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SuperVan SRT


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This is a project I have been building in my head for quite some time, but never fleshed out the details other than starting with a Dodge Caravan and mounting an engine amidship. I decided to start cutting and see where it goes. A full day of work got me here.

I cut out the grille and headlights. I made a new rear bumper and some other little parts to make the flares “fit” the body.





Once I get the body sorted out I’ll deal with the powerplant(s?) and wheels…

Hey, both companies are owned by Fiat now…

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I was worried after reading the post title you were starting with the Testors/Barris Supervan kit. :o

Wasn't there a (cancelled) F1 class for vans with midship mounted engines in the late '80s/early '90s? I thought I remembered a blurb in Hot Rod mentioning a Renault Espace with a mid-mounted V10...

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In looking at this I had an interesting idea and I did a very quick and poor photochop of it. I sectioned the van body and took out the Caravan front end and blended the Enzo nose into the van hood. It would take about a 6 to 8 inch section to make this work and a 4 inch chop.


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Interesting concept. I also had no idea that a Caravan model kit was EVER issued. It's not like most kids have a poster of a Caravan on their bedroom wall and say "I'm going to work hard so that one day I can afford one of those...". :D

Looking forward to seeing more of this build!

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It's not like most kids have a poster of a Caravan on their bedroom wall and say "I'm going to work hard so that one day I can afford one of those...". :D

What are you talking about? It's right next to my Rosie O'Donnell swimsuit poster...... :wub:

Seriously, I always thought this version of the Caravan was the most attractive of the genre. Who DOES make the kit? I'd kinda like to use one for a jumping-off point on an updated Brubaker Box.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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The plastic the Lindberg kit is molded in is relatively soft, and this one had a mild warp to it. It assembled it including the windows and interior and taped it down to a sheet of glass to unwarp it. Then I built up the flares and boxed them for reinforcement while it was fixtured. It is very rigid now without any warpage either.

Tires from a Nissan Skyline GTR race car, BBS style Porsche rim centers …


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