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Bin Laden Dead!

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Not sure if our military was responsible for bringing this evil person to justice but whomever is I would like to say thank you. The havoc that man and his group brought to our shores nearly 10 years ago should be something that we all never forget and hopefully we won't.

My only fear is now his followers will have a renewed sense to carry out more attacks and I hope we are prepared to meet them head on and prevent them.

While this is great news, I am cautious about what the coming days will bring to this world.

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Not sure if our military was responsible for bringing this evil person to justice but whomever is I would like to say thank you. The havoc that man and his group brought to our shores nearly 10 years ago should be something that we all never forget and hopefully we won't.

My only fear is now his followers will have a renewed sense to carry out more attacks and I hope we are prepared to meet them head on and prevent them.

While this is great news, I am cautious about what the coming days will bring to this world.

I agree with Mike's statements.

However, while Al-Qaeda may still exist, I also feel that with most of their chief leadership out of the picture, that containing them will suddenly become much, much easier, as many of the people in the lower echelons simply do not have the sophistication or resources needed to conduct wide-scale terrorism.

I do think that the end of large-scale terrorism from the Near and Middle East may be coming closer than we originally thought.

Let us all that is so.

Charlie Larkin

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I feel as if a there is some closure for those of us who lost close friends on 9/11. I'ts nice to know that this administration did not see Bin Laden as "Irrelevent". As for making things more dangerous for the troops in afganistan, one of which is my nefew Joey, This is why we were there. The capture or kill of Bin Laden was the primary reason for the Afganistan invasion. Now where did we put that "Mission accomplished" banner?

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if anyone thinks that this is going to change anything for the better, you are wrong.

A world with out this coward and murderer is already a change for the better. anything else is icing on the cake. Let's not forget that because of him, there were people who had to choose between leaping to certain death or burning to death. There were people who had to watch there friends and family die over and over on TV. What we showed the world today is that if you kill americans we will hunt you down now matter how long it takes or at what cost, and we will exact justice.

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