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1/16th Scratch Built 69 Daytona ProMod

Romell R

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Epic scratchbuilding and working with brass are not my strong suits, so I'd have to say I'm impressed by that alone. I do like the finished product, as well. Since this is quite a few notches in quality over what I build, I'm not going to nit pick over one or two details- step back and look at the total picture, and I like what I see. Period.

Circus Tractor

I like that... might have to steal that moniker for a rat rod. B)

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romell, i believe that you have outdone ANYTHING you've done, previous to this build. truly some terrific craftsmanship. i know your next build, will only surpass this one! for me, that's that's the goal! to do better on every next build. learn from the past....do better on the next!!!!!! keep after it, romell!!!!

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Guys we all share something in common,the love of building models cars.Please stop bashing and hating on Rom's awesome Daytona.I understand that not everyone likes ever type of car,for example I'm not a tuner guy.But if someone builds a good one I can respect that.So please show respect to everyone on here,remember that saying your mother told you "Treat other as you would like to be treated".

Great job Rom.

-Austin T.

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Guys we all share something in common,the love of building models cars.Please stop bashing and hating on Rom's awesome Daytona.I understand that not everyone likes ever type of car,for example I'm not a tuner guy.But if someone builds a good one I can respect that.So please show respect to everyone on here,remember that saying your mother told you "Treat other as you would like to be treated".

Great job Rom.

-Austin T.

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Epic scratchbuilding and working with brass are not my strong suits, so I'd have to say I'm impressed by that alone. I do like the finished product, as well. Since this is quite a few notches in quality over what I build, I'm not going to nit pick over one or two details- step back and look at the total picture, and I like what I see. Period.

I like that... might have to steal that moniker for a rat rod. B)

Consider it yours Chuck ...and thanks so much for the sincere opinion.
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romell, i believe that you have outdone ANYTHING you've done, previous to this build. truly some terrific craftsmanship. i know your next build, will only surpass this one! for me, that's that's the goal! to do better on every next build. learn from the past....do better on the next!!!!!! keep after it, romell!!!!

It is a continual chase Dave , the one of bettering the last build. I try to out do every build with the next one. And every time I finish one, that one is my new favorite LOL! I cant wait to get started on my next project and I will try to out do this one. Thanks for all your support thoughout the build Bro. B)
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Rom, you poured your heart and skills into this one, and it's paid off with a model that's going to stand out any time and anywhere. I think it belongs on the cover of magazines and in a museum.

Watching you build, the journey and process, is what it's all about for me. The final results speak volumes on behalf of your talent.

Thanks Virgil I always appreciate your comments and input. keep up the good work brother.
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Thanks fellas for your honest opinions ..... B)

It's pretty much impossible to give honest comments when asked if they're going to be deleted.

Here's the image in which I noticed the engine is sitting crooked:


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Casey the model wasnt even finished at this point , this motor was sitting there loosely and was glued in permanitly after I installed the front windshield.. Good observation though. Rest assured the motor is level now. B)

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Rom, you did an awesome job on this. You spent so much time putting a tremendous effort into a spectacular build and you should be proud of the effort.

As far as certain forum members here that chose to chime in and disrupt the effort I have this to say. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and disparraging comments. You know, when I built my Daytona Pro Mod a while back, and posted in progress pictures of the build, someone chimed in and pointed out that I had installed the modern Hemi valve covers upside down. That was a mistake on my part and was constructive on the part of the person that noticed. I was thankful for their comments because I didn't see the error myself. They didn't come in and say that they thought the effort was awful or that they didn't like what I had done or that they didn't care for the subject matter. Any way you slice it, that's wrong and should be unwarranted here. If you don't care for the subject matter then you have no business even putting in your two cents because nothing good can come from it. I agree that if you post something here that you should be open and willing to accept comments, positive or negative but there must be a line drawn to determine the difference between critiquing and out and out spiteful, malicious behavior, that apparently a few folks here just can't seem to get the message and continue to try and make a point that is unjust.

And, as it has aready been stated by a few here, sometimes the negative feedback just needs to be worded in a manner that is in a positive tone and the builder might just be more responsive to the comments.

That is my input on the matter. Rom, sorry for the long rant but I felt the need to comment. I can't wait to see what you do for an encore. But on the next one, try not to make it look so much like a toy, would you? LOL!

Edited by 1320wayne
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Rom, you did an awesome job on this. You spent so much time putting a tremendous effort into a spectacular build and you should be proud of the effort.

As far as certain forum members here that chose to chime in and disrupt the effort I have this to say. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and disparraging comments. You know, when I built my Daytona Pro Mod a while back, and posted in progress pictures of the build, someone chimed in and pointed out that I had installed the modern Hemi valve covers upside down. That was a mistake on my part and was constructive on the part of the person that noticed. I was thankful for their comments because I didn't see the error myself. They didn't come in and say that they thought the effort was aweful or that they didn't like what I had done or that they didn't care for the subject matter. Any way you slice it, that's wrong and should be unwarranted here. If you don't care for the subject matter then you have no business even putting in your two cents because nothing good can come from it. I agree that if you post something here that you should be open and willing to accept comments, positive or negative but there must be a line drawn to determine the difference between critiquing and out and out spiteful, malicious behavior, that apparently a few folks here just can't seem to get the message and continue to try and make a point that is unjust.

And, as it has aready been stated by a few here, sometimes the negative feedback just needs to be worded in a manner that is in a positive tone and the builder might just be more responsive to the comments.

That is my input on the matter. Rom, sorry for the long rant but I felt the need to comment. I can't wait to see what you do for an encore. But on the next one, try not to make it look so much like a toy, would you? LOL!

LOL! Note to self "No more toy car builds" LOL! :lol:
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