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Hallo everybody,

today i will show you my version of the Midnitecowboy, that i built in March 2010.

I didn't like the Base from the kit. So my choice was a classic Ford F100 from the shelf - to give him a better style. Sure, this classic Ford is often in my collection...

What was my intention for this Built? I wanted a Wrecker that - if you see it behind you in the mirror - shouts out:

"Get out of my way!"

I took the Kabine and Interior from the Ford, the wrecker and frame from the Kit. Also a engine from a 70 "Heavy Chevelle". There were many changes, till the parts fit together. Some working on the body, made a real heavy bumper.

At last, i tried weathering on it and garnished it with some gimmicks, that i tried the first time too..

Alright, you want some pictures - enough of words:







"Get out of may way!!"


the engine:


hmmm...the interior needs a clean up...


...think, the driver lives in his wrecker...


...and had even not eaten his pizza!

Thats it!

Some gimmicks that had stolen my time - if you want, you can go on the search in the pics...

Helmet and gloves, wooden blocks, cover, remains of pizza, hemp rope, maps, empty aluminum cans, oil can 1-liter, hand oilers, starter cables, some tool, soda can, broom, fire extinguisher, colored booklet, jumper cables, beer bottles, wire, ceiling crowbar. I think I've not forgotten anything. Maybe the rag in the filler neck? The hammer, wheel crosses or battery? Missing beacon, perhaps? Fuelcan?

No - all aboard

Thanks for your patience - its your turn ;)


Your truck's big block Chevy motivation is the only way to go! I don't think this old guy's original Ford engine would have been up to it's "Get out of my way" mission... :P


Lots of great details, buddy, and I love how the rust comes through that yellow paint. It looks like you've come down with the rust and gunk blues!

Rust on, buddy.



Cool build...Really would have loved to seen this truck when it was new...I'm into bright and shiney! Love all the details, very good job on the weathering!


he did add those fender flares, didn't he? that's a subtle touch i didn't "see" until you mentioned it. i'd like to see Revell repop the Midnite Cowboy, just to get some of those great wrecker bodies. the truck part, not so much. i'd like to see AMT repop that '53 again as well.... another of my favorite kits.

this is a great build and very convincing in detail.


Thank you for kind words - thanks!

To give the F100-body the wide simular to the wrecker, i took the rear fenders from the F100 and modeled it on the front fenders. This idea was from my brother, as he set near me and "looked over my shoulder", when had him in progress.

i wonder why no one make a upgrate kit only from the wrecker - like the Open Road Camper / Racers Wedge from Modelking. I would buy one or two or three...


well; that style wrecker/tow truck went out of style in the early '80's when Jerr-Dan rollbacks appeared everywhere. it doesn't take much skill to back a rollback under a vehicle to pick it up, where a wrecker took some learning.... most of them are relegated to scrapyard picker trucks now, or have evolved into repo trucks, which usually don't have any markings and have scorpion tail lifts.

i'd like to have the one i kitbashed together back in '87 back......


Back when I was working in a repair shop, a few customer's cars actually did look like that inside. :blink:

We had a VW Bus come in for repairs that was like that and even had roaches and I don't mean the Hippie leftover kind! :lol:

Posted (edited)



Great Job! Of all the things I had to notice, I have never seen a regular 3x5 fog light built for a model until now. I always liked those.

Also, I have one criticism. You forgot the scale flys buzzing around the pizza. :lol:

Edited by Skydime

Thanks everybody for your little trip in history about "clean" interiors :o

Great Job! Of all the things I had to notice, I have never seen a regular 3x5 fog light built for a model until now. I always liked those.

I took these fog lights out of my spareparts boxes. They were from a Fujimi Porsche 911 kit (the cool 80's-911)

Also, I have one criticism. You forgot the scale flys buzzing around the pizza. :lol:

oha....i knew, that i forgott something :D

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