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1954 Chevy Sedan Delivery


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Hey everyone ;) This is going to be a full blown all out custom rod that is inspired by one I found online. This particular car has some bad mold lines and when I went to sand them and bondo low spots, My new tube of bondo came out like water all over and created so much work. I started with 400 grit and have wet sanded down to 1500. It's actually smooth even though some spots do not look like it. When the rain lets up I'll hit it with more primer. This kit has inner door panels and hinges so I took the time to open this one up with a blade. I hope the weather clears soon as I'm really getting into this one :blink: ( Oh the bad gap really isnt that bad, The door are stuck to tape :lol: )







Edited by Railfreak78
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Thank you everyone for the comments! :( Here is a small update. The car is actually together now with the interior done. I hope to get better pictures soon as I couldnt get good light tonight. I have a few exterior things to finish and some touch up paint. This time around the doors are actually done and not taped in :) The passenger door hangs down which stinks. I need to learn hinges as the ones in this kit are not friendly but for my first one with open doors, I'm happy.








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