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E.R. visit due to modeling mishap

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Been there done that, late 80's. I was working second shift & was home alone in the morning building. To make a long story short put a #11 blade & left index finger together. Wrapped it up with a wash cloth & drove to the hospital, only a 3 or 4 mile drive. The ER was empty, so in a couple hours or so I was home with 5 stitches. One bonus I remember was that the Dr. was a woman & when she was finished sewing me up I looked over and commented on all the blood on the wash cloth I had used. She told me how to get it clean ! A male Dr. would have just said oh well. Of course the moral is as we all know those things are just so d___ sharp you can't be to careful !!

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I still have a faint scar on my right thumb from an exacto knife incident from 25 years ago when I was 15...I remember it bled and bled, I kept screaming for my Mom to call 911 and that I had cut my aorta. Well, not exactly..the bleeding eventually stopped..didn't need stitches.

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Cut the end of one of my fingers, side to side. Deep enough for an ER visit, but not enough for stitches. Just before I cut myself, I said to myself that I'd better be careful or I might...slash...cut myself...

Waited for about 2 hours (not bad), got a tetanus shot, a clean-up of the cut, and a butterfly bandage...and the nurse saying on my way out I'm sure we'll see you again!

So far, they haven't!!

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i remember this one incident when i was 12-13 years of age...maybe even younger

it was the 5th of december and i had gotten a model kit of two helicopters (one being a bell UH1D) from sinterklaas (the original saint from whom santaclaus is plagiarized)

anyway, i take my kit up to my little room and i sit down at my desk

instead of neatly cutting the bag open with a pair of scissors i hold it up with my right hand and decide to slash it with the exacto knife i was holding in my left hand (almost in the same way you would crank a whip or cast a flyrod)

well, my depth perception was off just a hair and i ended up slicing my thumb open

i remember looking in there and seeing what i thought was the bone (turned out to be the tenant) laying like a shiny yellow tube on the bottom of a pink ravine

i stared at it for about half a second and then the blood started gushing out

me and my parent went to the doctor who was on call and my dad was very nervous

being a little kid myself i didnt notice the alcohol on the doctors breath (it being a national holiday he must have been having a few drinks with the family, not expecting to actually get called in) but he sowed me up quite nicely anyway

as i sit here typing, more then a decade later, i can still see the 1 inch scare at the base of my thumb

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No stitches so far but came real close last week. Not paying attention I let the knife roll off the table.It fell point first and embedded itself in my shoe. I was wearing those heavy rubber crocs, and the blade had enough momentum to push the tip through to where it was just touching my big toe.

Whew :lol:


I bought some of those triangle shaped grippys for all of my knives just for this reason.

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Oh man, I have a scare from a xacto accident that took place back in 2007. The scare itself is 2 1/4 long but the visble scare piece that you can see real well is about 1 inch long though. I can post what happen and also afew photos of what the scare looks like if you all want to see. Also just for the record I didn't go to the E.R at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was super gluing a pliable part a few years back & when I let go some of the glue flipped up & into my eye. That took an emergency visit to my eye Dr. He put my head in a vice like contraption, numbed my eye & cut the super glue out. Not a pleasant experience. :P

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I bought some of those triangle shaped grippys for all of my knives just for this reason.

WoW! I got about 7 exacto knives an ALL of them have those tri angle "Grippy Things" I try to buy the type that have the 6 sided blade ferrules, they help them to keep from rollin of the tables along with the "grippy thngs"biggrin.gifwink.gif

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I never got it that bad from an Exacto, but I got myself good with a utility knife. It was a doosy of a cut and took four stitches in my "Gold Finger", as I call it. Since 2004 it has had $5500 in repairs done to it, none do to a hobby related injury.


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