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Today I Lost My Best Friend!

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I understand your pain and your loss, having lost 4 GREAT dogs over the years. It is losing a member of your family and it hurts A LOT. Please accept my sympathies.

Some people say the best thing to do is to get another puppy and hopefully the grief will fade and you will have that love for your pet again, but with a new pet. I, however, chose not to go that route because I really don't ever want to go through that grief again.

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Sorry to hear of this...I can relate, had to put down my 14 yr old Westie boy the day after Thanksgiving after a long illness. Have two other 13 yr old girls (an Aussie Terrier and a Silky), a 12 yr old Westie girl, and a 3 yr old Yorkie girl. I understand how hard it is, I've got a deep bond w/ my furkids...

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I Thank all of My Friends on the Forum, for Your Kind Words to me!

My Wife and Family want me to resque another Puppy From the Shelter, and they even put togethe a collection of pictures of Lab Mix Pups that are up for adoption, but right now all those pictures did was remind me of Rex, and how I lost him! I need Time before I can think of getting another Dog!

Edited by Tom Setzer
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I am sorry for your loss.After reading this I went and gave my dog scooter a nice long tummy rub.Losing him would be like losing a family member.He is also a rescue.The story is that a woman who loved dog's got married to this guy that was nice to her at the time,So for a wedding present she got a little puppy American eskimo spitz for both of them.Well the guy cheated on her and after a nasty divorce she just barely saved scooters life.The guy had only give food to him once every few days, he was mean to scooter and beat him and never showed any signs of love to him.Once we adopeted scooter from the girl,even though he was healed back to health he still ran and hid if a man ever reached out to pet him and he also ran and hid his food when we would feed him every day.After about 3 years he ajusted to us and has since been a very loving dog that I swear has a since of humor.

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It's killing me to read this. Bear with me as I am typing through tears. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am a HUGE animal lover and I don't have a dog at this time but I do have five cats. I had seven but two died of cancer about two years ago. Just today, I came home from the vet. I had to drop off another one of my cats for surgery to remove a tumor. There's no telling if she will make it or not and they want 1500.00 to do the surgery. I'd give everything I own to save my babies. Only an animal lover can understand the bond we have with our pets. They're family...

Rex will be loved in heaven.........

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Sorry man. My dog is 15 in human years and she'll have to be put down sooner or later. She has hip problems and she is going blind. She got hit by a truck sometime in the 90's. Now she takes a while to get up out of bed in the morning and she can't go down steep steps. She was lost for a week and then my grandpa found her in the road. She was fine just hungry and dirty. God bless and I hope you fell better soon.

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They aren't pets....they are family! I had to have my greyhound put down about eighteen months ago and it still hurts. His arthritis had gotten the best of him that he could no longer even get up. I took the day off work and just spent it with him knowing my friends time had come.

Look up the Rainbow Bridge and read it....read it a couple of times It helped me through it and pulled up some great memories I had with my big guy.

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We lost our 16 yr. old gal Angel a year ago this past May and we still miss her. It was one of the most difficult things me & my wife had to do. It took us about 6 months before we realized we NEEDED another companion to share our home with, so year ago November we rescued our boy from a Brooklyn shelter. Right now your mourning Rex, but time does make it tolerable. Never easy, but tolerable.

I just gave my Buddy a hug.... and if you want a tear jerker...


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Tom, I'm sorry for the loss of your buddy. I kinda wished I hadn't clicked on this thread. You and the other posters made me cry. I love my dogs, had several over the years, always getting the rescued ones. My wife & I would find em running the " hoods " around Chicago, we both work for a major railroad there, we moved here to Indiana, 1 month later, lost my mom, 2 months after that, lost one of our favorite " monkies " Kayla...an American cocker spaniel, we got pet names for our pets, hence being called monkey. We do not give our dogs any of that stuff, been using natural stuff for years...no problems. Again Tom, I'm so sorry for your loss.

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sorry to hear of your loss thoughts and prayers to both you and Rex,I do know your pain we just had to put our beloved Bella down 12/10/11 she was the best little Beagle we ever had,its tough but it does get better,you'll always remember the good times and like the others have said if you get a chance read the rainbow bridge,now I need to go find a tissue

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tell me about it. my 28 year old girlfriend (i am 2X+ her age just so you know) just moved to europe for a year. talk about a bummer.

oh well i was obviously getting too attached to her anyhow.

sorry to hear bout your dog. thats a real drag i know.

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