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Need Inspiration! Post your scrapple sandwitches here!


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You use all your spare model parts to build a model without buying anything.

Man, I haven't done anything like that since waaaaaaaaayyyyy back in my first modeling life.... around 1962 or '63... Used to do it when I didn't have any $$$ to buy a new kit and would scrounge thru my parts box to try to get enough parts to build something...

Wow... I sure as hell have several boxes of parts after being back into the hobby for 20 years... Hmmmm... Sounds like an interesting challenge... As soon as I actually FINISH some of the projects that I've ALREADY started.

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Lane, when I found this thread I thought someone had finally taken me up on the idea of building the best SCRAPPLE sandwich this side of the Mississippi, and then I realized that you are wanting to extend a definition of what scrapple is into model building, which is gutsy and brave, and it does sound like a great challenge.

So, it's a vehicle cobbled together using whatever parts you have at your disposal? Sounds to me like you are longing to play Dr. Frankensthtein!

LOL, I like it.

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Guest Sickfish

What I'd like to know is, just what is, or are, sandwitches? Are they a group of female Harry Potter fans, who gather annually, to worship & pray to Lord Harry, on their local beach??

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I Don't think this applies to modeling, more to eating, but being a Native of Lancaster County and consumed Scrapple I have never heard of a scrapple sandwich, at home we put pancake syrup on it before eating it an down in Philly they put Ketchup on it, as for using it for modeling, after a day or two exposed to the air it would be difficult to get close to it to see the detail work. Best regards to all you scrapple lovers.

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i was going to post that scrapple is nothing compare the the balkenbrij i grew up on

(basically anything that isnt good enough to be put in a hotdog mixed with flour and baked into a loaf, then panfried and eaten on toast)

but a quick google search has shown me that scrapple is just what you americans call balkenbrij


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I Don't think this applies to modeling, more to eating, but being a Native of Lancaster County and consumed Scrapple I have never heard of a scrapple sandwich, at home we put pancake syrup on it before eating it an down in Philly they put Ketchup on it, as for using it for modeling, after a day or two exposed to the air it would be difficult to get close to it to see the detail work. Best regards to all you scrapple lovers.

I live just west of Philly-Town, so I've been a scrapple fan my whole life. Personally, I just eat it straight - sliced thick and pan fried to a crispy brown but still soft and tender inside. I've tried it with ketchup, but I like it better without. Funny, because I'm one of those guys who "likes some french fries with my ketchup"! It's also good on rye toast with a couple of fried eggs. :)

... A resounding 'Yes,' to the earlier suggestions of a CBP.

Heck yeah! A full-on monster mash-up sounds like a great CBP idea! :D

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