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How Do You Store Your Tools?...?...?...?


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Hello, I've been watching the forum for a few weeks now, and I am very excited to be back into the hobby...Here is a simple, cheap solution that I came up with for storing my files,micro-brushes, and a few picks while building. They are always right there where I need them. Everyone here has really inspired me, so I wanted to share my storage ideas, and I am creating this thread to encourage others to post their workbench storage ideas that could help us all to be a little more organized...


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I keep small files in a drawer of one those plastic storage units with all the little drawers. Larger tools go in a desk drawer (my workbench is an old desk), paint brushes, often used files, scissors, markers are stored in and ice cube tray (it's about 4" tall with about 20 cubes in it - a couple of bucks at Wal-Mart.

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Hello, I've been watching the forum for a few weeks now, and I am very excited to be back into the hobby...Here is a simple, cheap solution that I came up with for storing my files,micro-brushes, and a few picks while building. They are always right there where I need them. Everyone here has really inspired me, so I wanted to share my storage ideas, and I am creating this thread to encourage others to post their workbench storage ideas that could help us all to be a little more organized...


Hey Chad..glad to see you here. I will be truthful..the last time my bench was that clean and tidy was when it was first set up. Most of my tools go in a carousel type holder....if I put them back. I use tool chests, drawers, and plastic containers to keep all the good junk sorta organized....

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I must store mine pretty poorly, as I seem to be always spending time searching for something! :blink:

ME TOO!!! Which explains why the last time I needed sprue cutters, I wound up using small side cutter and a file from My "big cars" tool box!

and that is crazy seeing as how I "only" have five pair of sprue cutters and only one pair of small side cutters.....

When I do put my tools where they belong, I use a two drawer plastic tool chest and a variety of small plastic tray inside of that!!

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Thanks Stasch....Yeah, I am just building up all the tools, paint, supplies, that I need to get going again, and man let me tell you....INFLATION is a B----! I remember when this stuff was cheap! Oh well, it's even more fun the second go-round.

There are some great ideas showing up here.....keep em coming!

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  • 2 years later...

As far as the tools go, I've got mine in a carousel from The Pampered Chef. It's got room for all my tools and its convenient and compact. My paints are in and on a small rolling drawer unit. I do need to find somewhere else to put my spray paints. Right now they're all stacked at the back of my desk.

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I keep my tools in a Craftsman 9 drawer toolbox (7 drawer top chest/2 drawer center chest) that's mounted to my workbench. I also have a larger Craftsman one drawer center chest mounted to a cabinet that I keep all my airbrush supplies in, it also has been modified with a laminated top from the local hardware store. The bottle paints are stored in Plano small parts organizers, separated out by brand/paint type. Hobby spray paints are on a modified metal pegboard, using magnetic shelves from the local Lowes, again separated by brand/type. I have a separate shelf mounted above that for the larger cans, mostly primers.

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  • 3 months later...

I bought a few of the 18in long "magnetic" strips from Harbor Freight Tools. Works great for any hobby tool made of metal. Files, small pliers, sculpting tools, scribers, drill bits, etc.

I originally used a carousel but it got to full. As fates would have it the tool I needed always required rotating the carousel to the other side and many times "stabbed" by on tools on one of the lower tiers. Now all these tools are right there in front of me.

Edited by spawndude
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As far as the tools go, I've got mine in a carousel from The Pampered Chef. It's got room for all my tools and its convenient and compact. My paints are in and on a small rolling drawer unit. I do need to find somewhere else to put my spray paints. Right now they're all stacked at the back of my desk.

pampered chef!?!? does your wife know about that or is she still wondering where the heck it went?

I try to keep all my tools in a carousel I bought at a garage sale years ago. I also have a peg board in front of me but things never seem to find their way back on the board.

also, I have 8 or so x-acto knives cause I keep misplacing them.

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Anyone ever buy those tools that will just randomly "vanish", "disappear" all on their own?

The ones you have forever and a day kept in one coveted spot and then one day "poof", they are gone.

No amount of searching results in good news.

When you question other residents of the house "they haven't touched it", "no idea what you are talking about!".

If you are lucky several days later you will be sitting at your bench and "WOW" there it is. It surely must have been there all this time and you just overlooked it. That is the only conceivable answer as no one in the family would dare touch your stuff!

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Anyone have problems with tools "disappearing" and no one in the house has any idea what happened to them or what you are even talking about!

This happens to me on my own bench. No pets or kids to blame it on either. I often have to call a time out just to restore order to things.


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  • 5 weeks later...

This happens to me on my own bench. No pets or kids to blame it on either. I often have to call a time out just to restore order to things.


I have a wife and a kid to blame it on. I have to manage my frustration because I want my son to develop an interest in model building. He has built a few snap kits.

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  • 1 year later...

I went to our local DIY superstore and bought two different sizes of white plumbing plastic tubing. I'd already bought two plastic kitchen cutting boards from our supermarket to use on my model table.

I cut the larger diameter tube in two inch lengths for tools and brushes and shorter pieces of smaller diameter tube for glue bottles, tweezers, Microsol etc.

The taller tubes were stuck onto the long side of one the cutting board at the back and the shorter ones at the front, so that all tools could be seen and put back where they belong at the end of each day.

I also use womens nail boards for sanding and cotton swabs for various jobs.

Edited by PatW
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