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Model Cars Magazine Forum

What brings you to this forum?

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I am here simply because a while back I had a question ( a model car question ) Over "there", the answer was "go search". Here I got an actual answer ( in fact many ) practically right away. And that's what the forum should be. Model builders helping other model builders! Thanks to the whole gang.

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This is the first site I came to when I finally got my computer, about a year and a few months ago.

and I visit on a daily basis, sometime just lurking. I also have a Play Station Portable that I use at work,

(free Internet, I love it) and I visit during lunch.

This Model Cars Magazine forum is like going to a club meeting. the atmosphere is friendly, everyone shares there

how to's and great tips. I do however go over to that other site to look around but I always have my sweatshirt hood up,

and pants saggin' down, you also need to adopt a thug like attitude, then your O.K. for a half hour or so.

But I never go a day without my M.C.M. Forums. Addicted Yes, and with 400 cable T.V. channels, I still can't find much

to watch on the teli. My wife loves it, she knows where I'm at all the time. He's in his model room, or He's on the computer.

Overall this forum has the best people. All you guys that have posted a reply to this topic, I admire and respect very much.

Its the people, Respecting each other and Supporting each other.

Thats what brings me to this forum.

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I come here to see and discuss model cars; not Uncle Jack's toe operation, Freddie's sick hamster prayer request, the transmission bolt size in a '73 AMC Hornet or any of the other stuff that people argue about on another certain board I occassionally visit. Also, it seems as if you have to belong to a certain "clique" in order for people to comment on your builds. I like the atmosphere over here.

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I came to this forum because I had some questions about certain kits & the real things, and I figured that the people here could give me some answers. Also, I figured that since I'd been building models since December 2005 (I built some snap-together models before that, but not on a regular basis), it was about time I joined a model car/truck forum.

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I came here because it is a terrific magazine and website. I have enjoyed the mag, Gregg's editorials and Jairus's art and models so much, it is just an inspiration just to browse around. I was "fired" from my job at the last model car contest we held because I spent so much time talking to the guys about their cars while they were entering them. I was a bottleneck, and at 60 still have the high level of enthusiasm and I really don't know why.

Then comes the icing. I really had no expectations when I first browsed on work in progress and finished work, and the stuff you guys showed me was just out of the world.

I enjoy talking cars and model cars, and really like participating on internet forums. I am a member of 3 model railroading forums (yeah, I do that too), this and the other mag's forum, but spend an infinite more time here.

Because of the models and topics.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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Hmmm.... Very Philosophical... Why are we here?

Well, Its the one board I haven't been 86'd from! :lol:

I spend a little time on Spotlight, Traditional R&K and here. Its all about the people and the talent they bring to the board. And the fact that, at least here, you know who you're talking to! (I hate trolls :huh: ) I find the boards are a vital part of our hobby nowadays... without them we'd be building in the dark (much like the 80's!)

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I'm here because -

The eye candy and wonderful builds that completely inspire me to continue on

The wealth of information and helpful members here

The fact that people act like adults here and can handle an indifference in a civilized manner.

Model Cars Magazine itself.

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I'm here because I really like the format, and how it's moderated. I also like the fact, as Steve H said, that you know who your talking to. . . not to mention that some of the best talent in our little corner of the world post here, and are more than willing to share.

I also post regularly on Spotlight. As far as the bickering and OT posts, I just "usually" ignore it. Though I will say I am the kind of dude that if I have some thing to say, I'll say it.

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I've been a regular at the SA site the last few years, and lately things have been ...................tense there. So Harry told me about this site and here I am, hoping for some relief, and looking forward to some activity without all the bickering.

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Where else would I go? Like everyone else says. The builds, the people and the need to share my experiences with likeminded individuals. This is the only forum I have ever posted to and I don’t feel the need to look for any others. I appreciate the honest discord and good natured ribbing that I see. I also believe it is the duty of us older more experienced builders to share techniques and building styles with the younger guys learning the ropes. It is our job to keep the hobby moving forward and to encourage others to join in on the fun. And in doing that, I believe we will all become more energized and begin to exceed our own expectations. I also believe that we all want to belong….fit in….and be accepted for who we are. This forum does that. I don’t mean to sound goopy or syrupy, but this is a great place to share what we all have in common….a love for building something with our own hands and sharing our vision with others. Besides, it’s cheaper than a therapist.

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I've been a regular at the SA site the last few years, and lately things have been ...................tense there. So Harry told me about this site and here I am, hoping for some relief, and looking forward to some activity without all the bickering.

Welcome to the sandbox.

Hey...that's MY shovel! I'm telling!!!

Gregg!!!! Jairus!!!

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I have been building for 48 years. For years it was lonely, only a few model car mags, which then began to cover just slot cars or funny cars, not what I was into.... However, Augie Hiscano came to my attention along with the XK-R (R stands for Rod) AKA The Blue Roadster, which inspires me to this day....Then there were no model mags, poor selection of kits, no aftermarket.... Then new model car mags arrived again, the aftermarket began to blossom, home computers were available, and the internet happened.... now there are model car foums, loads of aftermarket goodies, plenty of kits.... model life is good! This forum (and others) enriches my hobby because I can share, fellowship, see gobs of great models, be inspired, get ideas, have fun, trade stuff, see contest pix when I can't attend in person, have fun, and oh did I mention have fun? By the way, where are all the chicks you guys keep mentioning? It's not even Easter...... :P:huh::P

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I came to this forum looking for some parts that I thought were no longer available hoping that someone here had extras that I might be able to trade for or purchase I got an immediate response to my question that directed me to the owner of the business that originally made the parts and I now have them on the way!!! Then I started looking around and the quality of the builds, skills, talent and overall extremely mature attitude not to mention EVERYONE is always very helpful with any questions you have or techniques youd like to learn....those things keep me coming back. It's just another really cool place to hang out if your into model cars.


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  • 2 months later...

Hello all! I started building In May 07' from being absent since the age of 18. i stopped not because i was bored' Just being a teenager made me stop. I started surfin the net to see what has become of the model world. When i got to MCM forum site needless to say I was very surprised and excited seeing the builds. I wanted to jump right in the water. I dont know of any other boards being that this was the first on the search list. The biggest problem I face now is soaking this all up and that i need to just stickin to one build at a time. Seeing everyone's builds and the subjects being built are cars that i would work on so

I have 4 WIP's. What sticks out the most about being here is that everyone carries the same passion for the hobby which ultimately brings the best out of everyone. With that being said thanks for your time and hope to hear from more of you. Theres alot of registered people but dont hear from most. Bigg-ups for the forum admin.



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What brings me to this forum? My computer and the Internet! LOL :) Seriously though, this place seems to be a real nice place. The mag reminds me of the old Car Modeler mag (with COLOR pictures!) before the publishing company did away with it and just went with SA. I used to frequent the SA site (Yes, I know that is a dirty word here) daily, but grew tired of the bickering, backstabbing, name-calling, slandering, etc,etc, that it has reduced itself to.If I wanted to deal with that I would just go into work!! LOL Anyway, this seems to be a real laid-back type atmosphere in here, which is usually what I need before going in to or after coming home from work. Mageck

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