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Today I Lost My Best Friend!

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At 5:45 this afternoon I lost my best FRIEND! HE was Loyal and he always knew when I was Hurting, Sick or just feeling down. He would stay close to me and show me that he cared and wanted to make me feel better. I always promised to protect him, But I let him down, I bought his medication at a Large store because it was less than his Doctor Charged, and people said it was just as good. We found out sfter it was too late that it wasn't as good!

I promised Rex that I would always Protect him and now he is gone, and I will never see him again. Rex was the best and I had to set and watch him breath his Last Breath, and I felt his Heart Stop.

I found Rex in 91 and he had a broken leg, and three broken ribs where he had been baddly mistreated, put in a trash bag and dumped on the Side of the road! He was just a Lab Mix Pound Pup but he was the Best Friend anyone could ever want, I will always love him and I will never be able to forget him. I can't stand to look at my bed, because the first thing I do is to look for him on it. He would jump up on the bed a sleep where he was always touching me, and When I was in the Hospital My Wife said he would lay there and whimper all night. Now I'm the one crying, and feeling like a peace of my heart has been torn out.

If a Dog can go to heaven, Rex is with the Angels tonight!

Don't by Heart worm Meds at the Large pet stores, They are not safe for you Best Friend!


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Man that hurts, I had to put my my last dog I had down in 2006, still miss him to this day, best dog I ever had. But just know you didnt let him, you gave him a life that he may not of got a chance to have, it will get easier, he will always be in your heart, just like sparky is for me. Nothing anyone can say will make you feel better, but it will come with time, I promise that.

I was 26 when I lost sparky, I came home that night and cried my self to sleep, yes i can addmit that, he was a lab mix as well, and got him from the pound when I was 14, he was six months and had parvo, vet said he wouldnt live very long, well he showed them.

I am sorry for your lose, sometimes i thinks its harder to lose a pet then a person at times.

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Wow that is really tough. I am so sorry for your loss. I once had a dog, Sammy, and had to have her put down in 1998 as she had an incurable nerve disorder. I still have her photo on my fridge some 14 years and 2 wives later. Got her when she was only 5 weeks old and she was awesome for close to 13 years. Letting her go was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. She was all I had through my first divorce and was always a bright spot in my life. Its really tough I am sure but it will get better my friend. I have a new furry little buddy in my life now and he is as loyal as any dog could ever be. I think what many don't realize is how much there is to be learned about how we treat others, from out canine and feline friends. Take care and God speed to your obviously wonderful dog. My prayers are with you.

Edited by jeff ewaskey
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First you are a great man for rescuing Rex, Don't be to down on yourself because you gave him a 2nd chance in the first place.The best thing is your the last thing he saw before he passed which is a great thing. I know it's very hard i had to do it before and i'm dreading when it happens again, Sometimes another dog is the best healing. I know i didn't want another one right away but my women talked me into it, so i went and rescued a dog and it was the best thing i did. You will find a new Buddy. R.I.P. rex.

Edited by Prostreet
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So sorry for Your loss, and yes I agree stay away from large pet store brand stuff. For a dog or cat, or any pet. See if Your vet will cut You a deal, I know its gets pricey, and with gas and everything on its way back up, I can understand getting stuff at a better price, Ive done it too ! the only thing for me it just didnt work no harm, but I ended up spending more money anways. I hate losing a pet, so my condolences to You.

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man, I'm really sorry about that. I truly am. I have a 22 years old cat, I stole her and saved her from a miserable life as well. in 20 years she's never been more than 5 feet from me and I truly am dreading that inevitable day. Rex had a great life though, thanks to you that I;m sure of.

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i love my animals. i have 2 cats and a dog. my dog named mongo was found at an animal rescue. alex is my male cat that i got from a co-worker and sofi showed up at our door the day after we got alex. i love tham all and can understand the pain you feel. i lost my last dog in 2002 and it was horrible. we had gotten her in 1990 and she had a great life but it hurt losing the dag i had gotten when i was 11.

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Wow, I'm so sorry for your loss! I had to put my KitKat down the day after Thanksgiving in '09. :( Still hurts to this day as he was also a rescue from a lady I worked with who could no longer keep him. He was only 8 years old, but he was suffering from liver failure among other troubles........I at least had him for a happy seven years.

I've since gotten another cat, but while she's no replacement for him------at least it does ease the pain as she was also a rescue. It also gives my other cat a playmate, even though he's getting on in years now, and I don't look forward to the day I'll have to let him go.

Now I'm as tough as the next guy, but when I had to put my Kitkat down.....I sobbed like a baby in the Vet's exam room and pretty much all the way home. Folks who don't own pets don't quite understand.........it's unconditional love a pet gives you unlike what you receive (or not) from another human being. The fact that cats and dogs are so innocent and depend on us totally, makes it tough for me to understand why anyone would want to hurt them.

Hang in there my friend..........take the time to grieve. Later on, you'll find yourself attached to another pet that would be happy to have you as their owner. ;)

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Sorry for your loss Tom. It does hurt a lot when you lose an animal you love. A dog can be the best friend in the world. They will never let you down and they are always glad to see you. A special dog is hard to replace. They are like people and no two are the same. I lost my best friend back in 2000. He was fourteen at the time. He had lost most of his hearing and I guess he didn't hear the car that hit him. He was the smartest,most loyal dog I ever had. Anytime I was outside the house,he was right by my side. Anytime I went anywhere he was in the back of my truck unless I was going to work. He knew when he could and couldn't ride. When it got cold,he was right in the front with me. Whenever my wife and I would sit on the steps of our porch,he would always wedge himself in between us. One time, we tried to keep him from getting in between us and he literally wedged his nose in and dug and scratched his his way right in. We couldn't help but laugh at his determination. My wife said on several ocsasions that she wished I loved her like I loved that dog. I'll never forget him and may never stop missing him. Your pain will get easier over time,but he will always be in your heart and mind.

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Some folks go thru an entire lifetime & never find a friend like that. I know it hurts, for I too have experienced a loss such as yours. Consider yourself blessed to have had such a loyal companion & cherish the memories of Rex. While he can never be replaced, after a respectful period of grievance, you should consider adoption again because you my friend have a lot to offer a helpless, homeless animal. I know! While my 'Booger' will NEVER be forgotten, I have had a new companion for 3 yrs now who makes me feel like the most important man in the world! Grieve, my brother. Hold Rex's memory close FOREVER, & go tackle the world as usual. Respectfully,


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I understand your pain. I too have a friend I miss more than anything, although she didn't die, it feels like she did. My wife found her a few years ago tied to a tree in the park, with her legs tied up and badley abused. She was a pit/lab mix, we named her Baby. I didn't want to keep her at first but fell in love within hours. She was a protector, and whenever I went for a walk she didn't need a leash, she would stay right by my side.

We had to move about a year later and were unable to take her. It broke my heart. Since I knew people may use her for fighting I was very careful about the home I found her. She ended up going to a rescue shelter for Pitbulls. I still wish to this day that I may find her again. She was the best dog I could have ever asked for.

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I can literally puddle up when I think about losing my dog. Just this last weekend I started notcing that he's getting more and more gray hairs around his mouth and the waterworks started. He is my first dog and I honestly don't know what I'll do when that day comes. If I can get that upset just thinking about it......

Like someone else said, I never understood that relationship either, until I got one. I love that dog so much that it's going to kill me when he goes.

I'm VERY sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.

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I sent my Freddie home after 11 years, on 1st of Nov. of 10. Your Rex probably had heartworm BEFORE you found him. The stuff you buy in the large retail stores is THE SAME STUFF the DR.s Prescribe. As LONG as you buy a BRAND NAME NOT cheap knock off meds. You can get ANY prescription for heartworm PREVENTATIVE (again, BRAND NAME)at K-Mart, Miejers or GOOD Pet center. (Notice I left wal-mart out, as they ONLY sell cheap chinese knockoff products). You did what you could, and Rex knew it. My Freddie contracted Cancer, and there was NOTHING i could do. NOTHING. I watched my little dog just get weaker and weaker. HE told me it was time, and when it was, I had to do right by him. So i sent him home. I KNOW that IF i get there, He'll be there , waitin for me, and he'll have scared ALL them dam nasty ass squirrels outta Paradise! I FEEL your pain.We NEVER forget. Rest in Peace, Rex and Freddie.

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Tom, I am sorry for your loss. I have had many pets over the years that me and my wife took in that did not have homes and each time you lose one it's a pain you never want to experience again. I personally thank you for helping an animal that could not help themselves, there are so many out there that need someone to help them as you did, if it wasn't for you he would not have had all the great years that he did. It will take time to get through this tough time but one day you will think back on the memories you two made and they will not hurt as much, even bringing a small smile or chuckle to your face.


Pro Tech

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Tom......I am so very sad today.......I am so sorry for your loss........I love my dogs with all my heart and soul......I don`t know what I would do without them.......they are a gift from God and are here on this earth for a short time.......we need to give them all the love we can......I am so sorry for your loss........God Bless Rex.

Edited by John Teresi
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As you can see, Tom, you have many friends who have experienced similar sorrow and I am among them. I think the gift of daily, unconditional love is one of the most special things in the world, which is so often provided by our pets. I once thought that I couldn't open my heart to another one after such a loss, but I found that adopting a dog without a very long wait was exactly what I needed. My avatar shows my current best friend, Greta the Miniature Schnauzer and Great White Hunter, who came within 4 months of the passing of my beloved Sydne the Dalmatian. This little girl, so different from Sydne, is dear to me in many of the same ways but also in different ways as big ol' Sydne.

Edited by sjordan2
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