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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Jason.... I apologize that I missed your comment. Thank you for the kind words and for following along on this build

Scott.... Ok so I just counted all of the rivets for the tin work at the moment..... Drum role Please...

So far there is 205 rivets just in the tin work.....lol..... It its official... I am nuts....hahaha :D

Danno.... Thank you buddy...but it will look nicer in primer ;)

John....thanks brother.... You know I am trying my best to make it look like the real thing althought it won't be exact but close enough for the girls you go with....hehe

Mike... Thank you so much my friend.i am sure I missed some detail on it....lol

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Good Morning Fellas.... I was able to make some more progress yesterday on this. What I thought that I was going to be done with fabrication of the tin work and that I was going to be able to shoot some primer on it. Well after taking a look at a few things I had to take a couple steps back and add a few extra things to make it look right and fit better. As I mocked some things up I realized that I had a gap from the Tins to the Back window as well as the Dog House to the front window. At the time I made these pieces I didn't take into account of the curvature of the windows. So I decided to make things right and fix them. Well we are back on track now. What I thought that it shouldn't take too long ended up taking hours....lol Seems like the story of my life on this but all in all it was worth the time to fix it.

I started out by adding a couple of filler pieces between the firewall and the side pieces:


Next I started making the fill piece that would meet up with the back window:


Here I was test fitting and checking things, I couldn't tell you how many times I put the tins in and pulled it out while getting this portion made:


I was getting closer to having it done and added some more pieces to it:


After I got the shape done and fit, I added some flat stock to it to make it look better:


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Then it was time to start to fix the gap on the front windshield, I had to think out a little the best way to be able to the curve in to the tins and this is what I came up with:


After getting the curvature into the pieces, I needed to add pieces to fill the gap:


Now that I had finished the addition of those pieces it was time to start putting Mud (aka... Bondo) on the Tin Work, one more step closer to being able to lay some primer on it:


Here is some Mud added to the bottom:


I also added a little to the sides and back tin work, once I sand it I will take a look and see where I need to add some more to the mix:


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I assume by now you have a Masters in Riveting and soon a Masters in Mudslinging. Ha. Everything looks great and down the road when you look over the car you can say I'm glad I fixed this and that instead of letting it go.

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Bob.... Thank you very much. I can almost call the tins good.

Dave.... Thanks my friend. I have earned those masters in a lot of elbow grease and reworking parts.... hahaha. It is so true what you said that when I look back once its done I will be happy I spent the time to fix those little things I noticed.

John.... Thanks brother. Yea I sat there looking at things and figuring ways out to get the shape I needed and I just put the window in and built up to it. I am super happy with it. Now I just need to sand the bondo and then I may be really close to getting the first coat of primer on it. I was thinking about shooting primer on it after I sand it all down so then It would help see any other spots that may need some Bondo.

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Chris, You are blessed my man with vision and very skilled hands. Every time I look at this build I find more and more things to be in awe over. It is off the hook!!!!! Instead of being discouraged for not being able to do what you do I choose to be inspired!!!!! thank you for sharing this awesome project!!!! jwrass

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Jim.... Thank you

John... Thank you very much. I appreciate the kind comments. As far as money that I have tied up in this build. I know I am well over $500.00 at this point. I haven't really checked in a long while but I probably should update the one file I created to see how much I had into it...lol I probably won't want to know when its all said and done but regardless It has been worth every penny so far.

Rom... Thanks Buddy!!

James... Thank you so much for the kind words. I am hoping that the build would be encouraging and inspire people. I have told myself that if even just one person can take away one idea on how I have done things with how I have been documenting and posting every step of the way with pics, It has been worth the time spend just on the pictures and editing the pics (crop and adjust the image). Plus the fact that I wanted to document it for my own purpose. I am planning on basically talking all of the pics here and creating a power point presentation so that I can have it printed build book of it. and I am sure I will be more than happy to email it to others if anyone would like it as reference, but I won't get to this until the build is almost done....lol

Larry.... Thank you Very much.

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Well Fellas... I know I have been away from this build for a few days. I am happy to say that I got some primer on it tonight. I was wanting to see where there more mistakes that I need to work on. I figured that I would have to go back and sand as well as do some more body work to fill some areas. I know I am at the point of being sick of working on this tin work because I feel that I have been working on for the past month or so but then again I want to knock it out and get it done....lol Here are some progress pics.... Thanks for looking and following along on this long journey.

Finally in some primer:


Here is the Dash, as you can see here there are some areas that need some fixing:


Another Angle:


Here is the firewall size..... Now this definitely needs more work, a few of those spots I could not see with it in bare plastic:


The bottom turned out ok but there were area's here that needs a little fixing as well:


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That's really super nice work, Chris! I'm really amazed by the talent that shows here in this thread every time I open it. The tin work is turning out fantastic, and it looks very good already. Your attention to detail is unbelievable...When you get this one done I bet if you posted it in 1:1 forum, no one would notice it's actually a model. I gotta go and get more popcorn! B)

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