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I was up in Duluth MN visiting the wifes family. I had been up there having a great time, got some good ol BBQ done, caught a couple trout, I took the new four wheeler out and was riding with her brothers. Got plenty muddy! Mid afternoon we all packed up and decided to go back home.

I arrived home about 930 and I had pulled into the drive and I noticed my front door was open. instantly, I knew something isn't right. I walk through the front door to basically an empty living room. Someone had definately walked through and took what they wanted...

I panic, call the police to make a police report. I then have to go through my house and look at what was missing. However, I won't go into details at the words I used but I will list what I lost...

2 month old 60" LG TV

2 month old Xbox 360 250 GB

2 month old black oak tv stand

Complete surround sound system with 8 speakers and 2 subwoofer

Wifes grandmothers wedding ring

3 Minnesota Viking framed authentic autographed jerseys signed by Adrian Peterson I personally got at training camp

Autographed Randy Moss rookie football in a case

4 Authentic Minnesota Viking helmets signed. Chad Greenway, Antoine Winfield, Percy Harvin and Christian Ponder.

Box of authentic real NFL jerseys I had boxed up from just being boughten that were sitting on the mantel. Was 7 jerseys in there at around 80 bucks a pop.

Wifes Victorian style jewelery box with a lot of gold ear rings, necklaces and bracelets. No costume jewelery.

My wallet, I.d. credit cards, check cards (usually never leave it out of my pocket but the one Time I forget, go figure)

There was a lot more smaller items taken. Some of this stuff is not replaceable. I am so heated right now...

As far as suspects, I bought that TV for 2200.00. Made a mistake because a week after I bought it, I found a 72 inch TV. I decided I'd try my luck with Craigslist. I was gonna sell it and buy a 72".

I had these two guys come look at it. One came with his wife, the other came with his daughter... Both seemed real down to earth and interested. One thing I noticed, the guy who came through with his wife had been very interested in everything else but the TV. Asked about all my diecast collection, My plastic models, the football items, I thought he seemed weird but we left in a rush and it never.dawned on me...

Now I am out of all my stuff and the guy used a Trac phone to call me so there having a hard time finding him tp question him. what was a good time away turned into complete hell...

Anyone I am doing trades with, please bare with me. I'm good for it,I just got hit kinda hard with.this. ill have everyone's stuff out before Friday.

Anyone else have there place broke into? How did insurance handle it. This is my first time..

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That does really suck. Someone around here was knocking out small windows in garage doors and taking a long pole and pulling the emergency cord and lifting the garage door up and getting in like that. One of our club members was a victim. He said a neighbor lady happen to see them in action very early in the morning. She asked the guy what the hell he was doing and he pulled a gun on her! OOPS! They did get some of his stuff while he was asleep.

Edited by Greg Wann
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Sorry to hear your loss. Been there myself. My wife and I got robbed a couple of months ago. It was our second time. They got more this time:

2 laptops, my Acer Aspire and her netbook

2 digital cameras, a GE and a Cannon Powershot

a 30GB portable hard drive with backups of my music on it

assorted jewelry including a 2ct. ruby ring my mom had given my wife.

Insurance was amazing. We got a settlement for everything within 3 days. I'm much happier with the new laptop, but I'd a whole lot rather it had never happened either time.

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Have friend(s) run ads locally looking to BUY some of the stuff that was stolen. See who contacts them and check them out.

Check addresses and phone numbers etc. when contact is made. Give this to the police.AND your insurance company. They want them as much and maybe more so than law enforcement and sometimes have more resources. Thieves can be deceptively clever AND stupid. Good Luck!

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Sorry to hear that Alberto, did any neighbors see anyone or anything ? I would think they would need help to clean out your house so unless you live in the sticks, someone had to see something.

Did you have any appraisals or certificates for the football stuff? Chances are the thieves will be dumb enough to sell it somewhere and if you have some way of identifying it, it could make it easier to recover.

Never had to go through what you are and hope I never have to. Best of luck to you and thankfully most of it can be replaced!

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Guest Johnny

Only a few things any lower than a thief! Sorry to hear that you were a victim.

Sad part is we all can look foreward to even more of this as the economy gets worse.

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The part that sucks is. I do not have any houses around me.. I am the only house within about 1600 feet in every direction. there is a pet sitting place behind me but trees surround my home in every way.. However my driveway is shared with a bar/restraunt. its hard to explain. My garage door has a roll up door with a cylinder lock and that was drilled out, they entered through the garage and kicked in the back house door breaking the handle and all the trim...

The police officer said he is willing to bet the robber backed his truck into the garage and shut the door and went to town getting what he wanted.. The thing is, I do not smoke in my garage and someone left two cig butts in there... Cop took them and said these could be key evidence if the people have other offences and have there DNA on file..

My insurance is kind of jerking me around a bit. I am a unorganized person and misplaced the receipt for my TV and XBOX. They need proof it was there, I have a picture but there is no proof because it didnt have a date on it. Most of my sports stuff don't have receipts.. I will.be very mad if this is just a huge loss...

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Keep track of everything you get reimbursed for by the insurance company and for the things you don't, try to get fair and accurate values as you may be able to write them off on your income taxes.

The lesson here for all of us is to inventory everything of value, have those family heirlooms appraised, and keep everything on a flash drive or DVD in a safe deposit box in case you ever have to file a claim.

I, like many others, probably have about half of my worldly possesions inventoried and the rest I wouldn't be able to tell you a model number or value of. I will begin work this weekend and make sure I am up to date with a list of my valuables.

It is sad that there are people out there that want to use Craigslist as a means to rob people of their hard earned possesions but nothing surprises me anymore.

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I am very sorry it happen to you man...love to catch someone trying here. Before my accident I had my own auto repair shop at my house same thing happen when we went for a vacation...lost thousands in equipment,parts, supplies,tools as well as damage to customer cars which I had to pay for due to we had just gotten it started up. Now I have a used 24/7 time lapse photo recorder....and something that goes bang for them. We also had things that could never be replaced taken or destroyed...feel for you all.

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...My wallet, I.d. credit cards, check cards (usually never leave it out of my pocket but the one Time I forget, go figure)...

Sods law. The one time I left my laptop on site instead of taking it home the site shed got broken into and it got taken. They also took milk, crackers and the foremans lunch but overlooked a $40,000 GPS system sitting in plain sight in a LOUD yellow box.


Hope you can sort out the insurance company - best of luck with them.

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IT happen to me 98. My wife came home the door wide open and house totaly ransacked. my insuraance replaced 100 percent but take your time writing down whats been taken. after we settled we found things missing we had not thought of....

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Guest Johnny

Got this from our insurance agent. He is a great guy and actually helped guide me through dealing with an adjuster on settling for things stolen from my son's garage!

Key is be honest. Don't over inflate values.(they have a nose for this)

The place you bought the TV and equipment should be able to provide proof of purchase.

If you have any home pictures of any type with the collectables in the background that will help establish their existance. Same with any jewelery. Also get an estimate from a local collectibles seller with high and low end retail values for what you had. Anything you do not have pictures of but have witnesses swearing you had the items, be willing to take the low end or a little below on. (he said that will help get a fair price with the established high end items )

Also sworn afidavits from non family members (notarized) can also help in establishing what was stolen especially things you don't have visual proof of.

Contrary to what some may think, you do not have to always have 100% physical proof of items.

He also said he wishes you good luck (in a good way) with your settlement. :)

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Word of warning!

Many years ago we got broken into twice the same year and all our electronics were cleaned out both times. Local PD said that was very common because the crooks will wait a while for you to replace everything and then hit you again. We were renting so I just moved but depending on your situation you might want to check into a home security systems.

Sorry for your loss. Hope they slow rot in hell. Hang in there

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Thank you guys for all the information and help. I really appreciate it. its good to know there are proper out there in the world you never met but you share the same hobby and they ate willing to lend a hand or whatever it is you may need...

I talked with my insurance company. I bought my TV, XBOX360 and TV Stand from a store where you finance (which jacked the price up incredibly) I paid almost 2100 for my TV, 150 for the Xbox and 250 for the stand. Insurance company told me that since I've had it that I will only be able to get what the TV is going for cost wise today. well that's only 1000 bucks roughly... I am losing my ass here and I have been very very upset.

The Viking collection stuff I can't put a price on because I don't have pictures of it but I do have an email of the guy I bought two items from... Only thing is, the actual value of the stuff, I trades for two of the items so I cannot put a price on them.

I haven't even touched a model since all this. The police aren't very active, I realize they have jobs but I haven't even recieved a call from the.investigators.

I know the feeling any of you guys have went through when you got broke into. it is a feeling in your stomach that doesn't sit easy... I am mostly very angry about the Ring and the Vikings items...

All of my. model stuff may end up forsale in a lot.. I am gonna need every little bit I can get in the next couple months to get by... living paycheck to paycheck sucked before and this made ot worse.

thank you all again for the input advice.

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Hey man, hope you can get what you deserve from the insurance company. I know they're a pain to deal with and will try to lowball you to death. I think they're in the wrong to only give you half what you paid for the tv. Good luck man, just keep pushing the insurance company and eventually they will give in.

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