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We're having a heat wave...

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I feel for ya Harry but not much, 115 degrees is average here in Mojave 120 usually in Aug. :D

Yeah, Romell... but it's a "dry heat"... :D

Like they say... It's not the heat... it's the humidity! Today was one of those days where you can literally sit still and not move a muscle... and start sweating! B) And tomorrow is supposed to be worse...

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Been cooler than usual for July here in Phoenix. Low 100s and dry....had another haboob dust storm last night, freaky.. looking forward to taking a long weekend next week and going to the beach.

Edited by Rob Hall
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It's been in the 90s for days here, and no rain... my lawn is a lovely shade of tan! Tomorrow the forecast is 98.

When you factor in the humidity, the "heat index" (what it feels like) will be 110.

Sheesh! B)

Harry, can we do trade?

Send some sun our way and I'll. give you some (or a lot of) rain..

It's supposed to be summer here, but has been raining since last week, with temps in the high 60s, sometimes low 70s.....

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The dew paoints here have been in the mid to upper 70's, approaching 80, with temps in the upper 90's. More like Vietnam than MN. 5 am Sunday it was 83 degrees here, and when I went out to get the paper, the pavement was actually damp from moisture in the air, not rain. I dont recall in 50 years it being this bad in MN.

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Kinda nice here in Florida, no hurricanes today....think I'll go to the beach. Honestly, after doing a tour in Viet Nam the summer time heat and humidity here doesn't seem bad at all. Try stompping around in the jungle with full gear...115 & up degrees (real temp. not heat index) in the shade, not to mention the humidity....now that's downright uncomfortable.

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'Nam? You mean Cheltenham? That's not a place to go to, that's a place to run away from! You go from 196 Pounds to 135 Pounds in less than 8 minutes there if you don't watch out for pickpockets.

Edited by Junkman
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Wussy right back atcha. 106 and 10% humidity. That's kid's stuff. I've been to Vegas several times... 100 degrees plus and you don't even break a sweat in that dry desert air.

Try 95 degrees and 70% humidity and see how long you last! :lol:

Harry I grew up and did my entire career in St Louis. We're talking 98 and 90 percent humidity some summers. :lol:

I got tired of breathing through a straw and moved here. Trouble is week before last we had, for us, high humidity (40%) and heat (upper 90's). That created some of the gosh darndest thunder storms I've seen lately.

The desert cannot absorb that much water that fast so we had flooding and roads washed out. Still I wouldn't trade it for the midwest ever again. :D


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Well, turns out we missed the record today. It was "only" 100 at the lakefront (the record for this date is 101).

Dang! So close! :lol:

The good news (for me at least) is that this is all heading east in the next few days. So all of you guys east of Chicago... here it comes! :lol:

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Harry I grew up and did my entire career in St Louis. We're talking 98 and 90 percent humidity some summers. :lol:

I got tired of breathing through a straw and moved here. Trouble is week before last we had, for us, high humidity (40%) and heat (upper 90's). That created some of the gosh darndest thunder storms I've seen lately.

The desert cannot absorb that much water that fast so we had flooding and roads washed out. Still I wouldn't trade it for the midwest ever again. :lol:


G, I am so jealous. I'd love to be in Vegas or some similar climate right now. You can take this dang midwestern heat and humidity, I have no use for it!

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Move on down to Florida, at least you can go into the water, or since you are going to be in the heat anyway, you might as well do a bit of fishing! :lol:

Or go to Hooters and sit on the porch with a bucket of beers......its always 92 and 92 down here....gotta find shade.....


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G, I am so jealous. I'd love to be in Vegas or some similar climate right now. You can take this dang midwestern heat and humidity, I have no use for it!

I have a three bedroom place, it's just the two of us and a spastic beagle........

Just sayin...................



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