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Allowing buying and selling here would open up a whole can worms, legally and logistically speaking, that neither Gregg nor I nor any other moderator wants any part of, not the least of which would be bad blood between buyers and sellers every time a sale didn't go the way the buyer or seller wanted. Allowing buying and selling here would be a disaster, I guarantee it. Look at all the stuff that ebay had to put in place to keep things running smoothly... their feedback system, their conflict resolution system, etc., etc. There's no way we want to take on that sort of a complex operation here. Keeping the forum members in check, moderating their posts, moving topics to the correct place, etc., takes up enough of our time already. Adding buying and selling here, too? No way.

If you want to buy or sell models, there are plenty of places online to do that. This forum is not one of those places.

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No exposure?

Dennis Doty mentions it as a model car source in each and every piece he writes for Collectible Automobile!

Shall I tell you why there aren't any models listed on it?

Because everyone thinks the legal minefield called 'Ebay' is the philosopher stone, instead of realising what a dismal piece of rip off and circus for con artists it really is.

Ebay isn't at fault. In fact, I'd say that given the volume of traffic that passes through their site every day, they do an amazing job keeping things running well.

But whenever you deal with the public, as ebay does, well... you get the public involved, and let's be honest... there are a lot of scam artists, ripoff artists and crooks among the public.

To put the blame on ebay is like saying it's the city's fault when there is a traffic jam. Ebay provides a service-a marketplace for buyers and sellers to do business. Ebay is merely the conduit, it's the buyers and sellers who cause the problems. If you use a bit of common sense, you can do very well on ebay. I have bought dozens and dozens of items through ebay, and have never had any sort of issue.

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Ebay isn't a charity. It's a business. And their goal is to make money, like any business. And they're good at what they do.

They are the 800 lb. gorilla of online auction sites, and they have the bulk of the online buying/selling business... and they can charge whatever fees they want to charge! And of course, you have every right not to do business with them, if you feel that they're scamming you. But in my opinion, given the vast audience of potential buyers that do shop on ebay, I think most sellers would agree that whatever fees ebay/PayPal charges is worth it. Just my opinion.

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I agree with Harry. eBay is not perfect, but it the closest thing we have. They are, by the fact they are a publicly traded company, required to maximize profits. If something in their fee schedule hurts that profit margin, it will be changed. As long as they are making money and increasing the value of the stock, they are doing EXACTLY what any business is trying to do. Try to sell your models on emodelcars or another site and see if the difference in fees offsets the difference in final selling price.

Emodelcars is a good idea - unfortunately, not good enough to sustain itself. Would I buy and sell there? I would, if there was anything to buy or anybody to sell to.

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To get back the original topic... I think if we had a link to emodelcars right here on the forum, up there at the top of the page with all the other links, maybe highlighted in color, that would drive people to at least check it out. And the more that people visit it, the more people will tend to use it. Emodelcars' biggest problem is the fact that very few people know it exists! We have to get the word out.

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We have to get the word out, but unfortunately it seems that Gregg doesn't care about it enough to point people towards it. I've said in another thread about this that in addition to the links, there needs to be a thread for people to list what they are selling as well so people here can get an idea of what they would find there (and also to update others as to when new stuff is added).

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We have to get the word out, but unfortunately it seems that Gregg doesn't care about it enough to point people towards it. I've said in another thread about this that in addition to the links, there needs to be a thread for people to list what they are selling as well so people here can get an idea of what they would find there (and also to update others as to when new stuff is added).

I think Gregg wants to keep emodelcars and this site as separate entities. Keep the buying and selling apart from the forum. But I do think we should have a link on this site to emodelcars.

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To me, it's like asking if I want to be whipped with a electric cord or a nylon rope, it's gonna hurt either way! I absolutely HATE that I have to use Ebay to get any kind of a good price for the kits I'm selling. I sold 17 items over the past few weeks and I have 200.00 in fees that will be deducted from my bank account the first of Oct. I know they're a business and their main goal is to make money but 10.00 in fees for every 100.00 seems awfully excessive to me when you consider the amount of auctions that do sell! The one thing that put me over the edge is the fact that they FORCE you to pay through Paypal or another online pay source. They won't let you accept check or money order! I don't care what they say! I put a huge note in all my auctions that tells the buyer that they MUST contact me directly to my email BEFORE they pay! When they do, I give them the option to pay by check, money order or Paypal. Recently, Ebay has made a new rule that you have to have A: 250.00 or more in U.S. sales. B: at least 25 transactions as a seller within the U.S. and one other thing, (I forget what the last one is at the moment) before they will allow you to collect your funds paid through Paypal!!!! Their new policy is that if they don't consider you a "safe seller" because you dont meet all three criterias, they will hold your money up to 21 days before they will release it to you! They tell you "you can get you money faster by printing a shipping label on Ebay"........of course, they CHARGE you to do that!!! They will release your funds sooner if you mail the item right away, the buyer gets it and has three days to think about accepting it!!!!!! Even if the buyer leaves you awesome feedback they still hold your money three days after the buyer gets the item!!! The part that really made me go off on the guy I spoke to at Ebay was the fact that they were holding my money on two sales that were OUTSIDE the U.S.!!!!!!! They hold your money on those transactions as well but THEY DON'T count them towards you being a "good seller"!!!!!!!!! How wrong is that!!!!!!!

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Thank you Harry. I needed a good laugh. Comparatively by the sheer wieght of volume, yes, they do a good job. For a moment though stop looking at thier numbers and just look at thier biased policies. Then you speak of scam and ripoff artists in the buying public? How about the conglomeration of evilbay plus Paypal that basically forces you to pay twice for every item you sell. Ebay gets it's item value, and since they own Paypal, you pay them a fee as well because they will only allow you to go through paypal. It's a complete screwjob.

You have BOUGHT dozens and dozens of items on evilbay without a problem. So have I. I've also sold dozens and dozens of items on evilbay and nearly every one of them is a hassle even if it is only because of the outrageous fee scale. Go into thier community forum and question why you have to pay twice, once to evilbay and then again to paypal. I guarantee you they will pull down that post quicker than you can say "Holy ######! They pulled my post"! Anyway...thanks for the laugh.

YEAH...i'm back baby!


They are not charging you twice. You are paying ebay for handling your sale and Paypal to process your payment.

If you think Ebay is too much, check out what a local auction company charges with very little exposure. Call a credit card company and find out what it cost to accept credit cards.

You will soon realize what a bargain both are.

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The reason I ask, was that I have some things i would like to get rid of, i am out of room due to a need to downsize. I would like to use emodelcars, I'm not a dealer. But limited traffic is going to make this hard to do. I see stuff listed that never gets a bite at all, this won't help me much. No, i'm not trying to make a killing, just would like to find a new home for this stuff, and get a smale amount to be able to put towards supplies that i need. I still may try it, but i have one question, Can i put a post on this forum letting others know that there is something new on there that they might be interested in?

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I know what you mean Paul aka;uncle potts. Well I'm giving it a first time shot I posted on emodelcars lets see what happens and if things go well I'll post more..

Good to see. Of course that makes three sellers and five items. Can we see more guys?

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Simple economics.

Sellers see no buyers, so do not list much, thus leaving possible buyers with little options, so they do not stop by, thus again, sellers are not seeing the buyers, and the circle continues.

Ebay was so fast at growing, they ate up the initial market share, and it would be VERY hard for any other online auction to now ever offer the same "marker place" of buyers and sellers. Would be nice for other options.

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Simple economics.

Sellers see no buyers, so do not list much, thus leaving possible buyers with little options, so they do not stop by, thus again, sellers are not seeing the buyers, and the circle continues.

Ebay was so fast at growing, they ate up the initial market share, and it would be VERY hard for any other online auction to now ever offer the same "marker place" of buyers and sellers. Would be nice for other options.

i often check webstore.com. some models and stuff. ive also sold some on their and its free.
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Unfortunately Webstore is still small. Although it's ranked in the top three of the auction sites it's still struggling against eVilBay. :(

everything is going to struggle against ebay. i was just answering his comment about any other sites. i just like webstore because no fees except when you sell something paypal is the only charge.
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What kills it for me is shipping. I have many kits I would sell for a song just to make room but by the time I figure in shipping costs they are not such a bargain for the prospective buyer, kind of the same thing you run into on ebay. I am going to list a few on there however just to see how it goes.

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Whatever the case with any other sites, emodelcars is and has for some time now been in full fail mode...and it's not really all that difficult to see why.

Hundreds, even thousands of other special interest sites offer classifieds sections. There is no reason that MCM could not also offer this, other than the will to do so. It's a little ridiculous to have to use the Trading and Wanted sections to arrange "trades" (sure it's a trade! it's trading plastic for paper :P).

Gregg and Harry...if the reasons you listed are why there is no classified section in this place, you're wayyyyyyy over-complicating it. But, if that's the case, that's your choice. We can play along and keep the $ signs in the pm's.

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Can somone post to other parts of the fourm to inform others what's for sale or buy outs?

I don't think it's a good idea to post an advertisement for something you have listed there, on eBay, or anywhere else.

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Thanks for the info/input guys it answered my questions.

I pulled off items on emodel cars and I posted one item on webstore.com to see how that goes. I'll just keep putting the word out on yahoo groups and face book like I've been doing in the past and believe it or not I sold more that way and so did others. I'm not looking to make a killing on selling and I'm not looking to make others rich.

I wish all of you luck selling your items how ever you do it.....

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I have given up using Ebay for the following reasons: 1- no protection for sellers; 2 - with my last communication to them, the only way I can get my money from Paypal is to give them access to my bank account...not gonna happen; 3 - the cost of shipping from Canada - for example, I have lots of kits I could sell for $10-$15 but postage will be almost $15-$20, according to the local post office, and too many people complain about the shipping cost.

I have looked at alternative selling groups but they seem to favour Paypal and then I have the same problem with getting my money. The last money order I got was wrong and it took too long to get it corrected. I now sell locally via a Canadian site called Kijiji and I do cash only pickup sales.

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