for some, and I think is one reason people tend to get many projects started, but few completed. I'd rather have a single project on my desk which I'm 100% into building than a few which I'm only partially committed to.

i usualy see two options to kill builders block

1 getting something simple, maybe even a snaptite kit

something i can slap together in a week and say "yeah, i finished one"

the second (and preferred) aproach if to give my 12 year old nehpew a call and we will build something together

somehow seeing him work helps me wanna do something

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Marcus, It happens to us all! Just sit down at your bench an close your eyes,and just let your mind float around a bit. with your eyes closed, just look around an then just OPEN them. The first thing you see, GO for it! If it's not a car, WHO cares, it'll get your juices flowin and start yer motor runnin! biggrin.gifsmile.gifwink.gif

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I get them about 3 times a year. Mine last for 2-3 months at a time. Ususally one of my regular shows I attend gets me going on them again. My camaro has been on and mostly off since 05! Im going to prep a quickie kit tonight to build all its going to get is good paint and maybe some engine detailing thats it. Need the quickie build from time to time.

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i was there not too long ago, i had so many ideas floating that it was affecting all my builds so i stopped cold turkey, assesed what cars can be done and whats garbage. i tossed 40 some cars that were in progress but missing parts everything else got organized and zip locked if anything that helped out a lot. i also streamlined the paint booth to where i can paint 2 cars at a time. stopped spray painting and switched to full airbrush cleared a lot of spray paint can clutter.

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Just went through that myself. There's always reasons. In my case I've got two fairly complicated builds that have hit difficult spots. Then there were the Holidays and I was away from the bench from the end of November until New Years either traveling or entertaining family or preparing for one or the other.

My usual solution is to start yet another build, but a simple one that I can finish in a couple of weeks. That's what I just did and it seems to be working. I find myself rotating through all three and making progress at last. It feels good to be back at the bench.

Like you I've got three builds I want to get done by NNL West. And as has already been said, your builds are so nice I wouldn'I want to see you stalled any longer - so pick up that saw!

Zona.jpg Raul won't mind!biggrin.gif

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This is gonna sound like the oddest advise but...

Get out a kit you almost like and violate every rule in the book. Rip the parts off the trees - use way too much glue and only from a tube, paint the body with really thick brush paint after the model is all glued together, glue the wheels on crooked. Build it like you would have when you were ten! Like the ONLY goal was to get it done - regardless of final appearance!

Then look at the finished model and list all the skills you have learned. Those accomplishments most likely will show you why you build the models you do build with the care you build them with.

Good luck!

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This is gonna sound like the oddest advise but...

Get out a kit you almost like and violate every rule in the book. Rip the parts off the trees - use way too much glue and only from a tube, paint the body with really thick brush paint after the model is all glued together, glue the wheels on crooked. Build it like you would have when you were ten! Like the ONLY goal was to get it done - regardless of final appearance!

Then look at the finished model and list all the skills you have learned. Those accomplishments most likely will show you why you build the models you do build with the care you build them with.

Good luck!


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I get that once in a while too, happens to a lot of us here. One thing that always motivates me and that I am thankful for is the club meetings, always keeps me going when I get in these little slumps. Another thing I just can't do is have more than one ongoing project, from the start, I set my mind to finish on a started project and I will not deviate from it, it's the only way I can complete something and not get overwhelmed with multiple projects or ideas....

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I go to a non-club get together, an informal gathering of like-minded car modellers once a month, hosted by a lhs. No dues, no executive, very laid back. We do an annual group build, and the odd mini-build off. Good for the modelling juices for sure! Just the thing to talk with guys who can help with ideas, and what not. Great source for trades, buying and trading kits, etc. Good to get out of the house one evening a month to bench race, and talk plastic!

I've also built some quick build type kits, or subjects I don't normally build. Another is to open a new project, and start that, after cleaning up the work area ( a relative term!). Other times, I just stay away from the bench for a period of time until I get an urge to build! Good to find what works to get you back on track. Good luck, and I hope you have a short spell of the doldrums!

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I am currently in a slump also. Finally I realized why I abandoned my last build. I just didn't want to deal with another full-body car. Oh, I love modern cars for sure, but all that chrome to BMF, elaborate dashboard detail, etc. Meh.

Then I started to think about what I think about when I am not at my bench. It's a build that has been lurking in the back of my noggin' for a while now. The more I thought about it, I realized that was the one I HAD to build.

Now I am in the planning stages. Once I think about what engine, wheels, tires, paint, etc, then I plan on posting some mock-up photos.

I hope I can work this way out of my block.

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This is gonna sound like the oddest advise but...

Get out a kit you almost like and violate every rule in the book. Rip the parts off the trees - use way too much glue and only from a tube, paint the body with really thick brush paint after the model is all glued together, glue the wheels on crooked. Build it like you would have when you were ten! Like the ONLY goal was to get it done - regardless of final appearance!

You might try flipping through a magazine for some inspiration...




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Builder's block stems form the builders desire to build something brilliant (usually a small detail that the build is not sure how to solve) but fears that his or her abilities will fall short of that desire. So it is just easier to do nothing than disappoint yourself.

It's a lame excuse.

Be realistic with yourself and don't oversight your goals.

I aways just build something that doesn't matter to me if I screw it up... often they turn out to be my best models. It gives me the fredom and flexibility to try things that I wouldn't otherwise try on a model that is special to me and want to make perfect... those are always the ones that I get stalled on.

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