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"68 Charger - POSTED FOR GEORGE 53

E St. Kruiser50

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Mark, I DIDN'T really think I was stirring ANYTHING up. The post WAS addressed to ME after all. If I struck a nerve with the jealousy remark, well, DEAL WITH IT! Sometimes it is scary to realise the truth. If you and your little freinds WANT to attack Dave that's YOUR perogitive, but I've seen Dave's Chromeing set up, and it looks like ALOT of trouble to go thru just to set up a lie. But then, I'm sure I'm not telling a worldly fellow like yourself anything. I just notice how fast YOU and j sauber and the other little kids just like to start stuff.

Before the "Build for profit" and a the so called Better builders(in their own minds)came here, this was a GREAT forum, but it REALLY has lost appeal to ALOT of older REAL builders who started this place. They seem to have lost intrest in this forum BECAUSE of the childish bickering that CONSTANTLY goes on. Teenage kids I can deal with, but YOU guys are so called "Show winners" and should act like it, NOT like some 15 year old kid. This USED to be the BEST forum on the PLANET, TILL the "I'M better than you' guys showed up. I fortunately HAVE a life and model cars are just a pastime/hobby for me. But those few that act like it's THEIR LIFE, well, maybe you guys should find another pastime that WON'T get you so unhinged when someone BETTER comes along. Get used to it caz it IS gonna happen! In FACT, it's probably happened already, and you just haven't realised it yet. Dave, if ya wanna show me anything else, just EM me Daddy-O, that way we can keep the kids outta this. They are ALWAYS gonna be jealous little kids.laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gifwink.gif

Gee George,

Your rant calls out types of builders here as the problem, but ironically the list includes “Build for profit “. Are you including Dave in that? Sure you want to offend him like that? After all he says he was a “professional pattern maker for Lancerâ€, isn’t that the same as build for hire? Hmmm.

If this Charger was only for you to see, why was it posted on the OPEN forum instead of a PM?

Don’t let any facts get in the way, just have your rant, and be done with it, and as I politely asked earlier and you ignored, again please don’t stir the pot.

BTW, I think you might have to apologize to THD for that rant. :lol: There's a smiley face to make all nice. But where’s the smiley with a lock?

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Thank you for your courtious reply Marc, makes me see that your really just like me. As far as Dave's claims, I wouldn't know them from Adam. I 've seen his pictures of his Chromeing system, and he's told me how he did it, (Which is just TOO much trouble for ME to go thru) I believe him, because, as I see it, he HAS no reason to lie to me. If others have a particular problem with Dave, they REALLY should just PM him , like you did me, and maybe things could be settled in private, instead of just lettin it all hang out on the forum. After all, we ARE supposed to be adults here. I do just get SOOOO tired of the bickering. This is OUR forum for US, given to us by Gregg, and we should treat it like the GOOD thing it is, instead of useing it to air our beefs. That's all from me, so again THANK YOU for your PM, it was very insightful AND appericiated!biggrin.gifwink.gif

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Thank you for your courtious reply Marc, makes me see that your really just like me. As far as Dave's claims, I wouldn't know them from Adam. I 've seen his pictures of his Chromeing system, and he's told me how he did it, (Which is just TOO much trouble for ME to go thru) I believe him, because, as I see it, he HAS no reason to lie to me. If others have a particular problem with Dave, they REALLY should just PM him , like you did me, and maybe things could be settled in private, instead of just lettin it all hang out on the forum. After all, we ARE supposed to be adults here. I do just get SOOOO tired of the bickering. This is OUR forum for US, given to us by Gregg, and we should treat it like the GOOD thing it is, instead of useing it to air our beefs. That's all from me, so again THANK YOU for your PM, it was very insightful AND appericiated!biggrin.gifwink.gif

Gee wiz Georgia boy, If you're so impressed with handling tough situations in private then why didn't you take it upon yourself to flames folks by PM, instead of out on the open forum?

You know why you did it here? It's because you WANTED everyone here to see it...Your change of heart now seems a bit transparent. You turn up the heat in the kitchens, then run away as soon as things get to hot for comfort..

Sorry, but it seems like you're trying to shake proverbial hands now with a zap buzzer hidden on your palm...I ain't buying it, cause when it's time for the next forum flare up, there you'll be with your customary banter for all to see.

Peace out, Daddio...

By the way, you may want to bring one of these along next time....You seem to pretty good at using them.


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Translation ... "Bow down before me, mere mortals, and shower my rear end with kisses and maybe (just maybe ... no promises, mind you) I will share with you some of the top-secret secrets which enable me to achieve the type of scale modeling greatness that you can only DREAM of attaining with your puny talents! Mwaaah-hah-hah!"

Talk about arrogance ... I've really got nothing in this, but even I'm offended! :)

You hit the nail spot on...It's almost like the treeman was talking down to some folks on this forum with that comment. It was a bit of implied and creative insulting to say the least.

Subtleness is not one of Tree's strong points.

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I 've seen his pictures of his Chromeing system, and he's told me how he did it...

George, if he's showed the system to you and told you how he does it... why can't he show and tell the rest of us? Wouldn't that seem like the most logical way to deal with this?

What am I missing here? :)

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Might as well go fellas....it's the only glimpse at a chrome system this thread is likely to produce. He's most likely gone back to The Land of Make-Believe Workshop to invent something else. :)

Perhaps he's working on a special prototype fan to use for.....[well, you know] :rolleyes:


Drum roll, cymbal crash... :lol::lol:

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George, if he's showed the system to you and told you how he does it... why can't he show and tell the rest of us? Wouldn't that seem like the most logical way to deal with this?

What am I missing here? blink.gif

Harry I Can't see ya missin anything. Dave shows me ALOT of his stuff, he's a freind. The set up for chromeing is REALLY a buncha stuff I've never seen. I saw he has about 5 different sprayguns that he used, and industrial sized lookin tank, WHAT they are I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either why he didn't show the forum wat it's all about. I like Dave, and I consider him a freind. If the folks that get all upset with him would just let it go, and allow him to show us what he has, then maybe we could ALL learn something. Like I said, he's a freind, and I am LOYAL to those I consider freinds. smile.gifwink.gif

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The folks that get upset with Dave have a reason to do so....Dave is not the poor little helpless victim you think he is...NOPE, he's much smarter than that...He knows what he's doing and how to get a rise out of folks.

Let's take a quick look at why he's being tarred and feathered, so the mentally challenged can try and understand...

1) Dave tends to come across as arrogant and condecending with a matter of fact attitude. He tends to "talk down" towards lesser builders and has a complex of demanding respect....not earning it.

2) Davey boy makes some pretty strong claims and boasts accomplishments he can't or won't validate. He's practically made a career out of evading the big questions and ducking the truth.

3) Dave has on numerous ocassion thumped his chest about enjoying sitting back and watching the dustups he caused by the above mentioned nonsense.

4) I could certainly go on a bit further and elaborate some more, but I don't want to exceed the mental capacities of those who are having trouble following along here and coping with reality.

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Hey Dave I wanted to stop and take the time to express my admiration of your building skills. And I was wondering If I could see the car you have as your avatar I have seen pics of it brifely somewhere eles (cant remember where) but I do remember it was something I wanted to see more of. Anyway keep up the good work and I look forward to more of your work. :rolleyes:

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In that regard ... if people would quit giving him what he wants by acting as players in his twisted little mind games, he'd probably crawl back into his to-secret inventor's lab, never to be heard from again. It's not much fun being the only kid on the playground riding the seesaw all by yourself.

But, given how the most ridiculous threads here are the ones that seem draw attention like a rotting deer carcass draws flies, that's probably not gonna happen.

And, yeah, I readily (and somewhat ashamedly) admit to being as guilty of adding to the silliness as the next person ...

Good post, Ken..

Very true.

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There's something very helpful I use when I wanna learn about stuff, it's called Google! Just type what you are looking for in that little box thingy ("water base chrome" in this case) and you will be surprised at how many pages of information it will show you, even step by step tutos and DIY videos!

Just try it, www.google.com :rolleyes:

...and then learn all by yourself, leave Dave alone and stop waiting for him to show you, cause I guess he won't.

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That video link looks very similar to this stuff, too.


I can see where this would have applications in the hobby, but first someone needs to invent the double-nozzle airbrush. Oh, wait-

I saw the 350Z you had painted with your chrome at the GSL and you told me you invented the system as well as an airbrush to apply it.

I'm actually pretty curious about the chroming system and the airbrush he invented also, and would like to know more about it too.

...the chrome system you invented (complete with inventing the airbrush for it) (quotes from the infamous leather tutorials)

Ok, how 'bout we need someone else to "invent" it??!? :rolleyes:

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ok, I did a quick google search, and found an old thread on the SA forum by Dave, where he says that he bought his water-based chrome system from these guys:


And here is the link to that SA thread:


Mystery solved, I guess...

He bought something he already invented? He should sue the perpetrators! Oh, I would love to see the swearing in for that litigation…

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On the SA thread, at least, he never claimed that he invented the system, only that he bought it.

Can't say whether or not he ever claimed to have invented the system on this forum, I really don't remember one way or the other. But I figured that I'd do some simple research to try to get to the bottom of this. Apparently this water-based chrome system is pretty well-known and available from a lot of places.

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Treeman has been checking in often, but no replies...

Mr Susan, we're keeping the podium/lectern warm for you, please feel free to step up to the front of the room to take the microphone and elaborate for us...It's time to put your big boy pants on and explain just what this chrome system you have is...As you can see your modeling bretheren are waiting.....Do they not mean anything to you, Sir?

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Dave has bascially shot himself in the foot and ruined his reputation with all these half-truths and fibs and such about Chrome paint, diecast parts, and this, that, and the other things..etc, etc.

He simply won't man up and properly explain things, nor will he clearly answer any of the questions that have been asked to him for months on end.

He's been repeatedly asked to try and accomodate us yet he stands here in the shadows watching the threads play out to the bitter end...

Good luck at the next GSL Dave, your stuff is gonna to be going under a powerfull microscope and will be CLOSELY examined to see just what is what. Fibbing about stuff has caught up with you and now it's time to pay the piper.

Tell me where to send the funeral flowers, because your modeling rep is now 6 feet under. Hope you're happy now.

It's disgusting that this is how you choose to leave things.....Sad, just sad.

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From this thread - http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19508&st=0

Treehugger Dave

Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:34 PM

QUOTE(harrypri @ Apr 19 2009, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Dave-tell us about your water-based chrome system.

Hi Harry smile.gif

As you've probably figured out by now, I'm a fairly intense and dedicated builder.

I have a 5X10 walk in spray booth that is lit heated and vented and has air cond. available to use if needed ( In Oregon ??? blink.gif laugh.gif ), a complete machine shop, a photo-etch system, several paint urethane systems, and several chrome systems, including the "Commercial Water-based Chrome system" I mentioned. I guess you could call me an "Enthusiast" rolleyes.gif .

The water based chrome systems chemical package was "Several Thousand $$$$" to purchase and set up, and then all the guns I had to purchase and some I had to design and create. A full size commercial system ranges in price between $7500 - $15,000, plus $2800 - $5,500 for the chemical packages.

I had to design and build a double nozzle air-brush, and a dual nozzle HVLP 4 1/2 oz. gun, and re-formlate all the chemical ratios mixtures, as this has never been done with an air-brush before, to my knowledge. Non of the commercial manufacturers could help me, as they had never heard of scaling down their chemical process from a dual nozzle 3 gallon system, to a 3/4 oz. custom made dual-nozzle air-brush system.

You have to shoot a particular over-lap spray pattern during the chroming process, and available equipment for miniature model part's didn't exist, so I basically invented one. It took me 2 years and probably over a thousand hours to get where I was satisfied with the result's . I continue to perfect the system and add more capacity, while maintaing the same nozzle's.

The system takes 7 dedicated guns for each of the four steps in this 8 stage system. I ended up buying over 20 guns, experimenting to see which gave the best result's.

There are 13 chemicals, including the four that are shot all at once, combining in the air, from the dual nozzle guns. There is also a special water that all the chemicals are mixed with. The water is charcol filtered using a reverse osmosis process. I use a special testing device called a TDS meter to check the quality of the water.

Every critical step in this 8 stage process requires fresh chemicals, the right timing between stages and steps, proper air temperature, and correct air pressures for spraying, to guarantee maximum sucessful result's.

Several of the stages I either re-designed or re-invented, and added an extra urethane base color to bring up the clarity, and used a different color tint in the top-coat for more "DAZZLE".

There are 3, sometimes 4, catalyzed urethane systems also used in the process.

Everything is water clear, so it's really amazing to see the incredible chrome appear like majic as you spray.

It takes 4 days, and nearly 40 hours from start to finish, to complete the process.

Here's the spray set-up

Here's all the chemicals and supplies

And here's some finished parts.

edit - just noticed the word "re-invented" :)

Edited by Brett Barrow
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What ever the case may be.

Real cool looking Charger

Paint is really Great looking.

Love the wheels, looks like Dubcity Shelby wheels?

Or darn close to them.

Nice work on the Shaker hood, really looks like it was meant for it..


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Hey folks,

I uuhhhmmm...just wanted to comment on the 68 Charger, I.... uuuhhhhmmm but feel like I am wading through a bar fight looking for the restroom. Uuhhh, the charger is uuuhhhhmmmm....YELLOW..... and uuuhhhmmm......PRETTY COOL....... and uuhhmmmmm......the tires are black and big and fat and cool...... and uuuhhhhmmmm, being a new guy (and a fairly inept builder so far....uuhhhmmm) as far as chrome goes, uuuhhmmmm.... I have bought some kits recently, and uuuhhmmmm..... they chrome the parts for you, I've seen it with my own two eyes...... uuhhhmmmm no offense fellas, uuhhhmmm.... it might not be the BEST CHROME but IT'S NOW MY CHROME.....so let me get by to use the commode...... uuhhmmm, and really, no offense to anybody ....uuhhmm, it's my first time here, only been in the neighborhood a little bit .....uuhhmmm think I'm gonna like it here as long as uuuhhhmmmm you take it outside, ok? Thanks.


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I am just amazed at how a few of you guys get such a kick out of starting problems, and then fueling the fire, or stirring em as you say. These are model cars, a hobby. I enjoy building, i enjoy it so much i build!!!!!!! I have not been on here for awhile, and i come back and here is the same stuff from the same guys, same old stuff. I left SA for this stuff, as have many others. I am a nobody, but i have to say something to a few guys, but i know it won't do any good.

Dave, i gotta give it to ya, you do build great models, but i am not sure why you come back! If it was me that kept getting the replies you get i would stay away, OR man up and answer the questions you have been asked MANY times. I have seen the posts and do see there points, you do seem to bring it on your self. You invented this, made that, worked here, etc etc. The truth will set you free! But i also think it is stupid to keep bringing it up.

I shake my head at george53, j sauber, you both say it is better to do these kind of things in a pm, well why do you both continue to do this on posts? Not just this post but many others, both say each does this and that, both are wrong.

George53, you say ya hate these kind of posts, and that this is greggs board etc. I remember seeing a post too you , with a quote about how you hated what gregg did to his board. You trashed gregg. Then today you go on to say how you back up friends, well you said gregg was a friend, and ya stabbed him in the back. That shows what kind of friend and person you are, your a friend if it is good for you, or if ya get something from it, to many of em in the world like you.

J sauber, you love to instigate a post like this, say things to get it going. I have seen this many times, but at the same time you also say to stop these kind of posts and stop the drama. You say i have no time for this stuff i gotta go build?( i could go look for posts but i don't have the time, you know as well as others what i mean)... You gotta be on one side of the fence, your wanting to walk on top, and that don't work. You hate it when people say things about your builds, so much you delete em, tell me i am wrong. You love to add fuel to the fire, then act like you have done nothing wrong.

I am nobody like i have said, and sure this means nothing, but i wanted to speak up. It is a hobby, about building models. Building what we like how we like, it may not fit in to everybodys taste, so what. If ya don't like somebodys post don't reply. I won't reply to this so need to bash me, it won't do any good. That's not the point.

Go build a model, and have fun! Don't do this stuff let it be, and give harry and gregg a break so they don't have to baby sit us.

Have a good day.

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