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Safe to assume your using a very good plotter for the cutting of your vinyl? I have one that I use illustrator to create vectors for stickers and paint masks. But I couldn't imagine the machine I have creating cuts that small.

I'm interested In the process a bit, although I think I grasp the basic concept. Safe to assume you are having to mask each side? That's the part I'm really intrigued by, how do you line that up so well if so?

Amazing work really.. I wish I had better words for this build.

Edited by exesivefire
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Thanks guys.

Yeah, the small images can be tricky to cut. Lots of fine tuning to match the art to the vinyl and the cutting pressure to the vinyl as well. Weeding them out is another issue...

As for getting them onto the master, it's just a case of putting one character on at a time, measure first, eyeball as you go...

(There is a photo of the tire pattern in the mold on the previous page if that helps.)

The web wheel is the "safe" choice... But who says I have to play it safe?

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Mark, looking fantastic. Nice and clean as usual. Very nice results on the molding and casting as well. BJB has very nice stuff. I've used their F70 before as it is my "go to" whenever I need to make rubber tires. I'm always lurking looking for more progress here lol, keep up the amazing job.

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Thanks Mike.

I'm using the ST-3040. I tweaked the formula ratio a little to get the durometer I wanted. Which is a nice feature of the product, you can consistently make different degrees of 'rubberyness" with the same materials by adjusting the formula, and still maintian overall integrity.

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Mark, sound like I am in the minority but I like the 5 spoke better. A little more for the eye to follow.

Actually with all comments from different forums tallied, your choice ties it. Have to see what looks best once the body is made...

Edited by Scale-Master
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Both wheels are beautiful. My choice would be the web wheel, only because it looks more like a performance wheel to me. I guess my final opinion would depend on what look you're going for on the overall car, which is a little hard to tell in these early stages.

Very inspirational work on all these pieces.


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Part of the issue for me is I want this one to be visually different than the others I have built.

So while some of the parts I'm choosing to make would not be my first choice if I were building only one model (or a real car) there is a reason. Besides, I can always build another after this one...

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the rivet counter in me is really enjoying this build.

seeing how you translate what seems to be intimate knowledge/exposure of the real parts down to scaled parts is informative and inspirational, just seeing that it can be done (with hints on how it was done) gives me ideas on how I can improve my own skills.

I really appreciate that your hinges duplicate or mimic the real hinges.

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Thanks guys. Yes, not everyone's cup of tea for sure. For what it is worth, I have had the opportunity to buy a real Seven. I have very little interest in building or even owning a real one now. (Maybe as a track car, but not for the street.)

While I enjoyed building my real Camaro, these just don't do it for me. Some say they are cute, but they are a bit homely too, even after the look grows on you... Plus, I prefer V8s.

Now, I guarantee this one will not look like a traditional Seven, (it is a custom after all), not that it will be necessarily pretty either...

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