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Abandoned by Photobucket

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I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but Photobucket's latest site "improvement" has shut off my access to hundreds of my images - unless I spend about $200 to upgrade my Mac's operating system and memory. I use the Safari browser (but not one of the most recent versions) and can't use any of the browsers listed below. Here's what I got from their Tech Support:

Billy (Photobucket Customer Support Home)

Nov 20 08:28 am (MST)


Unfortunately, the new Photobucket is not currently supported in the Opera browser.

Photobucket develops for and tests with the following browsers:

Chrome (Note that Chrome updates automatically, and often in the background, which can cause occasional problems with the Photobucket site).

Firefox 3.6 or later

Safari 5.0 or later

Internet Explorer 8.0+ (make sure you have Compatibility View disabled in you IE Tool settings) Photobucket will NOT function correctly in Internet Explorer 7 or below.

The features and functionality of the Photobucket website may work with other browsers, but Photobucket cannot guarantee compatibility, and the support provided for those browsers may be limited.

Photobucket only supports generally available (GA) releases. Beta versions are not supported.

Much of the functionality of the Photobucket site requires that your Internet browser also supports JavaScript.

I'm afraid this will continue to happen on more and more sites as time goes on. Best of luck on the upgrades, might want to check out some OEM software.

Anyways, best of luck.

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Well, that seriously bites. Is it not possible to update your existing Safari installation to a later release? I'm sure you've already thought of that, and I'm completely ignorant concerning Mac systems, but I just thought I'd ask. I run Firefox on my old (11 years, but hot-rodded) PC, and it seems to work pretty well. I know at least some older versions of Firefox are compatible with Mac systems.

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Skip, I don't know if this will help as I am not accessing PB via a Mac, but recently when they changed their format, I had problems too. I found a tab that asked if I wanted to change back to the old style, I clicked on it, stated my reason, and viola, I was back to using the same familiar PB.

I am actually having far more bug problems with MCM than PB right now.

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As I mentioned, none of the resources mentioned above will work with my iMac 10.4 - I need 10.5 and above, requiring an upgrade to Snow Leopard (I'm still on Tiger), plus more memory. Safari is the only browser I can use anymore. The Apple Store can't install any of what I need, so I have to go to a recommended aftermarket service, which will cost $200. I can't even get on the Photobucket site to do anything, because while it's loading, the screen always goes to blank white.

Fortunately, I can still use the MCM attachment feature to make uploads here - but not on other sites that require a host link.

PS BILL - When Firefox upgraded (automatically, and wrote over my old version), I tried to restore the older version, but their site says it's obsolete and not available for download.

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I am on my wife's MacBook Pro, using Google Chrome, and when on PB there are issues- Flash Player is out of date and can't be updated (though that may be a GC issue), so you have to manually click the "run this time" each time you want to run the bulk uploader. No problems viewing the 'site nor any of my images, though. My wife mentioned needing to update to Apple's most recent OS, but that's not my area of expertise.

How many images (or total amount) do you have stored in your PB account?

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I am on my wife's MacBook Pro, using Google Chrome, and when on PB there are issues- Flash Player is out of date and can't be updated (though that may be a GC issue), so you have to manually click the "run this time" each time you want to run the bulk uploader. No problems viewing the 'site nor any of my images, though. My wife mentioned needing to update to Apple's most recent OS, but that's not my area of expertise.

How many images (or total amount) do you have stored in your PB account?

A bit over 500 - everything I've ever posted here until this week, when I started using the MCM attachment feature.

And yes, Mark, I've been having problems with MCM's server and posting today.

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Skip, are you saying that you can't run the latest browsers because they won't run on your Mac operating system? If that's the problem, it's only going to keep getting worse (more and more sites won't run as time goes on and web technology keeps evolving). Time to bite the bullet and upgrade your OS.

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PS BILL - When Firefox upgraded (automatically, and wrote over my old version), I tried to restore the older version, but their site says it's obsolete and not available for download.

You can get old versions of Firefox here -> http://www.oldapps.com/firefox.php

It "may" let you install it separately rather than over the current install. Not sure how that works and would hate for you to hose your system trying it. Probably best to upgrade your system.

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I just tried the "new" PB using Safari 5.1.7 on my Mac with OSX 10.6.8.

PB worked just fine, but I don't really see any improvements... it's just different. Just a matter of getting used to the new layout and functions, but I really don't see how the new version is significantly better than the old way. Think I'll stick with PB "classic" until they pull the plug on the old version.

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PS BILL - When Firefox upgraded (automatically, and wrote over my old version), I tried to restore the older version, but their site says it's obsolete and not available for download.

You don't ever want to go backwards with web browsers. Not sure you actually can, but if you could it wouldn't make any sense. You'd be losing whatever functionality the latest version has and would only make your compatibility issues worse, not better.

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Then I suggest you go with the old version of PB as long as they'll let you.

As I said, I CAN'T go with the old version of PB. I can't even get on the site because my screen goes blank when it loads - this happens even after emptying my cache, dumping cookies, quitting Safari and rebooting my computer.

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What version of a Mac are you running? Go to the Apple>About this Mac and post that. If its a G4 Mac, you may have to explore other version of Foxfire. If not, maybe I can help you figure something out.


As I mentioned before, I'm on iMac Intel Core Duo 10.4.1 and Firefox does not even have their prior version available because it's obsolete and can't be downloaded,; Firefox says that it is discontinued and is not operational anymore. I need to have OS X 10.6 to run the stuff in my first post.

In short, I've tried just about everything including talking with Photobucket customer support, and none of the other browsers will install on my computer because my OS is too old. As you'll see in PB's response in my original post, I'm SOL.

I'll just have to hang in there until I win the lottery. Thanks to all of you, however, for your suggestions and support.

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You don't ever want to go backwards with web browsers. Not sure you actually can, but if you could it wouldn't make any sense. You'd be losing whatever functionality the latest version has and would only make your compatibility issues worse, not better.

Actually, it is commonly necessary, or at least more productive, to revert to previous versions until all applications and add-ons are on the same page. There's a reason that there are sites all over the net providing backdated versions. Type "revert to version" into your search engine and see for yourself how many thousands of instances you are able to find.

I haven't had any issues recently, nor do I use photobucket or a mac, but in the last year I can think of at least 4 times where I've needed to revert to previous versions of Flash, Chrome, FF, and Skype. To tell people they should never do it is simply false. Sometimes doing so is the only option that works.

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Skip, couldn't you give a friend or family member (not using MAC) your username and password to your Photobucket account, let them access and pull your images, then send them to you for storage on your machine?

Not sure what everyone else does, but I keep all of my Photobucket images on my own desktop or burn to disc, basically because I don't trust photo-hosting sites (especially the free versions).

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Not sure what everyone else does, but I keep all of my Photobucket images on my own desktop or burn to disc, basically because I don't trust photo-hosting sites (especially the free versions).

Agreed... I keep all my photos backed up on an external hard drive and in the cloud (Carbonite), as well hosting some of them on Fotki or Facebook.

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Fotki test. I have problems with this one, too. Can't figure out how to post Fotki images here. I can upload, but can't paste into a post. This will probably just show as a link.

[photo id=rqrkbtfstgtrbkgxwwbgtwdbtwwdd type=vi style=1 align=no link=photo]

[photo id=rqrkbdqrgqrswsrxwwbgtwdbtwwdd type=vi style=1 align=no link=photo]

Actually, these aren't even links. They come from the "share" option and I have no idea what to do with them. The Fotki tutorials won't open for me.

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