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A looming operation.


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Hi guys and gals. I'm hoping to get a little support here. I have a spine operation coming soon due to a pair of collapsed disks down low in my spine. Futurabat (Jacen) and my sister have both moved out at the worst possible time. :( A couple weeks back I had a disk in my tailbone explode and another one just above plain collapsed. I have to go in next monday for an operation and I don't mind saying i'm scared out of my mind!

I contacted our big Kahuna for some advice and he was awesome! Thank you so much Gregg! He put some of my fears to rest, but the closer the date for my op comes the more nervous i'm getting. I mean, this is my spine! One little slip and i'm in a chair the rest of my life. That scares me like you wouldn't believe.

So i'm reaching out to the friends i've made here for moral support. Prayers...mental hugs...good vibes through the force, I don't care how the thought comes, I just hope my friends here think of me and send good thoughts. Thanks for reading.

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If you need help with whoever is beating you up let me know. I also have a fresh pack of exacto blades in my hobby room. I will do your surgery for 1/2 price of what those hacks down at the horsepital will do it for.

If you choose to go with them i will understand. I need to work on my models anyway.

Good luck.

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Don't worry, be happy, , It will be OK, I got 5 out of 7 in my neck steel plated, and duck tape and wire holding the rest together,,

You will be OK, My Prayers and Best wishes are with ya,, Every 3 months i have a 3in needle in my tailbone,,

Now for Humor, 3 mos after my surgery, i have this coller around my neck and cann't move good,,so setting in my recliner and

Me and the chair went over backwards,, I looked like a turtle rounding around trying to get up,, wasn't funny at the time..

but sure is now when i think about it,,,,

You will be OK, ya got lots of prayers comin your way..........

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I'm sure all will go well and your recovery will be quick. You have to figure these doctors have done this operation 100s if not 1000s of times before, so they definately know what they are doing. The advances in medicine have been unbelievable, and I'm sure they will make things as easy as possible.

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Look at it this way.

A: The operation is going to happen, nothing you can do about it.

B: The doctors are pros and know what they're doing.

C: Worrying isn't going to have any effect on the doctors doing the surgery, it's only going to mess you up. So worrying is pointless.

I know... easy for me to say, I'm not the one having the surgery. But worrying about it really is pointless when you think about it.

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Channel that worry into something worthwhile, like the things you want to do once you are healed and can get back to a more normal life.

As Harry said, have faith in the doctors and their abilities and you will come out fine. Saying a few prayers wouldn't hurt either.

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Hey Kevin,i know its easier said than done but put your fears to rest,I honestly know four of my friends that had back surgery,and two that had pretty much the same as you will and all four are doing just fine years later,one friend who had major major back and neck surgery(she broke her neck and exploded disk and broke her back,serious auto accident) the only complaint she has six years later is some pain moves in when the cold weather hits....she said you will be fine ..........

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I had a ruptured disk operated on in Feb. '11. I had 2 open heart surgeries before that (1st I had 2 weeks to think about, 2nd one I had no decision on!) and neither scared me as much as thinking about someone cutting on my back, but it all went well and I'm back to doing everything I did before. No pain, no problems. Keep a positive attitude about it and we will all keep you in our prayers. Good luck!!!

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I wish you all the best with your surgery Kevin. Remember the doctors are performing these operations everyday. With the technology they have at hand now they can work with precision.

I know it is tough not to worry when you are faced with such a serious situation.

Your faith in the doctors and god will get you through.

We'll all be here for you when you are feeling better.

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You are in the boat I was in, no other alternative! So you just have faith in the skill God gave the surgeon and go.

Unfortunately after showing some improvement shortly after surgery mine started getting worse and here I sit. I know that one day I will have to go back again but will wait until again the pain is so bad or my mobility so impaired that there is no other way.

Now, I have seen way more good outcomes than bad and it leans more to the good with each passing year as skills and technology have greatly improved! So the chance of a meaningful recovery is far greater than back in 97 when I had mine done.

No doubt you will discover that from that point on you will have limitation, but if they can alleviate the pain the mobility limits are easier to deal with.

Good luck and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers to help see you through! :)

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I've broken my back twice and my neck once so I know EXACTLY what you are going through. The absolute BEST advice I can give you is to listen to what the doctors tell you about allowing yourself to fully heal. The worst thing you can do is to try to push yourself too soon and screw up what they just fixed. You are going to have a bit of pain at first of course and probably eventually be a little achey when the barometric pressure drops right before a storm but it will be NOTHING compared to what I'm quite sure you have now.

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