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fao Gregg


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I've been building models most of my life, and I'm 59 years old. I learn a lot of stuff from this form, it inspires me and motivates me, but some of us older modelers need to be teachings younger builders in a positive way,(not netigave way) Wich includes kit manafactures and people, We are model builders not demelation experts, I'm from southern California. I remember Roddey King saying can't we all just get along. Thank Gregg for giving us a second chance

Mike Flynn

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I don't frequent many forums much anymore (three actually) but this is one of them. It would be cool if some of these guys could keep a decent perspective on things and try to realize things that should and shouldn't be put on a public forum. Gregg, hopefully you see fit to let this forum continue; it IS a very good resource for us modelers. Thanks for making it happen. B)

Edited by Tonioseven
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I have subscribed to the magazine for many years but have only been using this forum for a bit over a year or so. I look forward each day to leaving work and coming home for a shower and then sit down and relax and spend some time here. I would truly miss this place if it was not here. I think this forum is much better than the "other" one. I subscribe to the "other" magazine as well but almost never check out their forum. Would be a shame to loose all this information and "eye candy" because of a few people don't know how to act. Keep er' going please !

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I subcribe and love the magazine! I enjoy the forum very much and have learned a ton from other guys!

In the Bible, Galations 6:9 says:

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Don't lose heart!!

Hang in there Gregg. Don't the NEGAHOLICS bring you down.

Keep on Modeling!!

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let me state, on this fourth page of replies to my original post, that i did not mean this thread to be an unequivocal lovefest. in any endeavor there are ups and downs, and i dont think it right to hide the downs while pushing the ups. i think all comments have some validity and just because they express a "negative" tone against what might be seen as the "party line" doesnt mean they shouldnt be expressed or they dont represent a reality based opinion. what i was asking was that Gregg not take it so seriously, both for his own health and the health of the board itself. just, as i said, let it be...if there are threats or personal insults etc then take them down but otherwise just let the ship sail itself. its been running for years now and we all find it of use to us, a constant source of inspiration (in my case anyway) and a great place to talk to or commiserate with fellow modelers. dont get all angst-ed out when people post stuff you would rather not see or rather not deal with, just realize they are one (or more) opinions out of a whole lot more...and maybe some of them should be acted on. but dont take it personally and dont let it ruin your day. be proud of what youve accomplished here even if it is not perfect...perfection is a very rare commodity in the world today so expect that this forum will remain far from perfect.

as an aside i would also advise to tell the moderators to ONLY moderate in pretty extreme cases. there is very little need, in my eyes anyway, for the moderators to baby sit the forum as they have come to do here lately. but even with that, i would hate to see the forum disappear especially if it only was because of some minor headaches or a too "hands on" approach to moderation and the reaction to that moderation.

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Thanks to Gregg and all the mods keeping the forum going. I know it's gotta be tough managing a magazine AND a forum.

While I don't know exactly what went down a couple days ago, I will say that back some time ago I caused a lot of drama, and if you guys didn't see my post I made about it, I sincerely apologize for being a know it all jerk.

I am glad the forum came back! It would have been terrible to lose a such a great resource.


Edited by SuperStockAndy
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Best model-car magazine, best model-car forum, most well-thought-out posts, huge knowledge base, much appreciated. And it was the forum that made me start buying the mag.

PS: If anyone notices I've put something on upside-down, please TELL me.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Best model-car magazine, best model-car forum, most well-thought-out posts, huge knowledge base, much appreciated. And it was the forum that made me start buying the mag.

PS: If anyone notices I've put something on upside-down, please TELL me.

what if it's right-side up but backwards, or maybe only 90 degrees off instead of 180 degrees? :D

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I don't see any problem with moderators 'moderating', as long as it's reasonable. If forum participants conduct themselves in a gentlemanly fashion, there is no need for moderators....but..... that's in a perfect world. :wacko: . The forum represents Gregg's magazine so Gregg can't be blamed for being concerned if it takes a turn he doesn't like. It's his sandbox.

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I really felt a sense of loss the day that Greg took the forum down. I went to the "other guys" just to feed my daily need, it just wasn't the same. Greg I don't subscribe, because our mail service here is terrible. But I NEVER MISS AN ISSUE, thanks to my LHS. It would be a real loss to the hobby if we were to loose this resourse, please don't let em get to ya. Thanks for providing this forum, we all appreciate it, cause we wouldn't be here if we didn't.


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Guest G Holding

as an aside i would also advise to tell the moderators to ONLY moderate in pretty extreme cases. there is very little need, in my eyes anyway, for the moderators to baby sit the forum as they have come to do here lately. but even with that, i would hate to see the forum disappear especially if it only was because of some minor headaches or a too "hands on" approach to moderation and the reaction to that moderation.


Never will happen

Edited by G Holding
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I've had no problems with the moderators doing what they do or how they do it. I don't kick the hornets nest so I don't get them stirred up. I build models, I talk about models, I post models. No issues with mods. Seems like an easy recipe.

I learned a while back that is easier to just not reply when someone says something that gets me riled. I used to really go off on someone acting like an idiot on the forums until I realized I was just giving them what they wanted - more attention.

I'm sorry things have gotten bad enough that Gregg is considering throwing in the towel. It's a sad statement in itself when you consider 95% of members are grown adults, aged 30+.

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