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55 Chevy Cameo speed shop truck

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May I point out one minor detail? Not meaning to pick apart a fine model, but it looks like the paint along the tops of the bed sides is wearing through and the metal beneath is beginning to show rust. The bed sides of the Cameo were fiberglass, so they wouldn't rust. Crack, yes, but not rust. Maybe it's just dirty and/or greasy, since the wear pattern isn't the same as the front fenders and I'm just looking at it wrong. That's my ONLY kvetch about this otherwise fantastic model. It definitely looks better than my first attempt at weathering (or my second - I've only done two!). Where did you find that chain? I need to find a whole bunch of it for a 60's-style car carrier semi I'm building.

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Thanks guys.

It's nice to know I'm getting it right!

Jim, thanks for your comments. I did a bit of research prior to this build, so I did realize the bed sides were fibreglass. I haven't burnt through the paint for that very reason. It only looks like that in the pictures. I only tried to simulate dirt n grime, but I appreciate you giving it such a close inspection!

The chain is from a jewellery suppliers. In the UK you can get fine silver chain from Cookson's in Hatton Garden, or by mail order online.

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I hadn't considered Chuck's suggestion of red primer. That makes sense to me. Looked at that way, it's just a phenominal job, especially for a first attempt!

I saw a nicely weathered Cameo in "that other magazine" a few years ago where the builder clearly hadn't done the research. Plenty of well-executed rust-out in all the right places - over the headlight brows, in the front fender doglegs, the lower corners of the doors... and all along the bottom edges of those fiberglass bed sides and around the rear wheel wells!

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