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How many here build "Multiples " of a model ?

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In the time I have been here at M C M forum, I see where several of you are always saying you would actually buy a case of a peticular model. Considering some of the Revell kits are retailing at 25.00 and tax, that means I think that translates to about 300.00 and tax . Considering that most of you arent wholesale vendors and so many are barely making ends meet , how many of you are "Blowing smoke " and how many actually have that kind of disposable income ? Ed Shaver

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I have never bought a case of one particular model in one fell swoop, but I have bought 5 or 6 of them over a given time period. Case in point, the Revell '69 Camaro, both the glue kit Z-28 and the new snap kit, I have bought at least 6 of each and I have only assembled 1 of the glue kits but have done 4 of the snap kits!

I have about 6 different variations of the AMT Jeep CJ-5 that have been offered over the years. I have several started and am planning on finishing them in 2011.

While buying a case might be easier, I agree that given the economy it might not be possible.

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The concept of buying a case of models is well beyond my wallet I assure you.

While I may build more than just one of a particular model, 1940 Ford, 1961 and 62 Chevrolet's, I buy them one at a time.

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I'd be more than happy to relieve you of one of those :D

I can't afford to buy a case of kits, however, I do have multiples of kits bought over a period of time

Case in point, I have 22 Revellogram 1/48th F-106s :lol:

Why? Don't ask, because I couldn't give you an answer :D

Edited by imatt88
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I don't really do multiples and I can't afford kits at their current prices. I have yet to buy once single kit at retail price. Everything I have has come from either craigslist, given to me, or flea markets.

The only kits I wouldn't mind doing more than one of are BMW kits since those are my favorite cars.

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if a kit has certain appeal to me personally,

then I do buy alot of that particular kit.

sometimes a case, sometimes just 3 or 4.

I've lived a 'car' oriented life, so there are many models

that I own multiples of.

and quite a few that I have built multiple times.

since I order my kits online, it also makes sense to buy multiples.

saves on shipping. that, and there isnt a store within 200 miles of me that sells

model kits.

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when walmart carried the amt checkerboard box kits i bought 12 of the pro street 70 Superbee from 3 different walmarts in one days time, if that qualifies as a case purchase then yes im guilty, but then again the 70 Coronet/Superbee is my most favorite car ever

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when walmart carried the amt checkerboard box kits i bought 12 of the pro street 70 Superbee from 3 different walmarts in one days time, if that qualifies as a case purchase then yes im guilty, but then again the 70 Coronet/Superbee is my most favorite car ever

I have done the same, with the same kit, and 4 of the 5 I have were purchased at the same time. It was not because I like the car, I just have to have the Hemis and Mickey Thompson tires from those kits, and all were bought at the same hobby shop. I bought one while my arms were full of other kits, there were two on the shelf at that time, and one came home. After payday the next week, I went with full intentions of buying the second one on the shelf, someone beat me to it, but I asked the owner if he had more, and when he came back with the 4 completing the case, he about hit the floor when I said "All of them" when he asked how many of them I wanted.

Since I have a very good relationship with the owners of all the local shops in my area, the same owner of the shop I bought the Super Bees at was not surprised to hear I want a case of the Moebius Lonestar truck when it comes out. I won't be able to buy all at the same time, but I'm there so much I have a shelf in his office with my name on it to put kits back on when I do have the money to buy more expensive kits! :)

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I bought 2 cases of the Lindberg Crown Victoria during the first production runs, but that was 10-12 years ago, when a Lindberg case (12 kits) only cost $120. There's nothing out there currently that peaks my interest enough to have more than one kit at a time of right now...if Lindberg were to ever ship the '06 Charger Police kit, or anyone were to do an '11 Charger Police, '11 Caprice Police, or '12 Taurus Police kit then I might reinspect my purchasing trends. Law Enforcement modeling (like NASCAR) is all about having "blanks" to put decals onto...I also bought I guess what would be 2 cases of the Revell Caprice (since I got 12, and Revell cases are 6) 6 PD, 6 Fire/Taxi when they were on clearance at Hills (anyone else remember Hills Department Stores) for $3 a piece.

Edited by niteowl7710
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Never bought a case, but there are many kits I've bought 2-6 copies of over time, as I think of new variations to do from them (like the Revell '69 Nova for a recent example--so many variations can be done)...esp. 2n1 kits, or those w/ resin conversion parts available or kits that are ameniable to engine swaps. Or multiples for parts (I have 1/2 dozen of the AMT '71 Duster just for the engines)..

Some of the old AMT staples I've also managed to get multiple reissues of over time...like the AMT '63 Ford Galaxie, '63 Impala, '64 Impala,'65 Galaxie, '66 Galaxie, '66 Mustang,'69 Cougar, '69 Ford XL....have the original issues, '70s and/or '80s issues, '90s and/or '00 issues, etc..

For example w/ modern subjects, I've bought 5 of the Revell Dodge Magnum--1 to build stock, 1 to build modified, 3 for engines. 4 of the Revell '09 Challenger SRT8 for variations w/ aftermarket parts/decals. 6 of the Revell '06 Mustang GT for variations w/ aftermarket parts/decals..

That's part of how I've ended up w/ around 1500 unbuilts over the last 15 years.

Edited by Rob Hall
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In the time I have been here at M C M forum, I see where several of you are always saying you would actually buy a case of a peticular model. Considering some of the Revell kits are retailing at 25.00 and tax, that means I think that translates to about 300.00 and tax . Considering that most of you arent wholesale vendors and so many are barely making ends meet , how many of you are "Blowing smoke " and how many actually have that kind of disposable income ? Ed Shaver

Ha....do I build multiples of a particular kit.....









I really don`t have much disposable income though. I just keep my eyes out for deals on that kit. It is a great kit, and being 1/12 doesn`t hurt. Plus, combining it with the Camaro kit gives you lots of options. This and the Camaro kit are the only ones I really "collect" (maybe "hoard" is a better word) though.

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like many others here i have yet to buy a case. i buy them one at a time, but for some reason every time i see a 59 caddy at a hobby store i buy it. I'm up to about 12 now and yet to build one. please help me! B)

edit: btw does anyone have a unbuilt 59 caddy for sale B)

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I don't remember the last time I bought a new kit at full retail price. Most of my buying is done at shows and everything I look for has a price ceiling. I believe the most I've ever spent on a single kit is about $25.

That said, I buy to build. I have some sort of plan in mind (or did) for every single kit I've purchased. That includes parts kits. If that means multiples, then I'll have multiples. For me, that means Indy car models, Monogram 427 Cobras, and Revell '68 Corvettes.

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I always try to buy at least two of everything, model or diecast wise. One to build and one to collect. I have however bought many models by the case for various reasons. I have bought several different truck kits by the case to send over seas to friends that can't get them, to help them out. I have bought cases of truck kits when they were at "can't pass up" prices. I have also bought quite a few of the same kit, not necessarily in a case but enough of the same kit to fill several cases because they could be built in so many variations. I'll be buying at least one case of the new Moebius Lonestar tractor kit not only because it's an awesome kit but to show my support in hopes for more great kits from them!!!!! I look at models not only as pure enjoyment but also as a bit of an investment. My son is going to make out like a bandit someday!!!! LOL

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