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Ech.........the humidity is killing me

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It's 100-degrees and muggy today in Fargo. What the...? What happened to the North Dakota I used to know? That one (energy efficient) window air conditioner and a fan for the whole house just doesn't cut it these last many weeks. The good news is that AC is in my model room. :) The bad news is I need to spray paint.

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Yeah, today's not bad. Better than the 100 degrees plus we've been having the last few weeks. Now if only we could get some rain! They're already telling us all how food prices are going to go through the roof due to the drought.

Food prices? Come down here Harry we got possum , raccoon , gator , and gar ! But we do have those little thing's

your trying to get away from called heat & humidity :)

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Heat,what is that? :lol:

It has rained here every day for the last 54 days,but it has only rained once this week...It started sunday night and stopped this afternoon!

This really means nothing since we don't know where "here" is .

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After seeing what has been going on with temps. in other parts of the country over the past month or two living in Florida has been a cakewalk so far this year.

Seems that Florida is cool compared to most of the country. l do like Arizona, almost cried when l left...

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This summer hasn't been too bad. Not super-super hot, not too humid excpet the last couple of weeks, although we did have an abatement for a couple of days.

I don't envy the midwest at all. My parents have considered retiring to Las Cruces or Las Vegas for years, they may do it in the next couple of years.

Charlie Larkin

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That's right,a small wet,soggy island... :P

Ireland in fact! B) B)

That explains why it's so green there....

Definitely one place I want to visit someday. I've been told my family has a castle or something there. It would be pretty cool if I could put a claim in on it. Hey, if nothing else, if things really fall apart in the U.S., I'd have a fall-back place to live. :) And all the steak-and-kidney pie I want.

Charlie Larkin

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Thanks for clearing that up , Collin . And welcome to the forum !

What's the correct spelling of your name ?

Thanks Bob.


That explains why it's so green there....

Definitely one place I want to visit someday. I've been told my family has a castle or something there. It would be pretty cool if I could put a claim in on it. Hey, if nothing else, if things really fall apart in the U.S., I'd have a fall-back place to live. :) And all the steak-and-kidney pie I want.

Charlie Larkin

Fourty shades of green...LOL

That should be easy to trace as we only have a couple of hundred castles here. :D

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