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Whaaa happened ?


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I had to try that other forum for a while and never did figure it out but, it helped me cope. Please don't let this happen again if you can help it. I guess I didn't realize I was on here so much. It was like having the electricity off all day, how you keep turning the light switch on over and over. :lol:

Edited by rmvw guy
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Yep, I missed my fix too. I like both this magazine and Scale Auto, I think the competition keeps both mags on their toes and gives us as customers a better product. However, I TOO find Scale Auto's online site hard tonavigate, so this site and the Message Board of Tom's are my coffee companions first thing every morning.....'Z'

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I too was in full withdrawal mode, uncontrolled sweating, constant shaking, dry mouth, loose bowels the whole deal. I told myself when/if it came back I'd take it slow and not over do it but I lied to myself. The other forum is full of jamokes that start a post like "knight rider car collection" and I say hmm that might be cool to see and then I click on it and the jamoke has a post "I like knight rider and have some models from the show" there are no pictures just dopey words. Then another jamoke posts "new project delorian limo" and he posts " I would like to build a delorian limo" wtf????? So would 50% of the people here numb nuts where are the progress pics dum dum.

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MODERATORS - - - Please - Please - Please - do NOT close, Lock or Delete this post...

Yeah it's amazing how we go into withdrawal when we can't get something that we've been used to having everyday isn't it..!!

According to Gregg, it is necessary to upgrade the Server, and, due to (according to him) the circulation #'s going down, and the fact that Gregg lays out the $200 per month to keep the Forum up and running OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET and NOT the magazine's, he's almost at the point of thinking that it may not be worth the cost (to him) for the upgrade.

I for one (and I'm sure many others here too) would be more than willing, and happy to do it, to contribute to the cost of keeping this site up and running as efficiently as possible. With all that we spend on this great hobby (for kits (plastic or resin), parts, tools, paints, glues, magazines, going to shows, etc..) surely we can find an extra buck or two (or maybe even more) to keep this little part of our addiction going. There are how many hundreds and hundreds of people who are members of this Forum..?? If we each threw in a buck or two, (I don't know where we'd throw it yet since this is only a suggestion at this point) Gregg (who has enough troubles with his constant back pain issues......he said he'd have to be wheeled to the NNL East if he was actually able to go) would not have to lay out ANYTHING from his own shallow pockets...!!!

Lets stand up and be heard about this issue...... Who wants to help to keep this Forum going...???

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The outage just shows us how much we all enjoy this forum.

I am with you Dr. Cranky. If help is needed to donate I would. Maybe that is all he needs to do is setup a donation account.

I was talking to Gregg a couple of weeks ago about getting the magazine in a digital format. I have subsribed to other mags this way and really enjoy having them available on my notebook and iPad. I know Gregg is looking into this and hopefully this will increase the

subsriptions and make things a little easier for him in the long run.

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Guest G Holding

WHOA........Gregg is OK...and I do thank him for this site....BUT, stop the pity...GREGG is a businessman and this forum is to sell copy and make money...SIMPLE.

If the issue is loss of copy sales, then I might suggest get it out timely....EVERY ISSUE !

I never know when I will find a copy or where....B&N doesn't carry it in many locations.

PLEASE....can we get the magazine on a REGULAR BASIS ? that would solve these "problems"

I also never understand why MCM forum is always crashing....

No I am not crying, just want the best for all of us!

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I had to try that other forum for a while and never did figure it out but, it helped me cope. Please don't let this happen again if you can help it. I guess I didn't realize I was on here so much. It was like having the electricity off all day, how you keep turning the light switch on over and over. :lol:

You mean there's ANOTHER forum?

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MODERATORS - - - Please - Please - Please - do NOT close, Lock or Delete this post...

Yeah it's amazing how we go into withdrawal when we can't get something that we've been used to having everyday isn't it..!!

According to Gregg, it is necessary to upgrade the Server, and, due to (according to him) the circulation #'s going down, and the fact that Gregg lays out the $200 per month to keep the Forum up and running OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET and NOT the magazine's, he's almost at the point of thinking that it may not be worth the cost (to him) for the upgrade.

I for one (and I'm sure many others here too) would be more than willing, and happy to do it, to contribute to the cost of keeping this site up and running as efficiently as possible. With all that we spend on this great hobby (for kits (plastic or resin), parts, tools, paints, glues, magazines, going to shows, etc..) surely we can find an extra buck or two (or maybe even more) to keep this little part of our addiction going. There are how many hundreds and hundreds of people who are members of this Forum..?? If we each threw in a buck or two, (I don't know where we'd throw it yet since this is only a suggestion at this point) Gregg (who has enough troubles with his constant back pain issues......he said he'd have to be wheeled to the NNL East if he was actually able to go) would not have to lay out ANYTHING from his own shallow pockets...!!!

Lets stand up and be heard about this issue...... Who wants to help to keep this Forum going...???

I wouldn't mind throwing in a few

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WHOA........Gregg is OK...and I do thank him for this site....BUT, stop the pity...GREGG is a businessman and this forum is to sell copy and make money...SIMPLE.

If the issue is loss of copy sales, then I might suggest get it out timely....EVERY ISSUE !

I never know when I will find a copy or where....B&N doesn't carry it in many locations.

PLEASE....can we get the magazine on a REGULAR BASIS ? that would solve these "problems"

I also never understand why MCM forum is always crashing....

No I am not crying, just want the best for all of us!

GREAT point !

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MODERATORS - - - Please - Please - Please - do NOT close, Lock or Delete this post...

Yeah it's amazing how we go into withdrawal when we can't get something that we've been used to having everyday isn't it..!!

According to Gregg, it is necessary to upgrade the Server, and, due to (according to him) the circulation #'s going down, and the fact that Gregg lays out the $200 per month to keep the Forum up and running OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET and NOT the magazine's, he's almost at the point of thinking that it may not be worth the cost (to him) for the upgrade.

I for one (and I'm sure many others here too) would be more than willing, and happy to do it, to contribute to the cost of keeping this site up and running as efficiently as possible. With all that we spend on this great hobby (for kits (plastic or resin), parts, tools, paints, glues, magazines, going to shows, etc..) surely we can find an extra buck or two (or maybe even more) to keep this little part of our addiction going. There are how many hundreds and hundreds of people who are members of this Forum..?? If we each threw in a buck or two, (I don't know where we'd throw it yet since this is only a suggestion at this point) Gregg (who has enough troubles with his constant back pain issues......he said he'd have to be wheeled to the NNL East if he was actually able to go) would not have to lay out ANYTHING from his own shallow pockets...!!!

Lets stand up and be heard about this issue...... Who wants to help to keep this Forum going...???

i would help to l love this forum.....

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Wow! I think it was Friday evening that I was responding to a post, hit POST and nothing happened. So I went my merry way. I didn't even check in yesterday because I was busy with real life and got the NNL East vendor mailing together and out. Today we did a big clean up of the house and junk purge, so I'm just back now.

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