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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Clint... thank you Very much. i have to admit after I had the first bottles done i knew I had to redo them since it didnt look like the the one on the real car. I am with the rest of you. I can't wait to see more of this build together with paint on it.

Scott.. thanks brother. You all know I am trying to capture as much of the real car as I can on this build. I am getting closer little by little to get this done.

Danno... thank you sir!

Joe... So thats what his family looks like... lol kidding. Love ya Johnny boy.

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There shouldn't be problem makin your bottle brackets out of aluminum. As long as they can do small stuff. It can be done, Tim(Codi) proves it every update. I just caught up on his build, WOW. Between yours and now his, I'm almost scared to even try building a car. It will never be like either of yours. These two builds inspire me and probably others to try and be better at our own builds.

I've used that same brand of filler and have the same opinion. It is way better than Bondo. It's way easier to work with.

Again, awesome update and great work.

Edited by Petetrucker07
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Clayton... Thank you. These bottles were turned on a full size CNC machine that they programmed to my 3D cad model. I have talked to them about trying to do the brackets for me because I think there would be nothing better than for the brackets to be out of actual aluminum instead of being painted. Although I am still going to paint up my 3D printed brackets for back ups in the mean time. I should hopefully have an update on the bracket and bottles today as I am going to break out the air bush on them in a little bit. Don't be scared at even trying to build a car. I have been building for 20-25 years with big amounts of time off in between but I will tell you this I have never taken a build this far ever. I have always wanted to and when I started this I wanted this build to be the first one that I really went all out on and I guess along the way I kept telling myself I need to do better on things (as to why there has been so many things that I redone multiple times). its the reason its taken me so long to do this build. I had no clue when I started this that i would take it this far. It was a challenge that I gave myself just to see if I could build a highly detail build like many of the top builders that I have admired over the years.

I have to say that is one of the best brands of body filler. I picked that new can up yesterday and paid around $36.00 for the quart but It sands much smoother than the bondo brand stuff. and is much easier to work with.

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I'm workin on a couple of stock eliminator card. Nothing fancy, some detailing. My big detail build is my Cannonball entry, a 56 Nomad. NASCAR suspension, twin turbo small block. I'm gonna try to do a bunch of detail. I spent a 2 weekends back halfing it. I'm sure I'm gonna spend the same on the interior. Good thing I have till the end of November to finish it for this contest. I want it to be right. I've also stepped the detail on my truck builds. I spent 3 hours doing the wiring on 1 of the engines. When I see someone do amazing detail, try different things to accomplish something, I say to myself, I can try that, or I can do that. Some of it amazingly simple, it almost dumbfounding how simple. Valve stems on a truck rim, just a .030 piece of wire and hole. I can't believe I've never even tried.


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Clayton... that's awesome on the stock eliminator cars. you should post them. That cannonball entry sounds like an awesome build. I will have to go over to the community builds and check it out. My biggest advice is not rush anything and just take your time on things. I love the idea of adding the valve stems. Its such a small little addition that will make a big impact in the over all look of a build. You don't know how many things I have seen on the forum that's made me try new stuff. You are right that somethings are so simple after trying them. The more I have practiced with things the better I see I can do them. I am sure that is true for most people as well.

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Alright Fellas... I got some little updates to show. I decided to paint the fire bottle and brackets today. Let me jump right to the pics.....

Here is the Fire Bottle and Brackets all wet sanded and ready for paint:


Here is the supplies for today's adventure in painting:


Here is the fire bottle after it has been based with House of Kolor white base:


Here is the bottle mount brackets painted House of Kolor black base along with the PPG Viper Red I am using for the fire bottle all mixed and ready to spray:


Here is the FIre Bottle after its been based with the PPG Viper Red and you can see I have the PPG Omni Clear all mixed up, I picked up some of this clear yesterday to try it out. IT sprays pretty much like my PPG Concept 2020 Clear which they don't make anymore so I am trying to save what I have left of it just for bodies. The Concept 2020 was probably one of the best clears that I have ever used:


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Now here are a few shots of the bottle and brackets after they have been cleared. The Brackets I spray 2 coats of clear on and the Bottle I sprayed 3 Coats of clear on:


Another shot in the sun trying to capture how bright and shinny it turned out:


Here you can see the brackets. which will get a coat of Alclad polished aluminum on them next, Well hopefully tomorrow. I want to let the paint dry for 24 hours:


Here is the start of the body work on the rear panel, Time to sand and start working on the rest of the body:


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Randy... Thank you very much. I can't tell you how Happy I am with the fire bottle. now I still need to make the valve that goes on top of it. It also feels great to be working on the body. I am going to fix a couple of my body mount brackets that I broke on the underside of the body and then do more body work tonight. My goal is to have the body in primer for The Desert Scale Classic. and even have the body tins and body support structure's painted. I am even debating on getting the underside of the body painted black too.

Clayton... Thank you. I have to admit I am so tired of seeing this body in bare plastic...lol Its going to a huge milestone when I finally have it in primer. Looking forward to seeing your builds when you finish them.

Ray... Yep Ever since I got the chassis painted I had to think of a way to keep the dust off it. Although I know its gotten some on it when I have it out but this has worked pretty good for it. That is the one think I dislike about Arizona is how things get so dusty so quick. It was never like that when I grew up in California. I have been thinking about picking up a second or third case. one for the body and a smaller one for the engine..lol

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Alan... Thank you for checking in and for the kind words. I do keep track of the hours I am putting into this build. I actually write my time on 3x5 cards and then I input them into an Excel spreadsheet I have for my time on this build. As of Tonight I have a Total of 1368.75 Hours So far....lol. As far as money into this build. I haven't check in quite awhile but I can say it is well over $500

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Chris, that just POPS. The entire bottle assembly is perfect and that red is just fantastic. Time and money...hmmmm....I would describe your build as simple "priceless" ! Looking forward to your next posting. Cheers, Tim

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Tim... Thank you. Yeah I am so glad I decided to go with this red that I got for it because there were a couple other reds the PPG guy was showing and he suggest the Viper red and I love how it Pops like you mentioned. You are right that when you love a build and are having fun the time and money become priceless. I don't think I have ever kept track of how much I put into a build before. Although I don't know the exact amount but I know its over the mount I posted above.

Mike.... Thank you. Now I wouldn't say I am money bags.... but I have put a lot into this one...lol. Now if I could just win the lotto so I can finally get that Lathe and End Mill....lol. Talk to you later.

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Alright Fellas... I got a little more work done today. I got some Alclad Polished aluminum sprayed on the fire bottle brackets. and I did some sanding on the rear panel of the car and got the body filler smoothed out but It needs some more filler added. I was also able to get the few body mount tabs that I broke, replaced. Although I am just going to show you a pic of the Brackets that were Alclad and cleared with Alclad Aqua Gloss. I am too tired to edit the rest of the pics and I need to head to bed. Here is a shot for you.

Here are the fire bottle brackets after they have been painted with Alclad Polished Aluminum and with 2 coats of Alclad Aqua Gloss. I will show some pics tomorrow of the brackets on the bottle. I wanted to make sure that they were good and dry before I even touched them. I am still considering having the guys at work try and machine me a set of these brackets just to see if they can. I will talk to them about it:


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Super results Chris. They will be very convincing when together. Your attention to detail and realism is inspiring. I never realized that the dust out there was such a problem. Here it's the humidity in summer. Prevents me from painting in the garage. We all have our drawbacks.

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