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Well wife and I our empty nester's now

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Guest Johnny

As a former Firefighter/EMT, I wish your son the best of everything! He made a good choice, He'll do fine. May his water supply never run dry and his sixth-sense never falter!

X2! :)

We have been empty nesters since 2002!

You look forwards to they day they are all gone from home, you dread as the day comes for the last one to leave and you miss them when they are all gone!

Then the grandkids start to arrive and your life changes again! :lol: (we have 11 GK's)

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My son in law is a 10 yr,veteran Firefighter. He is a PRIDE to me, an I call him MY hero. He had always wanted to be a firefighter, and his parents backed him up on it, so that's what he is, and a GOOD one too. He has refused Promotions JUST so he can work the fires an support "The Guys" (his fellow firefighters)He says rank'll just keep him from doing his job, and never haveing been one(Firefighter) i can't think of GOING INTO a fire (Unless someone I LOVED was in there)much less wanna TELL guys to do it! I wish him ALL the luck in the world, i hope he enjoys military life, and does you proud! Tell him Congrats from one of your forum brothers.biggrin.gifwink.gif

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Empty nester- Yea, nothing is better than having a nice quiet house to yourself. No one to interrupt the quite. No one to clean up after except yourself. Yep, nothing better! Well, not exactly. The quite can close in after a while. You miss the toys on the floor and the mess in the sink. You miss the little person to go with you to the hobby shop, the ball park, the park across the street for a game of toss. But you are proud of them and the grand kids will be along soon and you can have the mess when you want it. Good luck with the quiet.

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X2! :unsure:

We have been empty nesters since 2002!

You look forwards to they day they are all gone from home, you dread as the day comes for the last one to leave and you miss them when they are all gone!

Then the grandkids start to arrive and your life changes again! B) (we have 11 GK's)

Then, there are some of us that end up coming back....I'm there right now myself until things get better for me. A bit stressful, but it beats the alternatives.

Charlie Larkin

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Good luck too your son. He could not have joined a better branch of the service. I know I sure liked them fire fighting boys when the KC-135 tanker caught on fire as we landed one day. They were there waiting when we got stopped. Put that fire right out. The pilot let the copilot land the plane and he applied to much brake and caught the brakes on fire.

Edited by mustanglover1951
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:D Well we made it home from Texas and it is way tooo Hot for me, we got to take him off base to a ball game the last night what a great Fathers day present. "Airman First class Belair"


And yes this is what we got to cruz Texas in "permanent Grin" and my son almost fell over backwards when he saw it. :D


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Empty nest since 1996. I enjoy it without guilt. My tools are not scattered on the garage floor, or in the grass when I mow. Only my wife asks for money, and she makes most of it, my models are undisturbed, there is an extra room for an office/model room. Don't get me wrong, I love my sons, I'm just glad they're on their own. No grandkids or daughter-in-laws either.


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