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1992 Mustang LX Coupe , A parts box resurrection ... ( Or... Frankenstang!)


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  • 1 month later...

I haven't really updated this thread lately. Took a small vacation (literally) . And I have been working on other things, while I waited for funding and supplies to arrive.

To keep my skills sharp while I waited, however I began a new project ...

"Frankenstang II" ... The (mostly) all resin version. (Or) The resurrection of an AAM Body (whichever you prefer).

Some gratuitous teaser pics ... to prove it's true...



I now have most of what I was waiting for, and can fake a bit more, so we'll be blowing the dust off Frankenstang ver.1 very shortly.

Please be patient.

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  • 1 month later...

Abell does it not bother you that the interior tub is entirely inaccurate for being from the convertible? the actual size of the back seat and rear tubs and what not, it's more represented by the GT/Cobra Hatch rear back seat, I'm actually gonna give it a go with scratch building so that stuff looks a little more realistic than just a flat trunk separator where the third brake light is just added to to a vert interior tub.

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Abell does it not bother you that the interior tub is entirely inaccurate for being from the convertible? the actual size of the back seat and rear tubs and what not, it's more represented by the GT/Cobra Hatch rear back seat, I'm actually gonna give it a go with scratch building so that stuff looks a little more realistic than just a flat trunk separator where the third brake light is just added to to a vert interior tub.


Not in the least. If you re- read the first post ...

Any who... while I was correcting a resin AF/X body, I decided to make my own "correct" LX coupe body. After all if I had spent that much time correcting one, it should take about half the time to make it "right" in the first place right? Well, not really but it came out all right. I did lots of research, I scourred the net for information I picked some brains I turned over rocks, and I built a "correct" (as correct as I could) prototype LX coupe. Actually it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.

But in my journey, I discovered some parts. Parts that it was recommended not to use. Since the one was finished, I decided that I would try to make one out of all the incorrect parts. The parts that people have said are the least accurate and should not be used. How good would one built out of those parts turn out? So I decided to find out...

With a twist, I would use only what I had on hand, and had no other use for... And that is the history behind this Frankenstang...

This IS NOT the "correct" LX.

This is the "incorrect" LX ... "Frankenstang". ....The "Bizzarro" LX ( if you will) . The dopelganger project...LX 2.0 (or rather .05?) so to speak.(LOL)

The one made from the scraps and leftover parts of the "correct" LX project.

For the correct LX I did make an interior tub made from the Cobra interior bucket.

I had pics posted in the Fox CBP, but I think that I moved them and broke the link?

I don't know that there is anything that is really "correct" about this one, (other then shape) but it still looks pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

I haven't had much time to work on this lately, But Hopefully I'll have everything I need to get started on it again real soon.

So how's yours coming? Made any progress lately? I haven't seen your thread updated, recently.

Infact I don't think I heard from you since I sent you that front bumper? You did get it right?

Edited by Abell82
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Guys, I've been working 60 + hours lately so not much time to work on it recently.

I did cast a few kit parts in resin to use for it. I'd post pics, but my old computer crashed, and the new one does not have the multi card reader yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, life continues to slow the progress on this one a bit, but To show I still care, and am trying to move ahead ...

How about a wee bit of some chassis pics? I was going to hold off, until I had a bit more done, but the timing seems appropriate to show what I am doing, sooo...

This project seems to have become about combining kit parts so why should the chassis be any different..

(Inside the body)


A little more work and it should fit better then the kit's actual piece. I think that I finally got the axle alignment close.

The kit's chassis part isn't the best in the world so close enough will do for this one. Need to add a bit more material and details to the chassis and then we can start building!

Edited by Abell82
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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I have not had much time to work on this project, lately I instead worked FOR this project. I worked for it, by casting and cleaning up a few parts that I'll be needing for the project...


I made a mold and cast up some mirrors (both AMT and Revell) taillights, 3rd brake light, and an air bag steering wheel(not shown).

This should help a lot when I get to all the other LX's I have. Now where did I put that chassis....

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