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Models in the movies

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Criminal Minds. The Freeway Killer episode

The killer has diecast on a shelf in the kitchen/dining room.

He had 3 daughters, Youngest hit by a car and killed.

Wife was higher up in company than he.

It was found that all scenes with with and other 2 daughters were

halucinations, as he had already kiiled them before FBI was called in.

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  • 2 months later...

I caught one over the weekend in I movie I had seen a couple times and never noticed.

Mr. Holland's Opus.

The son, Cole, is building a Monogram 1/12 '69 Camaro (molded in orange).

In the scene where Mr. Holland tells his son to open the windows because the fumes stink (and gets his sheet music blown around).

The time line is a little off, I don't think that kit was available within the restraints of the story, even though they don't cite an exact year.

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Oh I just remembered another one. I don't remember what the movie was called. But it was a mid 80's movie... Rodney Dangerfield is building a Mezzerschmitd airplane model at various stages in the movie and I think he finished it in the end. Anyone know what movie it was..?

I think that would be "Easy Money" .

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Model-building plays a very significant role in the 2011 J.J. Abrams film, "Super 8."

True, and in my opinion it is depicted positively. I do seem to recall that they included a Monogram GSX in his model collection, which briefly took me "out of the moment" of the movie, since the film is set in the late 70's, and that kit wouldn't have been available until the late 80's, I believe. Maybe it was meant as a slight omage to the 68 or 69 Skylark that they used in the movie.

Watched "Baby Boy" over the weekend,seen it a few time before but never put two and two together. The main character played by Tyrese Gibson builds plastic model cars.

Forgot about that one. I seem to recall that they showed him working on a Revell 69 Camaro early on in the movie. I think that aspect was an attempt to show his immaturity at the start of the film, which unfortunately seems like the most common reason for showing model building in TV/movies.

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True, and in my opinion it is depicted positively. I do seem to recall that they included a Monogram GSX in his model collection, which briefly took me "out of the moment" of the movie, since the film is set in the late 70's, and that kit wouldn't have been available until the late 80's, I believe. Maybe it was meant as a slight omage to the 68 or 69 Skylark that they used in the movie.

Forgot about that one. I seem to recall that they showed him working on a Revell 69 Camaro early on in the movie. I think that aspect was an attempt to show his immaturity at the start of the film, which unfortunately seems like the most common reason for showing model building in TV/movies.

I think your right about the immaturity,I wasn't going to mention that. ? and he was doing a 59 impala at one time too,looked like a lowrider.

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The Movie "Niagara" (1953) has Joseph Cotton as George Loomis building a model car while on vacation. His wife (Marilyn Monroe) tries to set him up to be killed, but the fight with her lover tends to work out the other way. Great suspense movie!

Jean Peters and Max Showalter in this scene are trying to convince George to go out to dinner with them... or something. Been a few years since I watched the movie. But the model kit George is building looks to be about 1/20th scale and very finely crafted. Rose Loomis gives him the kit and he is shown sitting at the table in other scenes building it out of a box.


I believe the kits Joseph Cotton's tragic character is building in "Niagara" were Hudson Miniatures kits. They had a whole series of brass era antique cars in 1/16th scale with wood, paper, metal, wire parts and white metal and later, plastic, wheels. They were very well done and I believe Aurora's later antique car kits were heavily influenced by these kits.


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I know this is a bit off topic,,but have you ever watched old Godzilla movies from the 60's? and its amazing the model sets they used/made,,working tanks,,jeeps,,city dioramas,,freeways,,,jets that have the fishing line string attached to them,,soring thru the air,,wild stuff.

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I noticed watching "Son in Law" on CMT (it was the only thing half way interesting on) a few weeks ago that in one scene in the boy's bedroom when they go home for Thanksgiving, there are some Revell plane kits sitting on one of the shelves.

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Celebrities - the movie director John Milius builds model aircraft, I think. At least I remember an interview with him, where he was holding a Revell 1/32 F4 Phantom.

Re: "In The Line Of Fire": Watch near the beginning - Clint Eastwood is at an outdoor newsstand, and picks up a fictional model magazine. Behind the fictional mag, you'll see a big stack of Fine Scale Modeler.

And we do NOT come off well in that movie, LOL. When Eastwood is starting the investigation, he tells his partner to investigate model builders and says: "It's a pretty weird subculture."

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There are a few kits on a closet shelf in a recent episode of The Americans, a series on FX. They're shown very clearly and fit into the story line. The show is set in the early 1980s, but at least two of the Revell kits are later...a F-8 Crusader that might be from the late 1980s and an Olds Cutlass funny car. There's a couple other kits on the shelf too, but can't remember which ones they are.

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Does anyone know of any celebrities (besides our own, here :) ) who build?

Well, New Zealand film director Sir Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings Trilogy) started his own model airplane company-Wingnut Wings. These kits are the new standard of large scale WW1 aircraft.
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It's not a movie but, still pretty cool. At least it's on film, in some way. The kid hanging out in the garage has a model car collection. For those who speak Spanish, please let me know if this says anything inappropriate. I didn't hear anything bad in the English parts so, I went ahead and posted.

Kinto Sol Ft Frost "En Mi Lowrider"

Edited by Skydime
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I constantly amaze my wife while watching shows like American Pickers, Toypicker & the many different storage unit shows, by having to pause & back up to check out the different models, promo's & many other toys that they just toss aside, or take one glance at then toss in the junk pile. Think they'd let a modeler tag along & pick up what they think is useless junk?

And on the original subject,I wish I could remember the title of a old war movie I watched on late night TV in the early (very early) '60s it had what was supposed to be a B-24 that was supposed to be crashing, & not only could you see the support wires, but the type of plane changed at least three times before it hit, in one shot it was the original B-24,in another it had morphed into a C-47,& in one shot it had mysteriously became a Lockheed Electra, must've been the aliens.

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I constantly amaze my wife while watching shows like American Pickers, Toypicker & the many different storage unit shows, by having to pause & back up to check out the different models, promo's & many other toys that they just toss aside, or take one glance at then toss in the junk pile. Think they'd let a modeler tag along & pick up what they think is useless junk?

And on the original subject,I wish I could remember the title of a old war movie I watched on late night TV in the early (very early) '60s it had what was supposed to be a B-24 that was supposed to be crashing, & not only could you see the support wires, but the type of plane changed at least three times before it hit, in one shot it was the original B-24,in another it had morphed into a C-47,& in one shot it had mysteriously became a Lockheed Electra, must've been the aliens.

The good thing about these shows is that they actually do show most of the actual business names. Being that you are in California, maybe you should look up some of the stores on "Storage Wars" and other shows that have California shops. It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask. :)

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