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Harry, How'D It Go?

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It was for a GRAND jury, not regular jury duty.

They told us up front that if we're picked we would have to be there Monday through Friday for 3 weeks!

They interviewed each person individually. When they asked me what I do for a living, I told them I'm a self-employed graphic artist/designer/illustrator. When I mentioned "self-employed," the Asst. D.A. that was interviewing me said, "oh, I bet it would be hard for you if you had to serve on a grand jury"... and I said YEAH it would! And then she said, don't worry, have a seat.

So I guess if you're self-employed they let you off from serving. Thank goodness, cuz I sure didn't need to lose 3 weeks worth of income.

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If it was me and I was self-employed, and they didn't automatically express concern for the situation like the Asst D.A. did in your case, I'd be SURE to mention at some point during the interview process how resentful I'd be and how I'd really give it to the defendant for whatever they did that would be making me miss my work and resulting income... :);)

I just turned 28, and still have not been summoned for jury duty. I have several friends around my age who've been three or four times... Fine with me though, it sounds like a PITA!

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I just turned 28, and still have not been summoned for jury duty. I have several friends around my age who've been three or four times... Fine with me though, it sounds like a PITA!

It's a PITA x2!

Although each of us who weren't picked got a big fat check for $17.20 for our time.

So divided by the hours I spent at the courthouse today, that averages out to about $3.50 an hour. WOO HOO!!! :)

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It was for a GRAND jury, not regular jury duty.

So I guess if you're self-employed they let you off from serving. Thank goodness, cuz I sure didn't need to lose 3 weeks worth of income.

You're lucky, in Massachusetts, you can't get out of it if you're self-employed, for any reason, throwing in jail time to sweeten the pot and make you serve.

Gotta love it...

Charlie Larkin

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Well, Here's my story. In two days I'll be 41 and I've STILL never been picked. My wife has had to appear twice and has gotten out of it both times. She was/ is self employed both times.

My Grandfather was the best story though. When he appeared for his one and only time, the Defense Attorney asked him a question and my Grandfather said "Well, I don't care what he did, HANG him." The DA said "Sir, I don't believe we need your services." I can't understand why it was his only time appearing for court??? B)


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everyone dreads it but heres the point: if all the smart people avoid jury duty, then only people too stupid to get out of it will be on juries. that means, judging YOU if and when the time comes. thats not a pretty picture.

but a grand jury is a completely different animal. in california you serve for 6 mos or a year or some long term like that. it is something people on their way up do...those who want to enter politics, are movers and shakers in town, have business ambitions. it looks good on a resume. it doesnt decide cases it decides whether action should be taken on something that has been happening and they have been asked to look into. situations could be anything from political corruption, to building trades fraud, to prostitution stings or problems or most other high level situations you could think of. it is considered a political plum to be on a grand jury. hence its very unlikely a normal person would be chosen. in fact i think for a grand jury in california, simply stating you are not interested gets you sprung if you wish. i have been called for consideration on a grand jury twice, once i sat through the process until excused but the second time i just played the not interested card and walked.

oh and around here the only payment i think is free parking and there has been talk about nixing that as well...that goes equally for court juries and grand juries.

if its not a total hardship (my employer paid my normal salary for my service) i recommend being on a criminal jury at least once. its a real eye opener and in my case i came away with a bit more respect for the criminal justice system because i know we on the jury took the matter seriously.

but this is all kinda off topic, now aint it.

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It was for a GRAND jury, not regular jury duty.

They told us up front that if we're picked we would have to be there Monday through Friday for 3 weeks!

They interviewed each person individually. When they asked me what I do for a living, I told them I'm a self-employed graphic artist/designer/illustrator. When I

mentioned "self-employed," the Asst. D.A. that was interviewing me said, "oh, I bet it would be hard for you if you had to serve on a grand jury"... and I said YEAH it would! And then she said, don't worry, have a seat.

So I guess if you're self-employed they let you off from serving. Thank goodness, cuz I sure didn't need to lose 3 weeks worth of income.

Good thing she didn't put you to work as the courtroom sketch artist...it woulda been tiring to draw stick figures all day :rolleyes::lol::lol: .

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if its not a total hardship (my employer paid my normal salary for my service) i recommend being on a criminal jury at least once. its a real eye opener and in my case i came away with a bit more respect for the criminal justice system because i know we on the jury took the matter seriously.

but this is all kinda off topic, now aint it.

My one time on jury of being called three times was for a criminal case. Sadly, I think we took the whole thing more seriously than the District Attorney, victims, defendant, defense lawyer or even the judge. The two lawyers were using it as an excuse to have constant cat-fights, the parties involved were all caricatures of people and the judge just didn't seem to quite get it.

And we wonder why this country is screwed up?

Charlie Larkin

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